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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. I found Fannish on TripAdvisor is a wealth of knowledge just search by ship name and you will great information.
  2. Good morning, it was a windy day yesterday and watching DGS play soccer last night did not help my cough. Much better this morning. I am hoping for frost to kill off the pollen but none in sight for the next couple of weeks. Molly really hates my coughing. She gives me dirty looks and moves to the other end of the sofa. She is a weird dog. DGS is off school today so he spent the night. I will have to think of something fun indoors. It is very windy today and I learned my lesson last night. @mamaofamiI am sorry to hear about DH’s troubles. I was talking with a friend on how exhausting it was taking care of my DH with all the ups and downs, tests, visits etc. Everyone tells you to rest and take care of yourself. I never seemed to find the time. My only advice is to listen to your body and do what you need to do. I hope @marshhawkmade it to Rome. Happy cruising to our friends. I really need to work on my next cruise. Prayers for those in need. Have a great day.
  3. Good morning, Thanks for the birthday wishes. I do not have anything special planned for today. DS and family will celebrate with me tomorrow. I like today’s quote. It seems fitting today. I have been to Costa Maya. Not a fan of the roads. We went to a resort and the roads were so full of holes I was afraid the van would break down. I hope Annie and Chuck have an uneventful travel day. The past few days have been crazy for them. One of my favorite cookbooks is one we put together for a family reunion. Lots of good old recipes. Prayers for those in need and have a great day.
  4. Good almost afternoon, I have a late start on the daily today I went to the hand surgeon for what I thought would be a steroid injection in my trigger finger and I somehow have surgery scheduled. The decision was based on that if the steroid does not work no surgery for 3 months. Which will not work as I will be on my cruise. What is making me nervous is that it is not until November 30th and giving me just a month to recover. I am on a cancellation list for an earlier date. Happy belated birthday Pennie. You are a fellow Libra. My birthday is tomorrow. There is so much going on with everyone it is hard to keep up with it all. Prayers and well wishes to our daily friends. Have a great day.
  5. Good chilly morning, Fall is here, cold one day and hot the next. I will wait a bit to got for a walk. Molly is a fair weather dog. I talked to my DSIL yesterday. No changes on baby Murphy. Still on the ventilator, still not tolerating feeds well and not gaining weight. So sad for all. My asthma is finally improving. I hope to be swimming by the end of the week. I should be set for vaccines next week. I look forward to trying some of the recipes Debbie posted. I tried the white chicken enchiladas this weekend and they were a hit. Thanks Debbie for your contributions. Prayers for our care list and those around the world who need it. Happy cruising for our dailyites and have a great day.
  6. Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends, Thanksgiving is my favorite meal to make and eat. I am not sure what I will do this year. I have not heard anything about Murphy. I will try to check in with DSIL today. They went on a camping trip last week and I did not want to bother them. Prayers for those in the world suffering from violence. Prayers for our care list. There is lots of pain our Dailyites are suffering from. Happy cruising to our lucky cruisers. Have a great day.
  7. Good afternoon, Prayers for the people of Israel and our dear cruisers in Israel who must be so frightened. Safe travels for those embarking on their new adventures. My thougts and prayers for our care list Have a good weekend.
  8. After last years Holiday fiasco with flying. I am flying in 3 days early to San Diego for my Grand Australia cruise. Fingers crossed.
  9. Good morning or what is left of the morning, I am late again to the party. I slept better and the cough is improving some. I suspect sitting out in the windy evening air watching DGS play soccer did not help. I was a bit surprised when my son told me one of the men watching the game was the coach of the “Academy” which starts at age 6 and is a tryout team. At 6? I have to say the league he is on is good and all about the kids having fun while learning. ( DGS has figured out how to get first in line for the candy at the end of the practice/game!) I am just not so sure about tryouts this young. The coach came up and talked to DGS and commented on his game and specific praise. DGS is having so much fun I don’t want that to change. I encourage anyone who is interested in history to watch the documentary on the polio vaccine. It was eye opening to know we could have had it sooner if the two major players and one in particular played together better. Sad really. I am not sure we are that much better now. It looks like our cruisers are having fun. I am enjoying there tales and pictures. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  10. “A week ago I read that Georgia required a prescription for the RSV vaccination, but when I called the pharmacy yesterday to ask some questions the tech said that was no longer true, that it had just changed. With my chronic cough not getting better (just the opposite) I am considering getting a shot. DH has no problems with his lungs at all and probably wouldn't. We both get flu shots every year though.” Sandi I always told my families we vaccinate not only for ourselves but to protect our loved ones. So it would be a good idea for DH to be vaccinated to lessen the chance RSV coming into the house making you sick.
  11. My thoughts on RSV vaccine may different than some but here it goes.. RSV is a nasty respiratory virus that causes congestion and horrible cough that lasts 4 to 6 weeks. The very young ( which I cared for ) and us senior citizens have the hardest time with it. As I sit here coughing with my asthma I am more convince I will be well getting the shot even if I have to pay for it. I spend thousands of dollars on my cruises I sure what to enjoy them. Now off my soap box. I plan to get all three RSV,Flu and COVID if available in 2 weeks.
  12. Good morning, Thank you Sandi for all your pictures. My Norway cruise in May is one of my favorites. It would have been top of my list if DH was still alive and with me. it is a beautiful fall day. I will venture out into the pollen this evening to watch DGS play soccer. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  13. @0106 great news on the rebooking and still getting premium seats. Such a stressful way to start your trip. You will appreciate the fun and relaxation even more once you get there! Bon Voyage!
  14. Once I am on a ship I am having so much fun I forget what line I am on. It is only when things go wrong I will remember and avoid going again. I used up my FCC on Celebrity and now choose itinerary over ship. HAL fits that bill right now. Who knows what the future will bring.
  15. Good morning, Asthma still a problem. I am hoping to turn the corner today. I do believe I slept better. The winds have died down which should help with the pollen. Happy Birthday Vanessa. You do a wonderful job with our care list. I hope your pain improves. Yikes on canceled flight! It has happened all to frequently with me lately. I actually have 2 points flights booked to get to San Diego for my GA cruise. I will cancel one once I know the preferred flight is going. I agree with Sandi, look for alternative flights while waiting for flight ease. Welcome to new members. This is a wonderful group. Everyone is so supportive. Question for those who have been on Grand Voyages. What have you done about mail? Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  16. Roy, I am glad you are having a good time despite the weather.
  17. Good morning, It is another sunny morning with possible rain showers overnight. I did not sleep well last night due to coughing. So frustrating. Hopefully it will be better tonight. Molly had her annual vet appointment and is sleeping off her vaccines. She is a little sore if I touch her in the wrong place. @Quartzsite Cruiser I am glad you are home and I hope everyone feels better when you wake up. @smitty34877 those moments will come and go and hit you at odd times. It is still so new for you. I love the picture. @kazu happy travels. It was a long time in coming. I can’t wait to read about your trip. You are one of the main reasons I did my first solo cruise. No news on baby Murphy other than my niece had to go back to work yesterday. She is able to do most things remotely and the hospital has a quiet private room she can use. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  18. I had my 2nd HAL cruise in May (my first HAL cruise was in 2013). I had mainly cruised Royal than Celebrity. I chose the May cruise for it’s itinerary and loved the ship and people. I have two more booked (94 days and 35 days). Celebrity is not offering the cruises I want so I found them somewhere else.
  19. Good morning, it is another sunny hot day with hig expected to be 90. It will cool down by Friday with highs in low 60’s. The mold count is high and my asthma is in rare form so I skipped swimming this morning. Hoped by tomorrow. Thanks for the pics Sandi, it is getting me excited about my cruise. The only car I named was the Mustang I recently sold. Her name was Ruby for he red color. We won a few awards with her. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. A few pics from Cider Fest. Emmie is trying not to smile.
  20. Good afternoon, I am late to the party and want to wish safe travels to our daily friends . @HAL Sailer I will send up special prayers for you and your DH. Things happen so quickly when they are critically ill. We went to a Cider Fest this morning and it was hot. I walked through the pumpkin patch and the kids picked out a few. I said I would go as long as I got some apple cider doughnuts. They were delicious. Have a great rest to your day everyone.
  21. Roy, I am so glad you went on the cruise. Have a wonderful time and I will be following along.
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