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  1. Target date to go home is October 9 or preferably 10. Roy
  2. Look at Queen Mary 2 for the other direction. Roy
  3. @Quartzsite Cruiser, I sent one some time today but somehow at times email is very slow. I see Keith tomorrow. Roy
  4. Today’s update will be from Amanda and very late as she flies home before the hurricane. Roy
  5. 3 1/2 consecutive hours tomorrow with the afternoon off. Roy
  6. Quick update I am now in an inpatient rehab facility in Baltimore. Roy
  7. Thanks. Stroke was not even on my radar when I called, as there was nothing but vertigo. Even in the hospital they had almost ruled out a stroke for a couple of days. Roy
  8. They do but they give one OT and one PT each weekend. Since I got both today I expect nothing tomorrow. Roy
  9. Sorry, I do like to play amateur detective and am pretty sure I know what ship you’re on. Have a WONDERFUL cruise. Roy
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