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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Special thanks to Canada and especially Newfoundland on this sad day. Roy
  2. Fire Department Office Manager brought over some resources from home and I can finally login to Cruise Critic. Just a bit more time here and then I’ll be transferred to an inpatient rehab center. Roy
  3. I think in the US National Suicide Prevention Day is September 8 in honor of the new hotline 988. Roy
  4. @Quartzsite Cruiser, our fire department office manager went to my house and picked up a couple of more frequently used IPADS and I can finally log into Cruise Critic. If you’re willing it would still be helpful to me to send updates through you. Roy
  5. Sadly, I spoke too soon. The student did not make it. RIP, Roy
  6. Yikes, another school shooting in Maryland but only one injury that doesn't sound life threatening. Shooter is in custody. Roy
  7. A trip down memory lane. This is the floral world map gracing the back wall of what is now the Tastes area on Symphony in it's early stages: Roy
  8. Today's sunrise is from my 2012 Crystal Symphony from Dover to New York. September 6 was the first sea day out of Dover: Roy
  9. Today's sunrise is from my 2012 Crystal Symphony from Dover to New York. September 6 was the first sea day out of Dover: Roy
  10. Happy Anniversary @StLouisCruisers. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Eva, Ann, and Dixie for the FR&D I like all 3 of today’s days. Special prayers for Jacqui Ann, Pat, Terri, Jim, Melissa, Chuck, Annie and Tana with Annie and Chuck at the top of the list. I like the Thoreau quote... I visited Koh Samui on Queen Victoria in 2010 and MS Zaandam in 2012. A great day for Magellan’s crew. I became aware of Piggly when DD DB was in Charleston with the Navy put not it’s place in history. Probably on the steak.. My alternative is on hiatus until late September. . PT this morning followed by Wegmans.. Roy
  11. Although for men that's a pretty low bar as that rate is nearly 100%. I am very fortunate to have lived for 27 years. But do stay safe, Keith. Roy
  12. On the Zaandam I took one of the more of the unusual tours, an exploration of the sand dunes. Most of it was on dune buggies, souped up VW beetles with roll cages: We also got out and tried a little board surfing. I tried it sitting but not standing: Roy
  13. Today's sunrise is from my 2016 Crystal Serenity Northwest Passage cruise. September 5 was a sea day from Pond Inlet to Greenland. Roy
  14. Today's sunrise is from my 2016 Crystal Serenity Northwest Passage cruise. September 5 was a sea day from Pond Inlet to Greenland. Roy
  15. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Eva, Ann, and Dixie for the FR&D I like all 3 of today’s days. Special prayers for Jacaui Ann, Pat, Terri, Jim, Melissa, Chuck, Annie and Tana with Annie and Chuck at the top of the list. I like the Marley quote... I visited Pisco 3 consecutive years, 2016 and 2018 on Crystal Symphony, and 2017 on MS Zaandam. A great day in video history. Probably on the steak.. My alternative is on hiatus until late September. . A nice day with a chilly start. Mall walk this morning and UPS Fire House, and grocery this afternoon.. Roy
  16. No travel sunrise for September 4 but this was taken two years ago at the school building across the main street from me. Roy
  17. No travel sunrise for September 4 but this was taken two years ago at the school building across the main street from me. Roy
  18. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Eva, Ann, and Dixie for the FR&D I like all 3 of today’s days. Special prayers for Jacqui Ann, Pat, Terri, Jim, Melissa, Chuck, Annie and Tana with Annie and Chuck at the top of the list. I always had a cluttered desk.. A day behind on port of the day days. 12 years ago today I disembarked Queen Mary 2 in Southampton and transferred to Dover to board Crystal Symphony back to New York on September 5. A great day in history. Possibly on the soup.. My alternative is on hiatus until late September. . Happy birthday to Sharon's mom. A nice day with a chilly start. Cardiology this afternoon.. Roy
  19. That's where it was on my cruise. Roy
  20. I got pretty bullheaded about getting a sunrise for as many calendar days as possible. This is from a parking garage near the mall where I walk 2 years ago; Roy
  21. I got pretty bullheaded about getting a sunrise for as many calendar days as possible. This is from a parking garage near the mall where I walk 2 years ago; Roy
  22. That's correct. Since I was actually on one of the Pinnacle Panama Canal cruises I certainly know which ship it was. Roy
  23. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Eva, Ann, and Dixie for the FR&D I like all 3 of today’s days. Special prayers for Jacqui, Ann, Pat, Terri, Jim, Melissa, Chuck, Annie and Tana with Annie and Chuck at the top of the list. I like the Aristotle quote.. Been to Southampton many times, embarking Crystal Symphony in 1996, then Cunard for embarkation, disembarkation, B2B turnaround, and even a transfer from one ship to another. Two great days in history. I splurged yesterday and enjoyed a burger at a restaurant that’s too far to go except on special occasions.. My alternative is on hiatus until late September. . A nice day with a chilly start. PT this morning and haircut this afternoon.. Roy
  24. Audio Visual. We livestream the service to some people at home. Roy
  25. Today's sunrise is from the 2012 QM2 crossing to Southampton and the Crystal Symphony. September 2 was the penultimate sea day: Roy
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