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Posts posted by ekco

  1. Hi Jan, don't know what's wrong with Aligarter's countdown clocks. Mine have always been wiped off automatically once we've sailed.


    You keeping OK? Only 5 weeks today till we're on Majesty :D:D



    Hi Berwyn. Not recovered yet, we've had the grandchildren for 2 days. Aargh!! Shattered!


    I have to go in and delete my countdown clocks. Lucky you going on Majesty, I've got a bit to wait yet. I'm sooo jealous.:):)



  2. cut out the liquid shampoo and conditioners by using lush solid block ones make clothes smell nice as well.


    Funny that, I was just passing Lush this afternoon. Perhaps you could explain what this product is and how to use it. Thanks.


    Would you be so kind as to cut down some of your countdown clocks. There is so much scrolling to do when there are a lot of them. They soon add up to half a page. My scrolling pad is getting worn out, lol. Thanks again.:):)



  3. Best to be careful I think. We take the cards on lands trips as a backup just in case but changed some pounds into euros the other week when the rate improved. Not that we've got anything booked at the moment as we've got a trips to London for the Paralympics in a couple of weeks. They sent us free travel cards for each of the days we are attending which should come in very handy.:):)



  4. Hi Jan

    This has to be the best thread ever on here, well done starting it :) I've had some laughs on here :D


    Lol, and they said it would never last.:D It still makes me laugh thinking about false teeth flying past my window. I hope it never happens.:eek:


    I miss Berwyn, remember the troll who came on and saw his photo's then had the cheek to say that

    he and his wife always looked miserable. How rude.



  5. Hi grannypops. You are not alone, we picked up the wrong large case from the quayside in Palma last year and brought it all the way back to Manchester before we realized we had 2 large and not 1 large and 1 medium. We had an unusual pattern and just didn't double check (or should I say my husband didn't double check, lol). Luckily we didn't get charged overweight as the case was 27kg at weigh in. The penny didn't drop then even though we had made sure we were well under on the trip out. All was sorted out by the nice airport people and we got ours back a couple of days later.:D



  6. Lovely, the only thing you'll miss is the rocking up and down from the waves




    It's the same chain of resorts that we cruise and stayed in Turkey last year. Mix of nationalities and everything included with no wristbands or drunks. Tried the archery, mountainbiking and Tai Chi in Sharm but probably a bit hilly in Fuerta for cycling. I don't do hills, lol, gears are a mystery to me.:eek:


    That Zoo site looks good and thanks to grannypops for that. I'll have a good look later on.


    Sun still out. What is the Victorian Extravanganza? I think I'll go and park outside your house, lol.:D Put the eggs away Berwyn.:D



  7. We live about 10 minutes drive away from Manchester Airport on a nice road just near a hotel that serves the airport with a shuttle bus for guests who stay and park there. This doesn't stop people parking outside our houses in the night then beggering off in a taxi to the aiport and leaving their car here for a week. We had one a couple of weeks ago just opposite and we were all on full alert to catch them when they came back but as usual they sneaked back in the night. Posh car too and obviously someone who could well afford to pay, I bet they wouldn't have left it in Moss Side for a week!! They should think themselves lucky we didn't have it towed away!! Would these people like it if we parked outside their house for a week and disappeared, absolutely not!


    So my hint and tip is, unless you really want to rub the local residents up the wrong way don't do that.


    Sorry to sound grumpy but when you have to put up with this it's no joke.


    I could go on, lol. There's more, so much more.:eek::eek:



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