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Posts posted by JustUs275

  1. Hello all!

    We have a little snow, it's very windy and 18* here in southern Indiana. Not as cold as Canada or Maine, I'm sure!

    I weighed yesterday and did lose 2 lbs - I ate lots of homemade vegetable soup this week, which really hit the spot. Sweet potatoes (microwaved, topped with cinnamon) and some seasoned green beans have been my lunch favorites. I also managed to NOT buy tortilla chips when I bought groceries and I'm sure that really helped with the loss. 😁 

    Once again I proved to myself that it mostly comes down to making better choices, especially with not making a trip down that chip aisle in the grocery store! 

    Have a great weekend everyone!



  2. I have the very same questions! Our cruise isn't until October, so I'm hoping you do get some responses. We have been to Daniel Johnson's Sloth Hangout and highly recommend it! Our daughter/SIL/granddaughters will be sailing with us this time. The granddaughters want to go to the sloth hangout. Our daughter/SIL have snorkeled at Tabyana right off the beach and are hoping to do that again, but if there is great snorkeling (from the beach - not from a boat) at Brady's Cay, they are open to that too.



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  3. 2 hours ago, Psychecupid said:

    ...Harmony had climbing ivy, which made it seem like a real park. Last but not least, the giant purple dragons that run down the aft elevators on the Wonder was an absolute eyesore!...

    I totally agree with the purple creatures being an eyesore...they made me think of giant tapeworms! 🫢


    ...As mentioned above, Wonder has a new layout on the upper decks - Windjammer is in a U shape, so the crowd could flow easier...

    I really liked the Windjammer setup on Wonder, too. The only time we found it congested was at breakfast on port days. Otherwise, it did seem to flow really well and we enjoyed the food.


    We are on Harmony in October, so I was glad to read there are some really positive aspects compared to Wonder. Thanks for the info!




  4. Hello everyone,


    I had way too many chips and salsa this weekend - they are my weakness! 🤪

    But this is a new day, and I actually ate very sensibly today and also upped my water intake quite a bit. 


    Mary, I am on the WW plan and have lost 46 lbs in the past year. I am pretty much at my goal weight, although I personally want to lose another 3-4 lbs just so I stay in the "safe" zone. It has been a lifelong struggle for me, as I have lost a good amount of weight several times only to regain it plus some. This time, I'm really focused on making it a lifestyle change - eating healthier not just for my weight but also for my general health. I have a good friend on WW too and we keep in touch, celebrate our victories, and encourage each other when needed. It helps me so much to have people who can relate to the struggle of weight loss and maintenance!


    I hope each of you have a great week and can come in on Thursday with a good report!





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  5. Great review, thanks for sharing! We are booked to sail 10 nights on Explorer in March 2025 (it will be our 50th anniversary a little later that year). I'm making a note of the hotel, sounds like a nice package. Good to know about getting to the front of the ship for the observation area! I'm sure we will check that out as well. We haven't been on the Voyager Class yet, but Freedom Class is our favorite so I'm pretty sure we will enjoy the Explorer. Thanks again!


    • Like 1
  6. Hello all, I stayed the same - whooo hoooo! My current goal is to lose (and keep off!) 2 lbs by February 6th. That day will mark 1 year of this weight loss journey for me! 


    I hope you all have a great rest of your week and we can each report a loss next week!



  7. Hello all. I am officially on Christmas break, no classes until January!


    I have stayed the same since I last checked in. Whew, all of the holiday gatherings are rough for making healthy food choices. 🫢 We had my husband's family gathering today, and I was proud of myself for eating only ONE of my favorite holiday cookies! (my deceased mother-in-law's recipe for date balls...so good!) 


    Anyway, I plan to focus on more water and less food 😁 this week, and hopefully getting back to walking. My leg seems to be less bothersome so I may start out with shorter distances and see how it goes.


    Have a great week, everyone!


  8. Hello everyone,


    We had a good Thanksgiving holiday. I gained and then lost over the past 2 weeks...so as of the last time I posted, I've had a net loss of .8 lbs. It seems that since the weather has gotten colder and it gets dark so early, I want to eat all evening! But so far I'm maintaining, which is my goal for now.


    Belle, it is odd how that works! I'm glad you got the pound right back off. Hope your ear improves soon.


    Izena, good for you to increase walking! I need to do that as well...it's just so darn cold!


    Jan, oopsie with the ice cream - I can so easily see myself doing the same thing! Why do I eat when I'm not even hungry??? So annoying.


    Have a great week, all - Christmas is coming soon! *Most* of my shopping is done...I think! 🙂 


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  9. On 11/17/2023 at 11:01 AM, Jan_In_Maine said:

    I weighed myself this morning and I am up 1.0# this week.  I'm not surprised ...  I would like to lose at least 7# by our March cruise ... I know it's doable .... I just need to do it.


    Terri - We also have a cruise October 2024 - what cruise line are you going on?

    Jan - you are right, it is doable! Here's hoping you are able to achieve your goal!

             We are going on Royal Caribbean. How about you?



  10. I lost 1 lb this week. I'll take it! At this point, long-term maintenance is my goal - I have lost and gained it back so many times in my adult life. I'm glad I have another cruise booked for October 2024 - let's see if I can do this! Oh, and my legs and ankle seem to be much better, for which I am thankful.


    Izena, I'm glad you were able to get a good walk in! And I hope your blood pressure levels out.

    Hoping you have a good weigh-in, Jan!

    Great loss Solo! I hope you reach your 40 lb goal before your cruise!


    Have a great weekend, everyone.


    • Like 2
  11. On 11/7/2023 at 5:34 PM, merinski said:

    We did some research and we have now booked this company. They responded right away, were very friendly and sounded professional. They are called Airport Transportation and Limousine service.


    Please come back and report your experience - we will be looking for transportation for our 2024 cruise!

  12. I've been back from our cruise/vacation for 2 weeks, have been so busy catching up with work and home! I weighed exactly the same after, as I did when we left - I was very happy with that. I did a lot of walking and stairs on the ship which I'm sure helped. I enjoyed my meals but found I was able to be moderate and not overeat. I also used the ship's scales several times and it was motivating to not see gains.


    Since returning home 2 weeks ago, I've lost 2 lbs. 


    Something is going on with my legs - I had no problem with stairs and walking a lot while we were gone. Since returning home, I have taken several morning walks but my legs just feel weird, a little shaky and slightly crampy. Going down stairs is when I really notice it...not sure what in the world is going on. I've never had this problem. My right ankle (still has a screw in it from a fall 20+ years ago) is so very sore, don't know what triggered it but it does happen from time to time. Just so strange that everything was fine with my legs, and now not so. Very frustrating! If it doesn't clear up soon, I'll have to get checked out.


    Our next cruise is a year away, so now my challenge will be to keep off the 47 lbs I've lost this year!

    Have a great weekend, everyone.





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  13. 12 hours ago, TravelBluebird said:

    One other little note—weighted myself when I got home last night, and only gained .7 pound.


    And I’m hoping that is water weight from plane day!  


    Was a little worried with all those UDP dinners, but eating light during the day, no snacking (well, except pizza twice) and all those steps and dance classes helped! Plus not finishing dishes when they were too large,

    I'm glad to read your positive weigh-in - I hope I have similar results on our sailing THIS SUNDAY! Eeeekkkk! 😁


    I have really enjoyed your LIVE report, it was fun to read about all of your experiences.

    Thank you!

  14. Belle & Jan - congratulations on your losses! My recent favorite store to shop at is Maurice's, and I also like Kohl's. I'm not really much of a shopper, only when I have to lol.

    Izena, I'm so sorry to hear about your son. That has got to be stressful for you. Prayers for all!


    I am working on laundry, packing, etc. I bought a "shacket" online from Kohl's and picked it up yesterday. It's too big - it was junior sizing so I thought I needed to size up. I wanted to take it along so I may try to make a trip tomorrow to return it and see if they have it in-store - I got it on sale, used Kohl's cash, and had 40% off so it was a terrific deal! 



  15. I stayed the same this week. So much for losing 5 more lbs before we leave next week! 🤪

    I looked back to 1 month ago and am the same weight. For me, that's a good thing. 

    Since February 6th, I have lost 43 lbs. I have enjoyed buying some new fall clothes 3 sizes smaller and yes, being over 60 yrs, I definitely have extra skin, especially under my arms. I do use firming lotion but it is what it is.


    I have re-set my goals to not gain more than 5 lbs during our 2 week vacation. I really want to say I won't gain at all...but I am also trying to be realistic.

    I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!



  16. Hello everyone! I lost .2 lb this week LOL. I was proud of myself at work today - we had cupcakes brought in for a co-worker who is leaving, and I didn't have any.

    Izena, I hope you are able to get back on track. It is great weather for walking here too!

    Good for you Solo to lose almost 30 lbs! It really does make a difference in how we feel and that's more important than people noticing. Sooner or later it will be noticed by others - keep up the good work.

    Jan - that's how I feel, like I am yo-yo ing too. Gain a little, lose a little, repeat. I'm happy to not be gaining overall though. I do really well during the day, but I know I'm doing too much snacking in the evenings, especially chips n salsa, pretzels, etc. Ugh. Here's to a better week!

    I really haven't thought about the holidays yet...but they are quickly approaching! Once we get back from vacation, that will be my focus. 




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  17. I'm looking forward to following your LIVE! trip report! My DH and I, along with our friends, are boarding Wonder for the first time on 10/15. We booked a guaranty interior and do have our cabin assignment now. This will be our first interior as well so we are hoping the location is without issue. I'll be interested in reading how you like your interior cabin! 


    Here's to a great cruise! 🍹



  18. 43 minutes ago, motheroftwocats814 said:

    Hello fellow cruisers.

    I drink protein shakes. The bottled ones.

    Am I allowed to bring them onboard? If I can't it is not a huge deal.

    Thank you for you input.

    I asked this question on another forum and was told yes. So I'm planning on putting them in my carry on, just as I would do with soft drinks or water if I were bringing them.


  19. I ate well today - a light lunch and then dinner was a homemade vegetable beef soup made with a little leftover roast and lots of veggies. I ladled about 1/3 of it out and added riced cauliflower to it for myself...I added a little pasta to the rest for DH. I love pasta too, so I felt good about opting for the cauliflower in lieu of pasta. And now we'll each have 2 more meals for later this week! I love soups in the fall. Does anyone have any good, healthy soup recipes? 



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  20. 12 minutes ago, OCSC Mike said:

    I had one on day 1 on Wonder (needed to try it early to see if I wanted to keep ordering them). I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be available the entire cruise.


    I gave the little bucket to my 9-year-old niece who was with us (after cleaning it of course).

    Was the drink good? I saw one on YouTube this evening but they didn't really say how it tasted.



  21. 10 hours ago, jsn55 said:

    That's another point ... if you've maintained your own large pool, you know how delicate the chemical balance needs to be.  You wouldn't get me into a public pool or hot tub for any reason whatsoever.  I mean, they take BABIES in there, ugh.

    Yes we have our own pool and I agree. There are so many other things we would rather do on the ship! That's why we love cruising - there is something for everyone!

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