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Posts posted by keystonemama

  1. I have booked ES on 2 sailings and received over $250 or more in savings on both. I booked our upcoming Liberty cruise just recently under the $50.00 deposit pp. When I saw the guaranteed sale, we saw it would save us another $120 + balance due is not until 30 days before cruise, so we called and changed our OV cabin. As long as I am booked OV they have to guarantee me at least that.

    The one thing I did make sure was I was not going to lose my deposit when we switched to this sale. She had to get an ok from the supervisor to switch my deposit even though I believe the sale says it is $50. Upon changing it in the system I immediately received an email (while on the phone) with the new changes and date.

    If you book under a $50 deposit, just be aware you may be required to pay the full deposit if applicable. Been there, done that.

  2. If I let them choose my room, can you end up with a upper/lower if you originally booked a king bed?


    Never mind, she just told me we are ok, they will pick my room, give us OV cat, we saved $120!

  3. Just got home after ton's of holiday traffic on 75, had fun as always but it was my first time on board where we had what I would guess to be 8-12 ft. waves and yesterday was very interesting to say the least watching newbies and crew battle seasickness as we ran into a weather front, it was not very pleasant for some. I think I was able to get at least one pic of water coming out of the pool. :eek: I wasn't able to stand up straight very long, lol.


    I should start writing tomorrow after I can get some pics downloaded and some rest.


    Until further,

  4. until we embark on the Ecstasy to celebrate New Years!


    Finally we get to cruise, we had to cancel back in September and it's been over a year since we have had a much needed vacation. DH is so excited he could not sleep last night, like a kid going to Disney.


    NYE is also our 25th anniversary and we are bringing it in with 2000 other cruisers! I don't even care about the ports this time...gonna do a lot of stuff offered on the ship, spend time with my hunny and enjoy the food, staff and ocean. *Squeal* I also get to take my new Canon, so I hope to get a lot of great pics if I can figure out how to use it. :D Review to come later....




  5. My kids and my niece are in room M125. It says we have the option of 2 twin beds or a king. Our reservations say there would be a trundle, convertible sofa or wall bed.


    Me, my mom and my sister are in room M151. It says the same:


    Please note: Selection above is for the first two guests. Accommodations for additional guests may be available in the form of upper berths, a convertible sofa, or trundle bed.



    How do I find out exactly what we have?



    When you look on CCL under Ships/deck plans, M125 says a trundle will be provided, M151 shows OV with one upper. Trundles (fit under the bed) can be a bit small though, ok if kids are younger, I had this problem on the Paradise, my son is tall, they changed it out to a regular twin mattress, it just has to stay up the entire cruise.

  6. We always decorate too! I would tell you though, I would never put up something you want to keep, each time by the last night I always have things missing. :eek: I figure it's the overzealous/drunk teens playing around.


    I cruise in 2 days! I have a 25th anniversary sign and a huge foil champagne bottle to decorate the door with! My bags are packed! :)

  7. I read that. It's very unusual to let a license lapse when it's so often needed for identification or if she ever needed to drive for whatever reason.



    Maybe not as unusual as you think, my son was the same way, as are a lot of his friends. We made him renew when he went looking for a job. Since it's a college town, most ride the bus (free w/college ID/walk or bike. Their college ID gets them in pretty much everywhere else they desire to go except bars and they are looking at the pic not the expiration date. Crazy.

  8. Nassau has a parade as well. Starts around 1/2 am and goes until early morning. Bleachers are set up downtown, and you can get tickets online.


    Traffic in the morning will be terrible but will lighten up quickly. Downtown will remain crowded for a while after the big parade.

    Most shops will be closed, the main tours will still be available.


    Thank you again! I was thinking there may be a bit of traffic, this will help in our decision on where and what to do. Happy New Year!

  9. Water temps those months usually range from around 72-77 degrees. Also bear in mind if a good winter storm blows into Florida it will sometimes travel as far as the Bahamas, I had a friend that was there when that happened and the daily temps were in the 50's.

    We were there last November and "dipped" in the water. If we stood there too long we got cold, we likened it to the pool temps on the ship. We are Floridians though and like our water temps in the 80's, I see some northern people think 70 degrees "refreshing", lol. :p We will be there next week, gonna check out the temps.

  10. Tony macaroni's is in Freeport, on Taino Beach, next to Junkanoo BeachClub. The tiki bar u refer to is in Nassau. 2 different Junkanoo beaches.


    Thank you, did not realize they had 2 Junkanoo's.

  11. Just wondering what is happening NY day in Nassau. Will there be a lot of traffic/people? I see they do a parade in Freeport. Just trying to figure out how we should schedule our itinerary.



  12. It will be still hot and HUMID in all those places, we spend time in the Keys, early May I have seen it 95 degrees and even in November we still wear summer clothes and swam in the wee hours of the morning at our B & B. Heck, I'll be in shorts this weekend, gonna be 84 degrees. :D


    I do agree with a rain/windbreaker though, it can be quite rainy in September.


    Happy Sailing,

  13. So this morning at work I check the CCL website to see if the inside cabin on the Ecstasy is still available for under $1000 (I needed the M-F booking) and it was, but before I could call and book I had a few things at work to take care of so it was about 30 min. later when I logged back in so I could call and book. When I logged on this time, there were no rooms available showing except balcony and inside would only except 3 or more passengers! Noooooo! I started to panic slightly. Is this really true? No beds for 2 in an inside room or are they just trying to book the more expensive ones? No matter, Rafael came to my rescue, customer service at it's finest. :)


    Well I get Rafael on the phone and he tells me the same thing, balconies only. He starts looking at all the ships for the price range I need, but none are M-F. I expressed to him, how I know this is last minute, but we are trying to celebrate our 25th anniversary, how we love CCL, we can even sleep in an upper/lower, lol, please, is there anything you can do?


    He made me stay on the phone for about 20 minutes, continually checking until he screamed "Hold on, one must have just been let go on a hold, he started asking the normal questions, in a hurry, and then proudly announced "We got it, and Mrs._______ I booked you a king bed, lol, no separate beds for you and your husband!" :p He did a wonderful job, I kept having to answer phones and interrupting him, but he just kept saying, "Don't worry, no problem", we are going to find you something, do what you have to do."


    I checked tonight and my cabin has been assigned already and now I am just waiting for my OBC from a previous cruise I had to cancel, to be applied.


    I am so excited to get back on the ocean and just have some fun!

  14. Thanks everyone, I wasn't sure if I could get insurance this late, we usually book 6 months ahead or more online. I am going to call in a couple of days and see what's offered, nothing fancy since these cruises are wayyyy more expensive the week of NYE.

    I guess I am a little nervous about not knowing the cabin, I am the kind with all my ducks in a row when it comes to planning, but I have had such a hectic year and my company decided to be closed the week of Christmas so I get 12 days off, so we decided to cut back on the Christmas presents for us and book a cruise, woot woot! My bags are always pre-packed and my dancing shoes are itching. Wishing some of my friends we met on cruises could join us, but it's too quick and so we are planning on meeting up in the summer, maybe the Keys! Well maybe we will meet more on this one! Did I say how I love cruising!


    I MISS THE OCEAN AND I NEED A VACATION! LOL. Oh and Free champagne!


    Will update soon.....

  15. I am sure the answers are on here, somewhere, but with the holidays & work, I am swamped right now so I asking for help.

    We have decided to book a last minute cruise this week for NYE for our 25th anniversary. :) It will most likely be a 5 day cruise out of FL.

    1. If I have to let CCL pick my room, exactly when are we assigned this cabin, ex. at the port, when we board?

    2. If I get insurance, should I pay that before I book the cruise in full?

    3. Can I get a hooray, woot woot or yippee? :D:p


    P.S. I hope all yaw have a very Merry Christmas and holiday.

  16. Congrats, you will be hooked! Paradise is a great ship, great crew, easy to navigate. I have a review listed if your interested. :) Paradise Beach is a great excursion for little $$$, suggested it to my hubby's boss, he took the family on a RCL cruise and absolutely loved it! Score! lol We went on the East side of Coz on the Cozumel Bar Hop, OMG, beauty, beach, drinks, all included for $50! Have fun!

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