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Posts posted by rhinomike

  1. I think kids club is better on Carnival.


    As far as dressing on Carnival. You will get many different responses. I have always worn shorts and Tshirt on regular nights. For formal nights I wear slacks/khakis and a golf shirt/polo. I always fit it and never feel under dressed. I always see others dressed the same way. I have even worn nice jeans on formal night and felt fine. There are others that are more dressed but I always feel fine.

  2. Good for you...I would have done the same thing. I bet they woke up in a world of hurt the next morning not knowing they got their a--es kicked...lol


    Lol. Yeah. I'm not a fighter. I'm 39 years old and haven't been in a fight since high school. But they crossed the line when they made it physical. I had to defend myself and my wife. Funny thing is I am 6 foot 2 and 300 pounds. You think they would of found someone smaller. Lol. Yes from the looks of them they were hurting the next day.

  3. No. Leave them in the safe. Make a copy and take that with you. To get on and off the ship you need your ship card and your ID.


    If for some reason you miss the ship. The cruise line will get your passports out of the safe and leave them at the port or you.

  4. I have NEVER removed the auto gratuity and quite often I tip additional to my steward and dinning staff. However there is no way I would be treated bad by my steward and not do anything about it. I would have cancelled his portion of the auto tip. I also would of dine more complaining. At minimum you need to call or write Carnival about this issue. And get a response. Don't let them brush it under the carpet.

  5. I told my 4 boys when they were 16 they could go off own their own. But not at night and they had to check in. They are now 13, 16, 17 and 18. My oldest went off to a teen club a few times when he brought a friend. But other than that they stay with us. They like hanging out with us. We are fun parents. We are a close family. So glad they choose to spend time with us.

  6. They can print new cards in about 5 seconds. Twice they did not have my kids cards in the VIP check in. I watched her make new ones in less than 5 seconds. Once in Miami and once in Long Beach.


    Now my kids are platinum so no more issues.

  7. About 7 or 8 years ago me and my wife went to get a slice of pizza before bed. We do not drink. We were just minding our business. It was about 11:30 at night. We stopped at a bar to get a bottle of water. There were 2 intoxicated guys at the bar. One of them said something rude to my wife. Something about getting a piece of that. We started to walk away when the second one stood up and stood in front of us. He said something rude to my wife. I told him to please move so we can go to our cabin. His friend came off the bar stool swinging at me. I dodged his punch and the fight was on. Needless to say they both came up on the bad side. I knocked one out and the other was left with a broken bloody nose. Neither landed a punch on me. The bartender called security. Security took them away. Never asked for my name or anything. We took our pizza and water and went to bed.


    I tried to walk away but things happen. I doubt there was a report filed or anything.

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