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Posts posted by darrengs

  1. We were on the Gem's TA in November in CV 14506. I have a link to some pics of the suite in my signature below. If Roy is your butler you will have one of the best.:D He had been chosen for concierge training, so I'm not sure if he's still a butler. He has a great sense of humor and always made sure I had fresh pretzel rolls. :o He happened to hear me mention that I was going to the buffet to get some and wouldn't hear of me going to get my own. ;) I belive Josephine was the butler on the starboard side. We had friends that had her. Their opinion was that we got the better butler. She was OK, but didn't seem to go that extra that Roy did.


    I was looking at your photos. Wow 35+ foot waves:eek:

  2. Maybe my use of the word load in your opinion is wrong, but juice is flowing through the outlet. If not why do electric clocks still run when you turn radios and microwaves off? Plus in the utility power line transmission line business electricians see a wire as a load... And if a wire presents resistance an electrical outlet presents resistance and is a load... And surely a power strip lengthens the wiring to an outlet on the strip from the wall outlet...


    Furthermore a transformer is made of coiled wire... Wire is resistance... Wire is a load... When an electrician rewires your outlets and light switches, the electrician turns off the juice to the outlet or switch at the circuit breaker or fuse box...


    Ohms law: E=I X R


    But what is the purpose of a power strip? To provide more outlets to plug more gadgets into at the same time. How many of us use a power strip without anything plugged in? The only power strips I see without anything plugged in are sitting on store shelves or hanging on store peg hooks...



    The PP you quoted asked: "If nothing is plugged into the power strip and the strip does not have a lighted switch, what causes the load?", and I was referencing your answer to him. Yes I mistook your use of "load" as the power consumed by a circuit because that was how I read your post and I contend that the PP you quoted also meant it this way. But again "juice" does not flow through a circuit until that circuit is closed, so yes when a clock is plugged in that circuit is then closed. When an electrician works on an outlet he turns of the "juice" because if he is grounded he will complete the circuit, af he was not grounded he could touch the hot side of the circuit all day long, that is why you can watch a squirrel run across a "live" power line (now if that squirrel touches a ground then it is toast). If you unplug or disconnected everything in your house your electric meter would stop running, just having wiring and outlets does not add resistance until that circuit is closed. A standard transformer plugged in does draw power I am not disputing that but I stand by my statements that there is no "juice" flowing until you close that circuit, and there are more and more "smart" chargers that are able to shut down when they are not charging anything.

  3. My, the physics of electricity must be taught in high school... Obviously its not being done with so many questions. The gadget you have plugged into any circuit has juice running through it whether its turned on or not. Those gadgets have power supplies, transformers, resistors, capacitors, etc.


    Weren't you ever taught in school to unplug an appliance or gadget if you were going to open the back cover of say for example a television set? Haven't you read the the instructions booklet that comes with every appliance and gadget? Have you ever plugged a screwdriver into an outlet? Juice is flowing through, and that is a load...


    I posted a Wiki link to standby electricity and many still don't get it.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    There are so many posts and threads about saving money with cruising. Some think $25 is too much for a laundry bag special. Never-the-less many could save that much if not more by unplugging appliances and gadgets at home not being used...


    The PP is correct if there is a power strip without a light and there is nothing plugged into it then there is no load. The same for a standard extension cord, just plugging in an extension cord does not put a load on the circuit until that circuit is closed.


    You are correct about electronics and appliances drawing power when plugged in. However, your point about the screwdriver is wrong, you can plug it into an outlet and if it is not grounded there is no "load". I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say, are you saying an open outlet is drawing a load "Juice is flowing through, and that is a load"? Because that is not true.


    More and more chargers are being made green so that when there is nothing plugged into them they shut down and do not draw any power. In fact I picked up an "AT&T ZERO Charger" for my iPhone prior to our cruise last month.

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