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Posts posted by bearette

  1. I saw they have pearl snorkeling, but my husband is a diver. Does anyone know any diving companies where my husband can dive and my kids as well as myself, could snorkel?  Another option, my son is a race car fanatic (he is 8), so a visit to the track is a must.  Does anyone know any tour companies where we could arrange a visit to the grand prix and some other areas of interest? I doubt exactly what I want is available, but I am not getting much with a Google or board search.  It sounds like we may have to just arrive a nd get a taxi.  Do the taxis do tours or are they more like a driver?


  2. 12 hours ago, GarlicBread said:


    I dont know why people have mentioned it twice in this thread but Disney are also 6 months to sail, (or a year for transatlantic, Panama and Hawaii sailings) and has been for nearly 5 years now...

    Because we haven't been able to afford to sail them again in the last five years and now my kids are old enough I don't check.☺

  3. Since you mentioned it, she will not be able to go after delivery as RCL, and all cruise lines except Disney, require babies to be at least 6 months old to sail. Also, they do not allow pregnant women after 24 weeks,  cruise lines do not have the equipment to deal with those issues. 


    The only thing they can do is wait until final payment if they want more time to cancel, so then they can have more options once the new dates come up.


    2 hours ago, Canadian Disney Mom said:


    I will have 176 pts after next week so will be D+.  My son will also be D+ by inheriting my status even though he only has 42 nights sailed.  He turns 18 on March 1 so will get to keep the D+ but to reach pinnacle he will need get to the full 700 pts himself so will need more 658 pts. He does not get  to keep my pts, just my status.

    You'll have to let us know after the cruise.  I hear a lot of people ask, but no actual accounts.  Let us know if he keeps Diamond plus or goes back to Diamond. 

  5. If you wouldn't let them watch the movie don't let them watch the show.   If you are fine with the movie then you are fine the show. Most things that will cause you concern go over the heads of the kids. I took mine on an NCL cruise and took them to Footloose. Anything that bothered me, I quickly explained or deferred.

  6. Something else to consider is to book last minute, you can book I believe up to three days before. Since you have the certificate the price won't matter, you just have fewer cabin options, but I don't think you will mind much where . Also, I recommend getting the internet plan so you can obsessively check on him like I did the first time I left my babies for three days.   Congrats and I hope he stays healthy.



  7. Vision has a small diamond lounge near another longe, so if it is busy take your drink next door.


    Montonegro ,Kotor - if you like and can, we walk it on our own. Go to the fort on your own ( pay the small fee at the bottem, they took euros) and walk around the walled city afterwords.


    I did a land trip to Croatia but didn't make it to Zadar or the falls.  I have never gotten off in a port though without seeing cabs/tour operators waiting. Sometimes you just have to exit the port.


    Yes they confiscated alcohol of any type like in the Caribbean.


    The sweet spot for airfare is the 6-9ish month mark.  Try apps like Hopper and Kayak that set alerts for specific flights or flight prices. Flights depend on what is important.  Are you willing to have 2 stops, or an 8 hr layover?  also your home airport and if you are willing to drive to another can add savings. There is a flight board which can help with specific questions. Just note if you want to add more days to the end or beginning of your cruise, sometimes leaving a day or two earlier or late can save several hundred dollars.


  8. My cousin cancelled as the third in a room and it was before final payment so they wanted to deprive the room.  It ended up being cheaper (since they booked so far in advance and t o get the room they wanted) to make him a no show.  We switched his name for free (refundable booking) to another relative, but she decided not to go as well (My young niece who didn't want to travel without her mom).

    The only way to know for sure is to call, but don't feel them may ask so you know what the rules are.

  9. Whatever a sail is called you have to look at the price.  I have sailed kids sail free (taxes only) this week last year and they were free (as my family had another room without kids and paid more then we did).  The category can make a huge difference even though I feel like there isn't any difference in the room, except the location. Also know not all rooms qualify so if you are looking for a holiday or when kids are out of school they won't be free. They only run that promotion when kids are typically in school to entice families to sail.

  10. Everyone has given  you good advice about guarantees, you can not request anything but a room type, so if you buy a balcony you may get an obstructed view balcony. You will (almost) never get connecting rooms unless you book a year or so in advance. Your idea of it being nice with family groups is why they are the first to go. The likelihood of getting them last-minute is slime.


    There is a family message board. Search topics there. Lots of great advice.


    I will be on the same trip in March, my twins are 7, but traveled a lot including your age ranges. The 18 month old can attend playtime with you with toys to borrow, but the older two (I assume the 4 year old is potty trained) can attend the kids club during opening hours, usually 9-12,2-5, and 7-10pm ( they close for lunch and dinner typically, but do have some additional  pay or sign up in advance( during meal hours) times. Go the first day so it is easier to make friends for the kids. How much they like it depends on how independent ( read attached to mom and dad), and the kids personalities.


    The rooms are small. Don't let the kids being a lot of toys or toys with small parts which get lost easily.


    If they hate showers get a small blow up tub from Amazon ( only good for the baby, but he/she may be too big already.


    If your kids can sit through a restaurant meal at home, they can on the ship. There is no family area. You know the meltdown signs, remove them before or if they start, from the dining room.  I think people worry needlessly about this, kids act up, but unless you let them scream for hours no one else is paying attention to you and your kids.


    The best advice is DO NOT SKIP THE NAP. The wrath of a tired preschooler or toddler is not pretty. The six year old will benefit from a nap (rest), too. This is a nice time to read on your balcony.  Mine can eat at 10pm on vacation but between 1-3 until the last two years they always ( and recently did on our last trip) took a two hour or more nap. 






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  11. I did 10 days in the city last year and there are tons of things to do.  If you are comfortable driving on the left it would easier by far to do Cape of good hope with Simons town and the penguins- that is an all day thing in my opinion you could also do it on a tour.  

    Robben island is accessed via the  V And A waterfront so plan your first to both.  Many shops and restaurants are here so you could make this area a full day. (We did).


    We did the castle of Good hope and then went to one of the open air markets.  


    If you like wine then Groot Constantia is great and local or if you are more selective a tour/ car out to the wineries.


    Also any of the beaches (surfs up!) could be a nice afternoon. Even if it is just a lunch and ocean view.


    Lastly, absolutely do the botanical garden.  It was gorgeous with the mountain view and we polished off our visit with a table mountain cable ride.




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  12. I haven't done a transatlantic but we did 10 day in Europe with about four sea days.  I have twins and they were 18 months at the time.  At that age, everything is a toy so I've enjoyed going up and down the stairs (we have a one story house). The oldest will be able to do the kids club ( his age group gets to be a tiger and jump through a "flamming" hoop during the circus).  The youngest will have toys available during certain hours and 2-3 daily activities.  I haven't done the Escape, but they may have more items like a kids water play area (no diapers in pools), but you'll have to check out the ship deck plans for information on the special features of that particular ship.  We were on the Spirit which has limited facilities and we had a great time.  Enjoy!

  13. $38.89 per person for 4 in an inside on the Spirit for 9 days over Thanksgiving in Europe, booked it a month before and it went down $500 two days later. I was so mad, but the gave me half in onboard credit. Airfare was about $900 each since we booked a month ahead.  We fly out of LAD so not bad that short notice.


    For inside in Alaska I booked two days before and paid $202 for air and that was $78.57 pope in an inside (cheap considering taxes are as much as the cruise.) That was three years ago on the NFL Jewel.


    Right after 9/11, before kids, we paid less than $200 for air to Orlando and two in a Disney Magic inside for $60.71 and that included the tips. On RCCL the week before Christmas last year I booked kids sail free and paid the same above for a balcony on the Vision of the Seas.

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