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Everything posted by hard_eight

  1. That's the thing that really chaps my ass. Who decides what nasty smells we get? What about a pipe? Pipe tobacco actually isn't offensive to most. I miss the cigar lounges in the back of the old fantasy class ships. Many hours playing poker back there... To OP, the Excel Casino is great, no smoking on the larger side and they DO ENFORCE it. Seen them run the smokers off quickly!
  2. You must be one of them darkside players.
  3. This sounds like a reasonable alternative. Thanks.
  4. We always store luggage under the bed on a cruise...now I guess that's over! My Wife takes this HUGE suitcase with us that barely fits. Will have to get creative with that one.
  5. $100...7 out. $100...7 out. $100...7 out. 🤑🤢
  6. Got a link for that...got a nutty SIL that could stand to see it...
  7. Did this last time, much better experience. I was especially worried due the number of passengers on the Celebration. Got to Lido as they were about to put up the food, grabbed some scraps and hung out for a while. The crew started side-eyeing us around 930, we packed it up and walked right off. We had low # luggage tags and ours were some of the last bags in the sections in the terminal. This is the way...until everyone does it! Yeah that's the only concern I have about this...someone walking off with the wrong black suitcase!
  8. Best we get is stupid Ultra offers🤣
  9. I'm on a casino rate in Aug and was approved. My Nov cruise is the $200/$200 so we'll see on that one...wouldn't be real mad about it if denied.
  10. @Haljo1935 We just blackout any account numbers or lines that don't involve Carnival on the page. Just need to make sure they can see the name of the individual booked, and the 100 shares of CCL stock. I usually leave the full line so they can see how much money the 100 shares have lost🤣
  11. Emailed shareholders@carnival.com a few weeks back for my cruise next month, had OBC the next day. @Babyfin Need a screenshot of your Brokerage Statement. Black out your account details.
  12. Just go to the Priority line, tell them you're booked with a Casino offer and they should whisk you through.
  13. That makes sense...a Liquor store in Port Canaveral would make a MINT
  14. Yet apparently on Euro cruises, they have liquor stores in the terminal and you can walk right on with it. Not fair!!🤣
  15. I agree, it's decent. We always get the cabana area which includes the chair lift.
  16. Looks like 13'.5" https://www.google.com/maps/@28.4061801,-80.5996703,3a,15.2y,13.24h,94.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSvfn0pQKyivJItMXbtL1fA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  17. The song and dance on the deck in the heat would do **** all in an actual abandon ship emergency.
  18. So much this. I can't see how they're not losing money by not selling room bottles. I guess they know their bottom line best and assume everyone will just spend more time in the bars. Not me, I'll have my organic shampoo and conditioner in the fridge🤣
  19. The 6+ ones are generally longer. Kidding, as others have said longer cruises tend to be less "party crowd"
  20. I get ya being angry about it, honestly I would be too. Like what the **** but, the promos are per person so that sucks. There's people who likely have better offers than I do, and it would suck to be on the call though. But, the poor folks working their tails off didn't do it!
  21. You're why they should bake the tips in the fare. Unreal.
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