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Posts posted by FLSteve11

  1. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the pictures :-) To answer a few questions....




    We boarded the ship determined to get the twice-a-day service until we met our steward. I'm a pretty determined and aggressive person, and yet he still walked away only agreeing to service the cabin once a day :p I don't regret the 'decision' - our steward and his assistant worked very, very, very hard during the cruise - but I do plan on letting Carnival know how we feel about it. It does not make the stewards' lives any easier because they now have many more cabins to service. We were also wondering if they were being compensated appropriately. When we asked, the steward made it clear that we could feel free to grab whatever we wanted off of his cart in the hallway (and we did, like towels). Because we were just two people in an over-sized cabin, we were able to keep our cabin clean and tidy with a minimal extra effort - but we can see this being an issue for three or more people in a smaller cabin, especially the bathroom. Also, we had morning service, but a few times during the cruise he dropped off items at night while we were at dinner (our free Platinum laundry, past guest invitations and gifts, etc).


    Hope this helps!


    We sailed the first sailing after drydock (March 20th) and we did have 3 in a room. It is a bit of a pain with 3 people, particularly with a tween girl. We choose morning service as well (he didn't want to budge on us either), and there were a couple of problems with that. For one, my daughter stayed up late and slept in all morning once. We had to call to get the room done then since it wouldn't get done that day otherwise. Another issue was showers, where afternoon showers meant a flooded bathroom all evening (as those curtains might as well not be there, they don't stay in the shower). We didn't do it, but I would imagine coming back from a beach shore excursion would leave a mess all evening as well.


    They would drop off our evening info in the little "mailbox" outside the door.

  2. To show that a search on CC can be successful?


    Beats those who start their post with: "I tried a search and couldn't find anything" or "I would post in the port of call section but I dont get answers there".


    Both seem to be excuses and code for "I don't know how" or "I'm too lazy".


    Well, in his defense, I've also read plenty of responses to questions that were "We talked about this before, do a search" without giving an answer.

  3. on a separate note...You can have 2 bookings for the same cruise?...then cancel the one you don't want?...just curious...Thx


    That's one of the reasons you see a lot of rooms open up around final payment date. Between that and groups releasing the rooms, sometimes quite a few rooms suddenly become available.

  4. No, that's a different incident. The one I'm remembering was from something like 2008, and involved medical issues, not being put off simply because of age.


    Here it is:





    So one incident, 8 years ago. Where basically the child needed to disembark for better medical care on a precautionary measure, and then was fine after being treated. I'm not sensing a big medical risk here.


    Meanwhile, I've been on multiple cruises where adult people have died onboard, particularly seniors. I suppose they shouldn't cruise with the risk of not getting the medical care onboard they could have gotten on land. Not to mention all the other people who get disembarked for medical care at ports. Maybe we need an upper age limit cut-off , I'm sure there are people who might not get to enjoy their cruise because they're taking care of them. (Not really believing that obviously)

  5. Thank you cruise critic friends for all for your suggestions. Some good food for thought. I broke the tibia right below the knee. If I am in a cast, (fiberglass sounds awesome, I've never heard of that kind) I doubt the knee scooter is an option. Even without a cast I think that would be way too painful. I'll have at least 1 Dr. appt. before next Friday and will ask. Although I was mentally fighting the idea of a wheel chair, you all have made some excellent points. My mom has a collapsable one I could certainly borrow. I've been to Ensenada too many times to count so I am perfectly fine just staying on the ship. I will call again, but Carnival special needs department sounded like they checked cabin availability out pretty thoroughly. There are not many handicap cabins on the Inspiration to begin with and it sounded like most of them were being used by people with motorized scooters. They did offer to have a wheelchair on board, but because I have access to one I passed on that offer. I am platinum but my son who will be assisting me is not and he is in another cabin so priority check-in if he is in another line in another building isn't going to help. I figured I would have to go with him into the dome. However perhaps I can call and they would allow my son and nephews to check in with me. Honestly, if they weren't going with me I would really question even going. I'll make another call today, double check on cabin availability and check-in. Again, thank you all for your suggestions.:)


    Go to the special assistance person at the port. If you haven't gotten it ahead of time, just ask someone who works there when you arrive and they will point it out. They will get you a wheelchair (first come, first serve), and you and your party will check in on a special line and board right at the beginning.

  6. I vote NO! A 7 month old's immune system does not handle infections as well as even a 2 year old's does. Something such as the flu/ Noro has a much greater risk the younger the person. A 7 month old will have not had as many vaccinations & therefore will be susceptible to more than a young child. While it is true you can be exposed to such things just by a trip to the grocery store - 7 days in relatively close contact with thousands of people from all over the world( no matter how many times you wash your hands) does increase the risk of transmission.



    I would say the risk of catching something on a ship is less likely then a trip to the local mall in a relatively decent sized city. You're in contact with a few thousand people on a ship who have been there in the past few days. Rather then the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of people who have been at good sized malls in the past few days. Yet people do that with their kids all the time.


    Can someone actually point to an article where a young infant has died from being on a cruise. I've never heard it. If so, it has to be a pretty rare thing (certainly rarer then it happens on the land)

  7. I broke my leg/ankle in February and sailed the Splendor in March, about a month after I did it. I was lucky in the break was low on the fibular (cracked a few inches above the ankle, and broke off the tip at the ankle), I ended up in an aircast instead of a plaster cast.


    Be glad of the rear cabin. Mine was forward, and the ship was full so they could not do anything about switching me. It's quite the walk!


    Get the wheelchair assistance for boarding in particular. You might wait for a wheelchair to become available in the port, but you can sit while doing so. They'll keep you from waiting in the long check-in lines. Also, special assistance gets to board at the beginning, so you can get on the ship and to get something to eat before it gets crowded and can't find a table.


    On Splendor, the muster drill is out on deck, so I did the special needs muster station. They sat us in the library & dining room and have someone do the demonstration for you. They also release you before the other passengers and hold an elevator for you, it was much appreciated.


    Not sure how much the shower seat will help, that shower is tiny! Your leg is going to be sticking out into the bathroom, so be ready for a wet floor in there. Be careful getting in/out and don't slip.


    The comedy club generally has lines, if you ask they'll get you in first to get a seat. I wouldn't do this for multiple shows (to be fair to other passengers).


    Sadly you'll still get people who cut you off to get on the elevator. Most people are good about it though. I did apologize to people on elevators if I was just going down one flight though *grin*


    All in all it wasn't bad. I found taking naps was good, as you get tired walking a lot quicker then you did. Not that I needed any big reasons for that *sly smile*

  8. No, sorry, poster is talking about not having to worry because he/she is a neonatologist, not because he can save a few bucks on Pedialyte.


    I fail to see the difference. You stated if he trusted the medical staff on board, he wouldn't bring items to take care of his child. That's what I was responding to. Neonatal, doctor or whatever, if he could handle taking care of it himself, why would he pay the overpriced expense of someone else taking care of it. I'm not a doctor, but we bring a small pharmacy with us as well. Mainly so we can take care of issues at a small fraction of the cost of going to medical to do so.

  9. This is so funny, as many people cite medical care or health as reasons not to bring a baby. Not everyone is a neonatologist/pediatrician.


    If you truly trusted the onboard medical staff to treat your child appropriately, you wouldn't have to bring all that stuff with you.


    No, you bring it for the same reason you bring your own Tylenol/Ibuprofen from home. It's a heck of a lot cheaper to bring it then to pay for it in the medical center.

  10. I will say Yes. It does depend on you and your kids though. Will you be running around until 2am dancing in the disco, no. (Well, at least not together, one could go). Will you have fun, and get to relax, absolutely. If your kid is super fussy, cries a lot, does not handle changes in things. Then you might want to think it over. I think a lot of that happens when you make rigid schedules to start with. Our daughter never kept to a strict schedule, and was not a big crier, so we never worried about it.


    We've taken our daughter on many cruises, through all ages. Her first was at 3 months (Disney allows kids at 3 months). To be honest, it's easier when they're babies then when they're toddlers. So many people say they wait until they're like 3, but it was easier as an infant. She mostly slept, you could take her around in a small stroller or the like. You can still go to things, just realize if they cry to take them out. Really that doesn't change for a long time anyway. I've seen 8yo with temper tantrums that get taken out.


    I also don't get the "they won't remember it". Well guess what, YOU will remember it. YOU will have great memories of a vacation with your infant, of getting to do things with them at that age, that others I guess never will have and missed.


    As for land vacations, you still need diapers, food, naps, etc. That doesn't change because you're at a hotel instead of on a cruise ship. It's actually easier on a cruise ship, as you're almost always close to your cabin. If she got tired, we could just take a 2-minute walk and be in our room and let her take a nap. Yes, you'll need to organize and pack extras. If you need to fly, I recommend going in the day before (which you should do anyway) and just going to a supermarket and stocking up there. Pretty easy to do.


    So, unless you plan to never go away with your kids, go for it. It looks like you've cruised fairly frequently recently. So think of it as new experiences, but one you get to share with your child, and get the memories of the time with them.

  11. Who really believes that any of this (the couple from the ship) actually happened? I tend to think they got off the ship and headed to their prebooked resort and fabricated/staged any photos and events to match or make up their story. I am not sure if they want to make themselves famous, or lose all credibility.:confused:


    It is sad to see read about missionaries were killed while doing their work. No where is safe. If the couple from Cali really had this adventure she writes about, they better consider themselves lucky that they weren't the ones that ended up dead in the forest.


    I'm with you, I think the same thing. The $300+/nt luxury resort was probably planned all along, and they made up the rest of this. There really aren't any photos they've shown, except on her blog the one of her in the Strawberry Hill robe sipping coffee, or at the laptop. I don't believe the rest.

  12. I sailed on April 10th and pretty much what they said. The flowers being gone was great, those were awful. I don't think Hasbro was on there, I can't remember them talking about it. The new cabins in the front were cool, I peaked inside because I had fttf. No new pool bars, or Guys or Blue Iguana. Cabin service once daily where I was (7 balcony-aft). Fridge was empty which was nice, mattresses were new and I personally loved them.

    Ship is still tacky and pink but who cares right? American Table not on the ship yet thank goodness. No table clothes reminds me of a Ram's Horn. So some goods and some bads. Happy cruising.



    We did the first sailing after dry dock (March 20th) and that pretty much sums it up. Nothing really changed on there. We did not see the Hasbro show either. The only change in entertainment is they were doing the Playlist Production shows. We saw the 80s one (forgot the name), and the 88 Keys one. Just the two shows, rest was normal juggler/magicians/etc. No Carnival Hub either.

  13. Whilst I'm inclined to agree a few points


    1. In my opinion still great value


    2. Costs us less per night than a hotel and just two meals before we embark


    3. Prices went 10+ years with little increase so over the last ten years prices have risen an average of about 25% in total, that's only 2.5% per year.


    I think part of that is the change in the business model of the cruise lines. They have been keeping the base fare's lower and switching to earning money through extra charge items. Especially things like specialty restaurants, which has really taken off the last 10 years. Drink prices, and on-board spending items, have also risen a great deal in the past 10 years.

  14. Specialty restaurant hahaha. I don't think anyone eats at the rock wall or merry go round. Next thing you know you are going to tell me that JR tastes better. The seats that you sit at are pretty darn close to same regardless of getting it at the counter (faster btw) or sitting down and paying for it.


    I disagree about the seats being the same thing. One of the things about JR is the atmosphere of being in a place that looks like a 50's diner. Guy's seating is pool deck benches. My daughter also liked the singing/dancing waiters, and danced along with them.


    Personally, I thought Guy's had a better burger myself. And better fries. Though I liked the JR onion rings (not to mention the milkshakes of course).

  15. The Magic has by far the most included/free dining locations and options.

    Many RCCL venues are paid.

    Eg. Guy's Burgers vs. Johnny Rockets, Blue Iguana vs. Sabor, Cucina Del Capitano (free for lunch only) vs. Giovanni's Table.

    The Magic also has the new Guy's BBQ, as well as the Indian Tandoor and the Mongolian Wok!



    Sort of. Really Guys, Blue Iguana, Tandoor and the Mongolian Wok are just extensions of the Buffet area. You can put a separate name on it, and try to make it sound like a separate dining area, but really that's what they are. None of them are sit-down restaurants like the others, where you get a full menu versus a couple of items. You basically get your food and sit in the buffet area or around the pool deck.

  16. I need to vent:




    Our last family cruise was on NCL'S Breakaway. We were blown away with the different venues every night and anytime we wanted. It was amazing. On our Anthem cruise in October, is another family cruise and we were all so excited that RCCL was doing the same. NOW, with all of the whiners and complainers it's GONE. Barely even had a chance. NCL has been doing this for YEARS AND YEARS and they are great at it. No one even wanted to give RCCL a chance to perfect it. So, to all of the complainers YOU WON.


    Ok, that's not completely true. On the Breakaway, the 3 restaurants Savor, Taste, and The Manhattan Room are basically the main dining rooms (the complimentary ones). They have the same fleet-wide menus in all 3 restaurants. Basically they're ALL My Time Dining, there is no set dining.


    They just have a lot of specialty restaurants. The nice thing with NCL is they've been running their specials to have an option of free specialty restaurants (or beverage, obc, wifi), so if you picked that you had all the restaurants to choose from.


    I will say, NCL does do that concept very well in general.

  17. So if you board the ship with 138 loyalty points will you get crystal block on that ship? Or on your next cruise since points dont post until after cruise is complete?


    Example: You board Indy with 138 points and its 5 nights so you earn 5 points to 143. Then next you get on Enchantment. Would the block be given to you on Indy or Enchantment?


    You should get it onboard the ship and sailing that you will reach 140 points on. So you should get it while onboard the Indy, during that sailing.

  18. A few months ago I was reading activities that are on board the Liberty. I can't remember exactly what I saw but it has something to do with maybe walking around the ship to raise money or awareness about saving sea turtles. Is anyone aware of anything on board like this??? I can't find it now.


    I guess that's a different excursion then going to Grand Cayman and eating them *sly grin* (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

  19. Yes, you should expect something. And although it might not end up in your cabin, talk to the Loyalty Ambassador to get things figured out. Just because they might not get it to you doesn't mean you shouldn't expect it.


    This is what we did. We waited a couple of days to see if it would show up in the cabin, but then went to talk to the LA on-board. He looked it up, said I was correct, and immediately got me one of the crystal blocks.

  20. Hi, everyone...........


    Does anyone know with certainty if Splendor has the HUB app post dry-dock? If not, if there a scheduled date for implementation?


    Sailing June 4, and hoping she might have it by then.


    Thanks in advance

    Merci Beaucoup


    Was on the March 20th sailing, no HUB App. They did not list any schedule for it, just said "Coming Soon" (which it did for all the ships that didn't have it yet).

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