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Bill Leiber

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Posts posted by Bill Leiber

  1. Thanks Bill for this honest reply as to why included drinks are on the back page I.e. Azamara wish to increase revenue by highlighting revenue generating drinks. Fair enough. Still don't understand rationale for not showing ingredients of the inclusive cocktails. I am not familiar with the constituent parts of most of the offerings. Also you say that ingredients and pictures are necessary to promote those non inclusive cocktails that generate revenue. Don't mean to be picky but I would submit that increased charges for 'more inclusive' was a sales tactic to also increase overall revenue. These drinks are included but they are in no way 'free' to the paying customer.

    Next time I cruise I must also remember to have a web page open at all times so that I can take advantage of the 33 'spirits' listed so that I can request any concoction that I fancy, even when the bar is busy.


    Now I am beginning to sound like 'English Tim' but sometimes these long considered replies answer some points admirably but then raise more questions.


    Still can't wait to get back on board but all this is great fun!


    Hello Mrs Miggins -


    I appreciate your loyalty to the Azamara experience and taking your time to share your opinions about how we could improve our overall operation.


    I understand your point that we should reconsider our thinking about not providing a list of the ingredients for the most frequently requested cocktails. Perhaps we'll find similar feedback from our onboard guest surveys and post-cruise guest questionnaire to the point where we might consider providing this information in an onboard format to be determined. As I said, we're still in our introductory stage.


    You're right about our "select standard spirits" inclusion as not being free. It and the AzAmazing Evening event costs were added to our tariff. These amenities represent only a portion of our price increase. We also increased our pricing to sustain the brand and grow our fleet in the future. We're supposed to make a profit and exceed our guest's expectations! :)


    Please keep-up the "tough love!"


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  2. This mention of additional cost beverage packages should have been included in your BIG November announcement, Bill, in the section describing the new liquor policy. It would have made clear that the liquor policy would be very basic, and that those who wanted a more comprehensive policy (i.e., like the "up-market and luxury" cruise lines) would have to pay for one of three:eek: better packages in order to get it. This would have been much more accurate than saying that Azamara's new package was " a common offering in the up-market and luxury sectors of our industry," which turned out to be highly misleading and a major contributor to the subsequent controversy here.


    Hello Marinaro44 -


    I agree with your assessment that Azamara could have done a much job with communicating and positioning our "select standard spirits" program and making a stronger and more obvious connection to our extra-tariff liquor packages for guests who might have been expecting premium brands.


    I have forwarded several of your copy suggestions and feedback about our writing style to our marketing director so that it can be discussed with our advertising copywriters.


    Thank you for your time and effort in providing your feedback about our marketing execution. For me, it's an important perspective from a very engaged and avid Azamara customer.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  3. Bill, thank you and I don't think there is more for you to say and we appreciate Azamara admitting that they decided to use the term "All-Inclusive" in the UK and it wasn't outside agents doing this on their own.


    I think the UK agents and Azamara should give the UK guests who booked during the period when Azamara was advertised as all-inclusive an upgraded drinks package. The value of the package isn't that high in the first place and the agents could use it as a booking bonus. Note we are not drinkers but this is just my opinion. Btw, to us "All-inclusive" would include shore excursions and specialty restaurants, but those from the UK posting only seem to believe All-inclusive relates to alcohol.


    Hello Jade13 -


    Thank you for your comments and suggestions to the UK marketing and sales team.


    From UK feedback, I'm hopeful we're making progress in recovering from the unwise "All-Inclusive" UK positioning.


    Best regards,



    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  4. Hello Azamara Followers -


    As the year reaches its mid-point and this three and half month thread, New 2013 Inclusive Beverage Program Details, (posted on March 20, 2013) reaches 464 replies and over 30,000 views as of June 30, it makes sense to give you a status update and attempt to respond to your questions about our more inclusive beverage program. I understand why Andy decided to close this thread - what more could be said?


    Please keep in mind that the more inclusive beverage program was implemented on the Azamara Quest on the March 27 voyage and the Azamara Journey on the May 15 voyage. So it's fair to say that the program is in its "introductory stage."


    I've noticed recurring themes in the 464 replies posted by the 98 participants on this thread and will make a best effort to comment on them at this point in time in the program's operation.


    As you proceed, it's important to remember that my responses are shaped by the following:

    § Azamara Club Cruises' operating mission, which is to 'exceed our guest's expectations profitably.'

    § "Marinaro44's" suggestion for "to be straight-forward and direct with its client base."


    Why did Azamara decide to expand its complimentary beverage offerings?

    1. To improve its value proposition by expanding on its already existing selection of complimentary boutique wines, served at lunch and dinner. It was not to become an "all-inclusive" brand.

    2. To grow our new-customer base through this expanded beverage inclusion along with the AzAmazing Evening experience, which provides a tangible demonstration of "destination immersion."


    Although we've become "more-inclusive," our tariffs are NOT "all-inclusive." The amenities we list in our brochures and on our website are complimentary. If guests prefer something else, we offer choices for an additional charge. For an example, dining in our Discovery Restaurant is complimentary but in our Specialty restaurants there is a surcharge.


    Simply, generating onboard revenue continues to be a critical profit component within the context of a "more-inclusive" product offering. These two conflicting forces must co-exist. That means that we will offer very attractively priced packages for all aspects of our onboard experience which our staff will suggest to our customers.


    This profit motive explains why in addition to standard complimentary beverages we offer five "high value" optional beverage packages for our customers who prefer specific premium brands: Premium Water Package; Premium Beer Package and three Liquor Packages - Premium, Top Shelf and Ultimate.


    As shown on this thread, there are guests who are satisfied with our expanded complimentary inclusive programs and others who believe that our upgraded programs are fairly priced.


    Why are the included drinks on the back page of the bar menu?

    It was a business decision based on the retail merchandising technique to feature profitable items up-front. That explains why we highlight our revenue producing beverage packages first, followed by our included spirit list. It improves the likelihood of reaching our revenue targets.


    Why is the spirit list onboard shorter than website list?

    Our hotel management team chose not to list on the menu what they consider to be 'Mixer' spirits. These are items that in their opinion would never be ordered alone, but are components of many cocktails...vermouth, triple sec, crème de whatever, etc. That does not mean that they are not available. Here is a website link to the "Complimentary Beverages" where you will find 31 complimentary spirits.



    Why do we not describe the included cocktails?

    Our hotel management team did not see the need to list the ingredients of the included cocktails because many of them are classic, well-known cocktails. However, when there are requests for cocktails for which we do know, our bar staff will find the recipe. Instead, we use the space to show pictures and text which highlight the cocktails that generate revenue.


    Wine List Update

    We are formulating a new wine list that will slowly roll out through the rest of 2013 as the new selections are delivered to each vessel. The original data that we feature was created with that new wine list in mind.


    In the interim, both vessels are using different wine lists based on their existing inventory and each have their own flyer until the new list is fully implemented, probably at the end of this year. Also, We are modifying the disclaimer language on our website to state:

    Not all beverage selections may be available on all voyages. Alternate selections of equal value may be substituted at management discretion.


    UK Issue: All-Inclusive vs. More-Inclusive

    Everytime I see this topic mentioned, it triggers a memory of my first trip to London and visiting Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park and listening to those many citizens about how to make the world a better place. I assure you that your voices are being heard.


    There is no question that it was an ill-advised decision, based on the input of UK agents who were knowledgeable with the all-inclusive market, to attempt to position the Azamara brand as "all-inclusive" in the UK when in the rest of the world it's "more-inclusive."


    Sometimes, the best of companies make mistakes. In early April, the UK marketing and sales team issued an advisory letter to the UK travel agent network to correct the situation, stating the following:

    " ... Currently, our positioning outside the UK is ‘more inclusive’ rather than ‘all-inclusive’. As you’ll appreciate, being a global brand we need to be consistent in our messaging, and will be aligning ourselves along the ‘more-inclusive’ route in all our future UK marketing efforts.

    Action as required:

    In closing, you’re a key part of our sales partnership and we deeply value your commitment and enthusiasm on this evolutionary journey. So, to avoid any possible confusion for your customers, please ensure that all mentions of ‘all-inclusive’ are withdrawn from your sales collateral and websites by Friday 19 April 2013..."

    Based on your recent comments, our UK sales team realizes they have more police work to do with a handful of agencies.


    I am 'tapped-out' to provide a further explanation for our regrettable decision and the action that is in place to correct that that mistake. What's done is done and being corrected.


    What happens to your feedback?

    Although I did not specifically ask for your feedback about the program, I responded to a multi-paged thread started by "English Tim" on April 25, 2013, titled "Controversy with all inclusive - what would you like included?" I stated that I would summarize the comments about the program and the value-priced packages and submit them to our senior management team. Here is a link to that thread:



    Your comments, along with actual onboard guests and hotel staff feedback will be evaluated for its implications for program development. I remind you the program is still in its "introductory stage." In fact, the complimentary liquor program has been in operation for only 46 days on the Azamara Journey! Please be patient during the evaluation process. Data gathering is an important component of decision making. Just because we're not offering complimentary sparkling wine or adding Pimm's to the inclusive list, does not mean that we don't value your input. It's a timing issue as we gather more feedback.


    At the same time, not all your wishes about your preferred brand and beverage can come true. It will be a delicate-balance to deliver an acceptable inclusive liquor program that at the same time does not inhibit the purchase of our value-based optional liquor packages, designed to create additional revenue. It's an example of the challenge to "exceed our guest's expectations profitably."


    I think that "excitedofharpendenange/Phil" said it best: "... Time to let the dust settle on this new introduction, move on and see what happens. If there is one thing I have learned about Azamara it is that they do listen to their customers."


    I will keep the community informed about this program on the Azamara forum.




    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  5. Hi Bill,

    Still waiting for a reply to questions to you posted on other threads regarding the inclusive drinks menu on the back page of the bar menu?

    A). Why is the spirits list on board shorter than website list (9 against 22)?

    B). Why is there no description of included cocktails?


    After mentioning this on mid cruise comments card I was told.

    That including the above would make the menu too long and that not describing the cocktails was meant to increase interaction between the bar staff and clients?


    Hello Mrs. Miggens -


    I'm looking forward to responding to your questions and providing more information about our inclusive beverage program tomorrow.


    I've received feedback from our hotel operations and marketing team that I will incorporate into my response to you and others on this thread.


    Best wishes for a pleasant weekend.




    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  6. Bill, Please can you advise if Pimms is [or will be] included on the drinks list?


    Hello Oliveau -


    I've learned that at this time there are no plans to make any changes to the inclusive list. However, Pimm's is available for $4.50.


    We look forward to welcoming you onboard this fall.




    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  7. Given escalating shore tour costs I would like to know where our "evening event" will be way before next year...don't need absolute details just the port will do...that cannot be too difficult please.:confused:


    Also I understand Azamara is wanting non US citizens to only book in their own country..Bill given that the internet is a world wide market these days why is that?:mad:




    Hello Sue -


    Please let me know on what voyage you are sailing and I'll check to find the targeted port planned for the AzAmazing Evening event.


    Your point is well taken about the impact of the internet providing transparency about its global marketing programs. We would like nothing more than to communicate the same everywhere, but based on local laws, regulations and business practices, this is not always possible. In fact, the US/Canada, UK and Australia each have their separate marketing programs and call centers.


    Once you're onboard, the remarkable Azamara experience transcends the global borders!


    I'll be waiting for your voyage information.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  8. Hello 2014 AzAmazing Evening Followers -


    Last week I informed you that we expected to have a portion of our 2014 Azamara Events input into our US website sometime during this week and thanked you for your patience. As I prepare this message it's almost 7 PM in Miami and after checking with the tour operations department, I must ask for your continued patience.


    In an effort to help you understand why it is taking more time that was originally estimated, there are two issues that require more work. First, finalizing the ideal type and size of venue with our tour operators. Second, considering certain timing changes on a few itineraries' ports of call to accommodate the event and the scheduled Land Discovery shore excursions that will be offered on that day. These issues are primarily in the first-quarter of next year and in certain regions, especially in Mexico, Taiwan and Japan.


    Following our hasty publication of our 2013 AzAmazing Evening events in 2012, we learned from your feedback that it's best to do the right things right the first-time. Hence, the need for more time.


    I understand your anticipation level is high and that planning your destination experience is part of your enjoyment. With that in mind, I've been told that we will have the completed and approved AzAmazing Evenings posted on our website, which I'm hopeful will occur sometime next week, based on feedback from today.


    To answer your questions about specific voyages, I can share with you preliminary information about the targeted port planned for the AzAmazing Evening (AZE) event. Remember this caveat: this information is subject to change and is NOT final.


    Azamara Journey: 2014 Departure Date and AZE Date

    Jan 6 - AZE / set Jan 13 - Ho Chi Minh City

    Jan 21 - AZE / set Jan 30 - Bangkok

    Feb 3 - AZE / set Feb 10 - Ho Chi Minh City

    Feb 17 - AZE / TBD - Okinawa on Feb 22

    Mar 03 - AZE / TBD - Hiroshima on Mar 7

    Mar 17 - AZE / set Mar 19 - Manila

    Apr 3 - AZE / TBD - Phuket on Apr 6

    Apr 15 - AZE / set Apr 25 - Aqaba


    I hope this information helps with your planning and alleviates some of your frustration with the speed of our planning process.


    Please enjoy your weekend ahead.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  9. Hello Adurr1 and Other Readers -


    I've learned from hotel operation's management, that there are no future plans to add sparkling wine to the Inclusive list.


    Please remember that sparkling wine will continue to be served on a complimentary basis for such onboard events such as the Le Club Voyage parties; at embarkation; large tour welcome backs and other events at the discretion of our onboard management team.


    The Wine Packages which we offer include all bottles of wine valued at $50 or less. There are more than 60 wines from which to choose, including 1 sparkling wine, 30 white wines, 3 rosé wines, 26 red wines, and 4 dessert wines. Below is a link to our website:



    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  10. Its good to see that plenty more are aggrieved by the lack of an alcoholic drink that is hugely popular.


    Any ideas how I escalate this, and hopefully get sense to prevail with Azamara before I sail on December 23rd?




    Hello Adurr1 -


    I've responded to you on the thread - "New 2013 Inclusive Beverage Program Details." I'll repeat it below:


    Thank you for taking the time to express your opinion and disappointment about our not including at least one sparking whites in our more inclusive list.


    As I mentioned before, as your ombudsman, I've been summarizing, for our executive management team, Cruise Critic member comments and opinions about the complimentary program and the value-priced beverage packages.


    The new program is actually a "work-in-progress" and will be fine-tuned as it unfolds on both our vessels. Our executive team will be evaluating and considering actual guest feedback and its impact on program improvement. This might explain why "English Tim" received a drinks list and "Zennor" did not the week prior.


    I will follow-up with our hotel operations team to determine if any modifications are being considered or have been made. It may take me a few days to receive a response, so I'm thanking you in advance for your patience!


    I appreciate your feedback and suggestions.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  11. Bill Leiber,


    Please can you advise why Azamara continue to be short-sighted enough not to include any sparkling whites in the 'more inclusive' option?:mad:


    This is an extremely dated approach.





    Hello Adurr1 and Other Readers -


    Thank you for taking the time to express your opinion and disappointment about our not including at least one sparking whites in our more inclusive list.


    As I mentioned before, as your ombudsman, I've been summarizing for our executive management team, Cruise Critic member comments and opinions about the complimentary program and the value-priced beverage packages.


    The new program is actually a "work-in-progress" and will be fine-tuned as it unfolds on both our vessels. Our executive team will be evaluating and considering actual guest feedback and its impact on program improvement. This might explain why "English Tim" received a drinks list and "Zennor" did not the week prior.


    I will follow-up with our hotel operations team to determine if any modifications are being considered or have been made. It may take me a few days to receive a response, so I'm thanking you in advance for your patience!


    I appreciate your feedback and suggestions.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  12. Hello Bill


    I think sticking to Plan A might be better, you are right to avoid sharing information piecemeal and if there are gaps in what you share there will just be endless speculation etc.


    One day you will tell us, but whilst it is nice to know who might be on board I can wait until embarkation day if need be as Azamara has a great team of officers all are so good I would hate to actually have to choose my preferred combination!


    Thanks for your persistence and if need be, we should wait!


    Hello UKtog and other readers -


    I appreciate your thoughtful reminder that our onboard Azamara team of officers and staff are all so good and proficient in managing the Azamara onboard experience that it would be difficult to select the perfect combination.


    I do have the final version of the complete staffing schedule for the Azamara Journey for the voyages operating from August 4, 2013 through January 6, 2014. Andy will be posting that information on the appropriate thread sometime tomorrow. Thanks Andy for your time and effort.


    I'm unable to share the complete Azamara Quest schedule at this time. The Captains' schedules are still being sorted and there are a few other "holes." I'll keep you updated on the progress.


    Thank you all for your patience.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  13. Not to be a pest Andy, but between Bill and you we have been waiting over 2 weeks for over answer. Surely the staff knows their their schedules for the next several months.


    Hello Kiawahdon -


    As Andy mentioned, I'm seeking the information but there are still a few time slots that are subject to change, mostly with the Azamara Quest. Rather than post inaccurate information, I've been waiting for the approved schedule. Also, I wanted to avoid sharing the information in a piece-meal fashion.


    If I'm unable to secure that final information, then I'll forward what I do have to Andy so that he can post it on the forum on Monday or Tuesday.


    I'm sorry for your frustration and appreciate that you're running out of patience.


    Best Regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  14. Jade13


    sorry badly worded. While we were on the ship we hoped, having given the object to our cabin steward that we may have recieved a letter of apology. However, it was a fast and furious 4 days for us and although we, as you do when on Azamara, spoke several times to the Captain and various other officers, we did not want to get anyone into trouble if the steward had not reported it. We kept hoping that the steward would, maybe if the cruise was longer?


    However, it really was not acceptable levels of cleaning to leave something like that in a cabin, when it was only about an inch under the bed.


    We have not sailed a great deal compared to everyone on here, only NCL, Costa, Celebrity. But our cabin was the uncleanest and least cleaned that we have ever encountered.


    There was little things that you notice. The flowers had not water and were already half dead (I gave them water each day, but they were already half dead), the big cushions on the bed were removed, on celebrity they stayed and I prefered them to the smaller ones. The bits on the floor that were there when we arrived, never moved. Along with the dust writing on the shelves.


    To be honest it was disgusting and embarassing and we just wanted to enjoy ourselves and not get into a situation of talking about it to a ships officer in polite company.


    Other guests commented on the party that had been onboard the previous cruise, which may or may not have had a bearing on our cabin condition. But the point always was that if the cabin had been cleaned properly, the item would have found its way into a vacuum cleaner and probably blocked it! Or made a very interesting noise! The hand, foot and other marks on the wall mirror may have been removed too.


    Sorry English Tim, I was just going to make it a bit of a joke and ask 'have you checked under your bed' lol


    I am sure it is not something that ever happens normally and it was just a very busy change over for the ships crew!


    No review for this one, shame because we had a magnificent time:)


    Sorry everyone :o

    Hello HudandPug -


    First there is no need for you to apologize. We are very sorry and disturbed to read your report not only about the item you found not too far under your bed and the superficial cleaning that you found in your stateroom, but also learning about your reluctance to bring that to the attention of our Hotel Manager.


    We truly value on-the-spot feedback to our onboard management team. It's the most effective method for performance improvement for our staff. It enables our onboard management team to check their progress along the path toward continual improvement in our onboard experience. I assure you that our Hotel Director would have taken your feedback very seriously.


    I assume that you were on the Azamara Quest's May 23 - 27, 2013 4-night Grand Prix voyage which followed a prior charter operation. I've forwarded your comments to our Vice President of Hotel Operations and Hotel Director about this service shortfall for follow-up with their staff.


    I was pleased that none the less, you had a "magnificent" time. I hope that this uncharacteristic housekeeping shortfall will diminish from your memories so that you'll be able to focus on the highlights of your forthcoming voyage on the Azamara Journey's April 15, 2014 voyage, Mumbai to Athens.


    We look forward to welcoming you onboard!


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  15. Bill, I've started some research into perceptions of AI and many are just content to be in the care of Azamara. Today your shoreside staff have been fantastic. Everything has gone very well, much better than Seabourn.


    Hello English Tim -


    Thank you for the positive feedback, photos and on-the-spot reporting!


    Please don't forget to immerse yourself into our onboard experience as you do your reporting!


    Bon Voyage!


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  16. Bill,

    Any news since it has been almost 2 weeks?


    Hello Kiawahon -


    I expect to have that information sometime next week. I'm sorry for the delay, but we want to make sure that the information we post has been reviewed once more by each vessels' hotel directors.


    Thank you for your continued patience.


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  17. Hello English Tim -


    I'll be looking forward to your on-the-spot reports about your perceptions of the Azamara Club Cruises onboard experience.


    Happy Sailing to you and Rosy!


    Bon Voyage,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  18. Thanks bill.


    As uktog says the problem seems more widespread than an isolated newspaper advert.


    I fear a note/buliten to TA's may not be enough, the ACC UK team need to be a bit more proactive and seek out those TA's that may be ignoring/failing to action the request to remove All inclusive from all references to Azamara.....


    Hello UKtog and Insidecabin -


    Thanks for your time and effort in sharing your perspective on the potential dissatisfaction that we might face from the fact that UK travel companies are still promoting Azamara as "All-Inclusive." Also, the website list will be the target list for our sales management.


    I have forwarded this information to our UK sales and marketing team.


    I appreciate your efforts very much.



    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  19. It looks as if Azamara needs to have a word with it's TAs. Page 67 of todays Mail on Sunday has an ad from Cruise Club UK stating categorically "5* All Inclusive Cruises aboard Azamara" and All Inclusive with gratuties inclusive" the latter is of course correct in part where it mentions gratuities. There is a logo below the photo of an Azamara ship ( pre-refit ) which says "Azmara Club Cruises ALL INCLUSIVE". That is not open to any misinterpretation and will not help in calming ruffled feathers, particularly if a whole new batch of unhappy and disgruntled guests come into the picture.

    This whole farrago really does need sorting out and a unified approach from Azamara and it's agents. I am desperately looking forward to our cruise and this sorry debacle will not, I hope, hamper our enjoyment ( although I'm still sore about having to pay for fizzy water and alcohol free beer when gin, wine, vodka and scotch are available gratis ) but it is not reassuring to find misinformation still being peddled.


    Hello Raskelf, Gosport11 and other UK readers -


    Thank you for reporting this advertisement in the Sunday travel section of the Mail. I'm disappointed - it seems that you're right that it "looks as if Azamara needs to have a word with it TAs." In early April the UK sales team announced to the travel trade community the decision to cease referring to Azamara as "All-Inclusive" in the UK to "More-Inclusive" so that Azamara would be positioned as it is in the US, Canada and other global markets.


    In fact, here is the specific language that was included in our communication:

    "Action as required:

    In closing, you’re a key part of our sales partnership and we deeply value your commitment and enthusiasm on this evolutionary journey. So, to avoid any possible confusion for your customers, please ensure that all mentions of ‘all-inclusive’ are withdrawn from your sales collateral and websites by Friday 19 April 2013. ..."


    I have already forwarded your message to our head of trade sales for action and thank you again for your feedback as we sort out this situation.


    I thought it might be helpful to re-post a portion of my earlier message which included a summary of the information that we shared with our UK travel partners in making this shift:

    § Concurrent with Azamara's decision to include select standard spirits and beers in the 2013 tariff, the UK marketing team decided to sell Azamara as "All-Inclusive" in the UK, based on feedback from travel agents who were familiar with the all-inclusive market.

    § After several months in the UK marketplace, however, this approach became confusing to the UK guests, in light of the fact that in the US, Canadian and global markets, the brand was positioned as "More-Inclusive." Going forward, therefore, the UK marketing approach will be to adopt the "More-Inclusive" route.

    § As a "More-Inclusive" product, we now offer select standard spirits and international beers, plus boutique house wines at no charge to guests in bars throughout the ship, as well as at lunch and dinner.

    § This is in addition to the host of amenities already included in the cruise price:

    - Complimentary AzAmazing Evenings event (Excluded on Transatlantic)

    - Gratuities

    - Complimentary bottled water, soft drinks, specialty coffees and teas

    - Butler service for all suite guests

    - Shuttle service to and from port where available

    - Concierge services for personal guidance and reservations

    § Because some of our guests also enjoy premium drinks brands, we offer great value premium packages that increase the range of beverages and brands they can choose.


    To avoid any possible continued customer confusion, the UK travel partners have been notified to withdraw all mentions of "All-Inclusive" in their sales materials and websites. I expect that it will take a period of time for this information to phase out. ...


    We look forward to welcoming you aboard for your Azamara vacation. I hope that your experience exceeds your expectations in spite of the confusion that we created with the All-Inclusive" vs. "More-Inclusive" positioning.




    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  20. Hi Both


    Do you have Captain/Cruise Director info for sailings after July 2013


    Particularly interested in Journey 1st Oct - round trip Rome


    Also do you know when Hong Kong hotels for Jan 2014 will be loaded the Singapore hotels have been listed for quite a while







    Hello Sue -


    I'm seeking the staffing information for our voyages for the second half of 2013 and once received, Andy will update the thread.


    With respect to the hotels that will be used during the first-half of 2014, I'll find out from our tour operations team when that information will be available and loaded into the system.


    I'll let you know the answers on this thread.


    Thank you for your business.


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  21. A question for Bill, if I may.


    I see that Becks beer is included in the Inclusive list - does that include Becks Blue ( non-alcoholic ) ? As it is cheaper than alcoholic Becks it would seem logical to include it but could you clarify this matter. Many thanks.


    Hello Raskelf -


    Thank you for your question. I'll seek out that information for you and report it on this thread.


    Thank you for vacationing with Azamara!




    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  22. And with the "sale" and the 125% single supplement, what's not to love?


    Bill L., I shall keep my eyes peeled for your next post. Thanks in advance.


    Hello Hrhdhd -


    I'm pleased to let you know that the Azamara Quest will be berthed for the 2013 voyages at the Hamburg Cruise Center, Hafen City.


    Großer Grasbrook/Chicagokai

    20457 Hamburg


    This location is excellent and as the crow flies a mile from city center.


    More first-rate information is available at the Hamburg Cruise Center website:




    I hope that you decide to pack your bags so that we can welcome you onboard!


    Best Regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  23. Hello 2fromTO -


    I appreciate your patience while waiting for information about the liquor package that will be included with the Perry Golf Package in conjunction with the forthcoming British Open Cruise on the Azamara Quest.


    The "Ultimate Package" will be included ($18.95 per person, per day) which includes the all the Premium Package and Top-Shelf Package brands plus Belvedere Intense, Christiania, Grey Goose, The Balvenie, Highland Park Aged 12 Years, Johnnie Walker Black Label, The Macallan Select Oak, Laphroaig, Zacapa 23, Hendrick's, Baker's, Basil Hayden's, Booker's, Knob Creek, Patrón Silver, Courvoisier VSOP, Rémy Martin VSOP and more...


    My best wishes for a wonderful vacation on this fantastic itinerary and good luck with your golfing!


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  24. Thanks to nordski :), I am now thinking of booking the Aug. 7 Quest cruise from Hamburg to Southampton.


    Can someone tell me about the logistics of boarding the ship in Hamburg? Where does the ship dock? Actually in Hamburg or on the outskirts somewhere? Can a single traveler who overpacks manage the trip from a Hamburg hotel?


    Info appreciated. :)


    Hello Hrhdhd -


    I'll seek out that information for you and report it on this thread.


    Thank you for vacationing with Azamara!




    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

  25. Hello Azamara Followers -


    I am pleased to be able to share with you the Menus for the three wine degustation dinners - French, Italian and California.

    § All guests can book the chef's table, it accommodates 12 people. If there are more bookings, then it will be held in the Library with a capacity of up to 22 guests.

    § The charge is $95 per person including wine pairing.

    § An example of the wines that will be paired is shown below.


    Chef’s Table – France

    § Tuna Tartare Niçoise

    § Smoked Potato Leek Soup

    § Scallops Grenobloises

    § Filet of Beef au Poivre, or

    § Seared Sea Bass

    § Caramelized Apple Gâteau


    Chef’s Table – Italy

    § Chilled Crab Panzanella Salad

    § Zuppa di Celeriac

    § House-Made Black Pepper Tagliatelle

    § Roasted Veal Tenderloin, or

    § Olive Oil Poached Halibut

    § Chocolate Amaretto Panna Cotta


    Chef’s Table – California

    § Lobster Salad Stuffed Avocado Roulade

    § Smoked Tomato Velouté

    § Surf and Turf

    § Herb-Roasted Strip Loin, or

    § Walnut-Crusted Salmon

    § Strawberry Almond Shortcake


    A Note about the Wine Pairings:

    We have not listed the wines that will be served with each menu because, at this time, each vessel is using the wines that currently exist within their individual cellars. As the year progresses, we will be rolling out a new wine list for both ships so that there will be a standard wine selection for each course.


    To provide you with an example of the types of wines that we have used for recent Chef's Tables, please see the below list. Please be aware that if your decide to do the Chef's Table, do not expect any of these wines as they will change continually until we have the new, permanent wines in place.


    Sample Wine List:

    § Cervaro, Castello della Sala, Antinori, Italy

    § Chablis, William Fèvre, Premier Cru, Montmains, Burgundy, France

    § Chardonnay, Rombauer, Carneros, California

    § Château Castera, Haut Médoc, Bordeaux, France

    § Château Coufran, Haut Médoc, Bordeaux, France

    § Conundrum, Napa Valley, California

    § Cortese,La Scolca, Gavi di Gavi, Piedmont, Italy

    § Gewürztraminer, Hugel, Alsace, France

    § Gevrey-Chambertin, Maison Louis Jadot, Côtes de Nuits, Burgundy, France

    § Merlot, Robert Mondavi, Private Selection, California

    § Nero d’ Avola, Corvo, Vendemmia, Sicily, Italy

    § Pinot Grigio, Vigneti Fantinel, Sant’ Helena, Collio, Italy

    § Pinot Noir, La Crema, Sonoma Coast, California

    § Promis, Gaja, Ca Marcanda, Tuscany, Italy

    § Ridge Vineyards, Lytton Springs, Dry Creek Valley, California

    § Rosé, Château Esclans, Provence, France

    § Santa Cristina, Igt, Antinori, Tuscany, Italy

    § Sauternes, Barton & Guestier, Bordeaux, France

    § Sauvignon Blanc, Honig, Napa Valley, California

    § Stars and Stripes, Domaine Chandon, Brut Classic, California


    As I mentioned, there is a new flyer about the "Chef's Table" program that is under production and once it is completed, we'll be able to have Andy place it on the forum as a Sticky Post.


    Eat, drink and be merry!


    Best regards,


    Bill Leiber


    Chief Blogging Officer*

    Azamara Club Cruises

    (*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

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