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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. ATMs are non-functioning, too! Trying to figure out the reason for making it so difficult to change money. Can’t come up with one! Frustrating!!!!
  2. Curious…trying to get some 20s-50s for tips. 2nd time I’ve tried. And, they say they can only exchange or break bills at certain times. Eh…what? Trying to give money for their employees. Bovine feces!!!!
  3. So, Cirqua Terra was a “no go” today given I have a heel blister that’s sizable and quite raw. Band-Aids are useless. Not holding out hope, but my Concierge is trying to get me a refund. Anyway, resting the foot on board today. Hopefully Cannes is a-ok tomorrow! Take a minute to give a few tips for Florence! a). the REAL leather goods in Florence is extremely high quality. And, most leather artisans have their own shops, with their workrooms clearly visible. The quality of the work and the leather is readily apparent. Both are beyond reproach! If you wander into a shop, regardless of whether they advertise as being “real Italian”, and the “leather” smells like soap and is shiny, it’s probably the lowest quality leather (mix?) you will find. Further, while not PC, of the shop is run by anyone other than an Italian (easy to tell), stay away! b). Florence Gold…see above but replace “leather” with “gold”! c). don’t be in a hurry. Your baristas and wait staff aren’t. Not a knock, it’s just their way of life. They savor and take their time doing it! d). Do dine in little trattorias with limited menus (preferably printed only in Italian). That’s where you’ll find the best authentic Italian food. e). don’t assume so, but most stores and restaurants speak english. Not all, but most! f). stay away from street people selling belts, trinkets or toys. Italians frown on these people because they hassle the tourists. Don’t engage or encourage them! g). public restrooms are rare and mostly in disrepair. Plus, they cost at least a euro to use. Expect to buy a restaurant’s food/drink if you want to use their restrooms! h). if you’re on a tour or long bus ride, and have access to a bathroom, use it. The ports and the town centers are pretty far apart! Hope some of this is helpful!
  4. Casual dress. No one I’ve noticed with anything resembling a sport coat. Long pants in LeBistro, but haven’t been there yet. I’m in the minority, but LeBistro is my least favorite Specialty Restaurant! Still, I have a voucher.
  5. Had dinner at LaCucina….surprisingly good. Chicken Cacciatore with veggies and polenta….excellent! Gnocchi with pesto….little bland. Arugula with parmesan shavings. Tough to mess up a salad. Restaurant is out of the way, though!
  6. Agreed! Observed a young couple working the crowd at the Colliseum. She asked to have her picture taken by some guy 4 people down from where I was standing. He agreed, she gave the cheap digital camera to the unsuspecting. Tourist raised his arms to take the picture her boyfriends rifled the pockets. Took 3 seconds and the camera was fake and left behind.
  7. No big deal. As in life, some people are just narcissistic posteriors! Funny story….I made a suggestion that the suite light switches are not marked with their function. There are 8-10 of them….no markings on what they control. I made an off handed comment about it to the GM during the Capt’s exception. No fewer than 2 Concierges and my Butler want to put labels on my lite buttons. Not necessary! Funny, though!
  8. I don’t know why, but seems there have to be a few jerks on every cruise. Found 3 last night in the Haven bar. Don’t know if they were drunk or just jerks. A friendly group of us were discussing NFL games we were getting reports on via our phones. Sure enough, this group of people chimed in to tell us how they hated that games were being broadcast into their country and actually played in their stadiums. Fair enough. Certainly their prerogative! Our group ignored them. They insisted to ratchet up the insults. Our group reorganized in one of the Haven Lounge couch/chair areas. They followed and proceeded to huddle over their Chromebook showing some sort of video as loud as it would play, interrupting our discussion. We moved back to the Haven Bar, and you guessed it, here they come. This time to berate our EXCELLENT bartender in the way she poured beers and insisting on mispronouncing her name no matter how many times she and we corrected them. Sadly, we moved our discussion out by the pool to get away from them! Hope they stay away from the Haven Bar for the duration!!
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