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Posts posted by hexdragon

  1. I assume that the statues are OK to take a picture of, just not the paintings. The flash will dull the pigments over time...


    BTW: I wrote to Ufizzi.org about the tickets. They responded back stating that they give you 20 minutes leeway and then the tickets expire. But on a good note he said there was hardly any line for the Medici chapel...

  2. Are we allowed to take photos at the Academia? I have been told that it is allowed in only certain rooms.


    BTW: I have to supply a time when I prebook the admission tickets. How strict are they? I'm on a walking tour with a three hour "free time" but have no idea when that is...

  3. I am on A Taste of Florence tour this September. We have three hours on our own after the walking tour. I went online to get Academia tickets, but they want a time slot...


    Anyone know who I should ask? Would RCCL customer service have a clue? I assume that they would not put me in touch with the actual provider...

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