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Posts posted by wcook

  1. Attention passengers: There will be a muster drill today sometime between 3:00 and 4:00 pm. Note that the primary purpose of the drill is to train the crew and we want it to be as realistic as possible. Think how you would behave during an actual emergency. Will you panic? Be a little hysterical? Is there a chance you will forget and go to the wrong assembly point? Then that’s how you should behave today. Let’s get the crew trained, and have some fun in the process. 

    • Haha 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, ldubs said:

    I would certainly still cruise.  But "nothing is going to stop me" is not applicable and should not be part of the poll.   Hence, I didn't vote. 

    An ode to a travel agent:

    And we can plan this cruise together
    Standing strong forever
    Nothing's gonna stop us now
    And if this world runs out of cruisers
    We'll still have each other
    Nothing's gonna stop us
    Nothing's gonna stop us

    • Haha 3
  3. Literally millions of people cruise without a passport or leave their passport in a safe when walking around a foreign country. These people aren’t idiots. They’ve looked at the pros and cons and made a decision. 

    I know people mean well, ok most of you mean well. But calling people names for making a different choice than you would make isn’t helpful. 

    • Like 3
  4. Alternate opinion: The amount of “safety” that is added by any muster drill is approximately zero. For the passengers at least (it may help the crew.) 


    We can all have opinions on which is better, but the idea that one is measurably and demonstratively better… not buying it. 

    • Like 1
  5. Back in my day, we used two tin cans and a long string to communicate. And we liked it. Don’t know if that would work today; ships were smaller back then. Anyway,  while I respect those who want to do without cell phones on a cruise, I find them way too useful. Nice to be able to text somebody “I’m up in the sky lounge and there’s a band you would love. Come on up.”

    • Like 1
  6. To get into the legal weeds for a second… in the US (and I haven’t a clue how much of this applies to cruise ships) discrimination, even against a protected class, is both legal and generally considered morally acceptable so long as (1) you have a good reason (2) you don’t have a decent alternative way to accomplish that reason. Pregnant women are highly protected. Keeping late-stage pregnant women off cruise ships is a good thing. 

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Charles4515 said:

    The first time my travel agent booked a wife on my booking. She did not tell me what she was doing and I freaked out. when I saw the name on the booking.

    If you freaked out, image how your actual wife/girlfriend would feel. I wouldn’t want to have to explain this one 🙂

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