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Posts posted by Scratchrat

  1. 7 minutes ago, wowzz said:

    I assume that is just in Wales, as there are no restrictions in England.  If your nearest supermarket is 10 miles away, what harm can it do to drive there? 5 miles is just an arbitrary figure with no scientific justification. 

    Yes, in Wales there is a 5 mile limit for meeting other people currently. But this is up for review next week.

  2. Just now, AchileLauro said:

    Yes but you still won't be able to travel more than 5 miles to get there if what the papers are reporting is true (travel restrictions in force until at least the end of August).

    That may be O.K. for some who live in and who's lives revolve around the city but would be hopeless for those in live in or who's interests are in more rural areas.


    I think December will be okay though. I'm sure things will be the new normal by September

  3. Just now, wowzz said:

    I can understand your concern, but unless you are going on a lengthy road journey (the trip to Kuala Lumpur springs to mind) I think that the chances of missing the ship are remote. 

    As regards something going wrong, if you pick the right tour company/guide, read the reviews etc, it is highly unlikely that you will be disappointed. And you'll probably find that P&O,  like most cruise companies, do not help that much if things go wrong on one of their tours. Everything is sub-contracted out, P&O take an enormous cut, and to be honest, aren't all that bothered if things are not great. 

    The other reason I hate organised tours, is that the timings are dictated to you. We like to spend as much or as little time in each place as we choose. Plus you don't have to suffer the obligatory visit to the souvenir shop!


    considering my Iona cruise is going to many city destinations and I chose Select for the shuttles, I think I'm likely to just go do my own exploration. A couple of excursions do appeal though for the places harder to get to

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, wowzz said:

    Very, very rarely do we do P&O tours. If there is a tour or sight we especially want to do, we find a private company or individual and book with them in advance. I know it's "snobby" but walking past everybody lined up in queues to get on a bus, while we get into a private car, gives me a certain "frisson" !

    For me it's more that if I book with the ship, Im guaranteed not to get back late and miss the ship lol


    Also, if I don't like the tour or something went wrong, I can get it resolved onboard right away rather than have to wait a week and contact the tour company and go through that rigmarole 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Eddie99 said:

    Popular tours do fill early 

    You can cancel & get the money back on your card right up to a day or two before boarding, or perhaps even after boarding.  I’m unsure of details

    Plus, excursions are often a few pounds more expensive on board


    There doesn’t seem much point in hanging around

    Do more get added later? 


    I know for my Carnival one in June there are only a few currently available but more appear closer to the time.

  6. 1 minute ago, wowzz said:

    Where do you get your facts from?

    Scientists, experts in their field. Same as everyone else I assume. 


    When did this go from cruise chat to character dissemination?


    I assure you, I am very well educated, with multiple degrees and a very good job, I am not some mindless young idiot who absorbs the ramblings of madmen.

  7. Just now, wowzz said:

    I'm sure you do, as do we all. But in order to have views, you need information. It's where the information comes from that concerns me. {sorry, we seem to have digressed from cruising and polo shirts!}

    As mentioned before, I pay attention to facts not opinions.

  8. 3 minutes ago, wowzz said:

    Looks like Cardiff is the only place in the country where polo shirts are not worn!


    Oh I'm sure they are worn, just not by anyone I personally socialise or work with.


    We're more T-shirt and jeans kinda people.

  9. 17 minutes ago, wowzz said:

    Sorry, got my Alexa ownership muddled up.

    My basic point remains the same - Amazon is dictating what they think is important. Does it not worry you that you are getting a totally biased view of the world. 

    I don't have a biased view of the world. I have my own views. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, wowzz said:

    Of course that means that you are only hearing what Google wants you to hear. All a bit too much like "1984" for my liking.

    How do you find out about other points of view, news that Google does not want you to find out about, etc? What about reviews of books, music, films and theatre, what about culture in general? What do you read to keep up to date with all of these facets of modern society

    Alexa isn't owned or affiliated with Google in any way. 


    I also don't look at reviews for movies, books etc as I prefer to make my own mind up rather than go in with someone elses views in my head. 


    In regards to other points of view, I only listen to NEWS, not opinion pieces. I disregard the nonsense and only focus on what is facts. When it comes to debate, why that's why I come on to the internet of course 😉

  11. 1 minute ago, AchileLauro said:

    Fully in force but only adhered to by those shall we say are of a more mature age.☹️

    Yes we too come under Wales, I walk the dogs daily and see gangs of youths all congregating together (20+ in a group), neighbours who have held garden parties, others riding around on off-road bikes, gangs of cyclists, husband and wife each in their own sports car going for a drive.

    I've come to the conclusion that I am the mug for staying at home.


    Well, I'm in my early 30's and me and my friends/family have all stayed home as per the guidance. I've only gone outside for my walk in the morning and a weekly shop which I do click and collect for.

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