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Everything posted by ConnieTact

  1. No snacks to choose from in Top Sail Lounge but we were brought a selection.
  2. Did the drill - actually used lifts (I know! I know! If it was a real emergency I wouldn’t 😅😂). I didn’t fancy walking the 11 decks down to the theatre! We are actually in theatre now waiting for he first of two shows. Generation Rock or something. We bypassed YC seating and are closer to stage. Theatre filling up nicely!
  3. A simple lunch to keep some room for tonight. It was all delicious. I’m loving the Christmas decorations everywhere!
  4. Hope you had/are having a good journey home! About to do the drill. Very loud announcement in cabin made sure we didn’t nap through it! 😅😂
  5. I did a little prying regarding the reason and apparently the Horizon terminal (although so recently opened in September 2021) was there are floors that needed relaying in the security and other areas. the fruit is amazing and I’m glad to hear it’s not just for the yacht clubbers!
  6. I had a bit of a panic when the coffee machine seemed to be giving me coffee flavoured water for my tea! 😅 I phoned for a kettle and was told they couldn’t provide one! 😬 I would have to order pots of tea as and when I wanted them. After ten minutes a butler arrived with teas and asked me if I needed more tea bags. I explained about the machine and he patiently showed me the right way to use the machine to get clear clean water through. later he brought me tea bags aplenty and told me he would let my butler know I require a tea pot in the room. Brilliant service! I would recommend you ask if you need something- don’t suffer in silence just let the team know- they want to please!
  7. We arrived at the port and were surprised that the terminal had changed! Not the Horizon but ‘city terminal’ instead. The Uber driver was good and turned around and got us to the correct place. A few yards to walk then we were warmly greeted by the Yacht club tent and bags taken from ys. Then straight through a dedicated security hall- we were the only ones there! Then into another area for registration and the all important welcome drink! All super efficient and over in minutes. We were given watches again (like on Virtuosa during Covid times!)
  8. Just went past the old Cadbury ‘Bournville’ factory in Keynsham. It’s closed now but I used to enjoy going there for work training days and getting the chance to buy less than half price Cadbury good. I used to go home with carrier bags bulging with chocolates!
  9. A cold start! Train was just 4 minutes late. We were glad when it arrived. Lots of commuters at this time so we had to stand for one station. (Only 10 minutes) and then secured great seats by the luggage rack. We will feel happier keeping an eye on our cases.
  10. We discovered a screw in our car’s back tyre last night on the way back from our pre-cruise meal at local Thai. We had intended ti leave it at home and just take an Uber to the station. Just as well we weren’t hoping to drive it to Southampton! It’s a little Smart car so doesn’t carry a spare! 😅
  11. Wow! That doesn’t sound great! Mind you, there was very, very little seating in the Virtuosa bar so I’m guessing at least there must be more in the Carosel. Best just get our dancing shoes on then! 😅😜 I’ll report back how I find it. We may be mostly in Masters of the Sea as we love Roberto’s singing. Sounds annoying regarding the interruption during shows. Again, maybe we’ll sit in the front row and forget about the ‘YC’ back of theatre ‘special’ seating….especially if not kept ‘special’! 😅 Thanks for the inside tips! Forewarned is forearmed and all that!! I’ll give you a wave as we board tomorrow! I guess you won’t be in too much of a hurry to get off?! 😜
  12. Well, although they were pretty good about me packing earlier, the cats made their feelings known to Mr CT as he attempted to get his case filled! They have extensive and wonderful care when we are away so, I really don’t know what the fuss is about! 😅😍😾😿
  13. Thanks @showingdivaThat’s reassuring to hear! Thanks for your well wishes too! I’m getting excited now! Had my manicure this afternoon and just had hair appointment so I think I’m ready to be taken out for a pre-cruise supper! No washing up for me tonight! 😂
  14. Thanks @Stocksy82 - I’m getting excited now! I always write to customer services at MSC to name the people I particularly want to praise! One bartender told me she gets an extra couple of hours off if this happens. 👍
  15. Well I’ve just about finished my packing! Lots of jumpers and warm clothing as well as a bit of glam for the evenings! lt was snowing in Southampton today so hope the train will still be running, as we will be going to our local station to get a direct train to Southampton Central. i know there is a planned strike on the day before we return so I’m guessing trains will be crowded with delayed passengers travelling. I’ve packed 36 Christmas rubber ducks to hide around the ship and my kind son made some tags for me to attach to them. I think I’ll take them with me and do their tagging on the ship. It has become a tradition for me to duck-hide now! Earlier in the year, I hid green ‘Irish lucky ducks’, then purple ‘Ambassador’ themed purple ducks and on October 31st, Halloween ducks! It’s about the fun of hiding them in the ship for people to find and the thought they are making people smile! 😊
  16. That’s great. I was wondering with it being so cold, whether they wouldn’t open the area. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’s the same for my trip!
  17. @Stocksy82 Has the Yacht Club Grill and bar been open much this cruise? I know they close if it’s too inclement!
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