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Everything posted by ConnieTact

  1. We went back to pack some bags ready for today’s departure. Then went to a Gatsby’s for a drink before dinner. The band were great. Then it was on to a Cagney’s for a final dinner. food was delicious, apart from something was up with the crème brûlée. The crème was an idd texture and tasted wrong so two of us left it. Had ice cream instead. The service was good.
  2. Yesterday was a sea day and we lazed in our room watching films in bed in the morning. Had lunch at O’Sheehan’s. Then we met friends for quiz and a few games of a Left Right Centre.
  3. We met our friends in the Bliss lounge and enjoyed the Glow party. We had a laugh and danced a lot. It was well done and an enjoyable and entertaining experience.
  4. Our 8pm, our second Le bistro dine started badly as it was cold. The air con was above our table and we asked if anything could be done but we’re told it couldn’t. So Mr CT kindly went and got us jackets from our room. While we were there it started at 50% full and by the end only about 10% and service was slow. After 15 minutes with no drinks service, nor anyone asking for our orders, I got someone’s attention. Immediately, assistant Maitre’D Nelson, took our drinks orders dnd served us. Just before our mains, we were sat with empty glasses and I indicated we needed drinks service and again he met our request. All the food was delicious but service fell down when I was asked on leaving the restaurant “What do you want done with ‘this cake’?!?!” I resisted saying “I want it served with the meal we just finished!”🤪 This was a result of handing the maitre ‘d the little card left in my room that asked me to ‘et us know you are celebrating your birthday!’ I replied, “Please bring to room, we’re meeting friends now!” It was delivered by the time we got ‘home’. It made for a delicious breakfast in bed!
  5. I was just about to post our view from the ship of Spike Islabd! I’ll give you a wave! 😜 Our guide told us if you stole a rabbit you would be sent to Spike Island and await your sailing to Tasmania. Then you had three years hard labour!
  6. We had the Blarney and cork so I’m not sure. Hopefully someone may come along and post about it here. if I bump into anyone who did that tour I will ask them- to be sure!
  7. Just enjoying a coach ‘orientation’ tour of Cork. Lyn our guide is excellent.
  8. It was large inside the shop. I was very tempted by a hat but it seems Irish sizes are small and the ‘one size’ was tight on me. So, I resisted! The one that got away…it was beautiful!
  9. We could have done with a little extra time on the trip as there are extensive gardens. Some people said by the time they queued to kiss the stone nearly an hour passed. I have ten minutes to look around the shop - probably kinder to my bank balance anyway! 😂
  10. Great trip to Blarney castle & gardens. just finishing with Irish coffee. I don’t drink coffee so MrCT lucked out!
  11. I had to shoot sideways to get all ship in! 😅 See how close we are docked to the train station! Coach just left. Good clear guide commentary.
  12. On coach. All very easy. Off the ship in two minutes and coaches only a few steps away. Looks like quite a few new staff arriving today.
  13. Now, off to get the coach for our excursion with NCL this time! Train station is just across the way for those going it alone.
  14. Last night we dined in the main dining room Versailles. The food was all good and the service for us was good. The meal took one hour and 15 minutes. We weren’t finished in time for the show so decided to grab some drinks from O’Sheehan’s and go back to the room and watch a film. We were both tired after another exciting day of fresh air and beautiful sights and wanted to relax.
  15. We arrived in Cork today and at 6.49 the loud announcement came informing us that the gangway was installed and we were able to disembark. Of course there were no further calls as it wasn’t a tender so I settled back to sleep. The phone rang at 8.10 and I’m glad I insisted Mr CT answered it because it was laundry to inform him there was an existing hole in his orange T-shirt. This was good attention to detail as they on I didn’t want us accusing them of making it. I do remember mumbling something about MrCT needing to up his game, and not wear a shirt with holes in to bed, so maybe this was the extra push he needs! 😂 I’m glad to see the end of tenders. There was quite a few issues with them yesterday and the sea was choppy going to the bay which caused some other issues. As soon as we were in the bay it was smooth sailing though. Our return tender yesterday had difficulty pulling into the ship. Eventually managed to do it only then to be told he had to turn his boat around the other way. This ended in the boat making impact with something and there was a loud bang and shattering sound followed by a couple more bumps. It was then agreed that he could draw alongside the original way he did. So again he got the boat safely to the platform for us to disembark. I heard of another tender that had issues with an engine. Also, our friends were on another when one engine was lost, they went at half speed and had hardly any direction control. He told me “docking was exciting!” I think I agree that ours was the same, exciting, but also a little worrying at moments! The crossing took around half an hour, even with the difficulties.
  16. Last stop to see an amazing structure made with dry stones. Just amazing how well it was made!
  17. Next stop, and another steep climb to see the ‘beehive houses’. Nothing to do with bees but where pilgrims would stay and sleep.
  18. This is the Sleeping Giant! Can you make him out? I think he must have visited the ship’s buffet before the snooze!
  19. Next was my one of the best stops at what Billy the driver said was his favourite beach. The view was spectacular. A Spanish ship was wrecked there and there was a commemorative stone.
  20. We stopped at a roadside to see the islands that were inhabited but not now. There was a good story and apparently a book written by Tomas O’Crohan about the island called “Islandman”. It was written in Irish but translated into 14 different languages. When the folk left the island they commissioned the statues looking out at the Islands.
  21. Next a trip to a famine cottage. I joked with Billy the driver asking if there was a cafe up there! A steep hill to climb but interesting when we got there. Saw donkeys on the way up.
  22. We passed Paidi o’si Irish star if Gaelic football statue. I didn’t want to get wet outside so passed my phone for Ziggy to take a snap for me!
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