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Everything posted by ConnieTact

  1. My friend just sent me this link of great old pub to visit in Belfast. It really looks amazing. https://www.belfastentries.com/places/crown/ I’m not sure if we will get there but I’ll try.
  2. We skipped dessert but had tea and coffee. I love tea from a pot and I asked for Earl Grey. The server came back to say there wasn’t any although the large supply they had was missing. I know there isn’t any at the buffet because I asked in the morning for some and a very kind server went down to deck 5 to get me some. I filled out a ‘Comment card’ and posted it at customer services as a thank you. Mr CT had the foresight to have taken a couple of bags and put in his pocket so imagine my delight when he came to my rescue! It looks like I’ll need to carry my own Lady Grey around from now on as there must be a more than a few more Earl Grey drinkers aboard!
  3. Back to yesterday. Last night we got back quite late so just dumped our stuff in the cabin and went to the main dining room for dinner. It was all delicious and the service was excellent, the great thing about loading food photos as it doesn’t matter too much if they’re upside down!
  4. Today, we are in Belfast and the announcement that the gangway was in place and disembarkation could commence came through at 7am. We were told that there would be a shuttle into the centre of Belfast running every 15 minutes and service would start from 8.30 until 6pm. the cost is 10. Yes, 10 in cash. Whatever you have! So £, € or $, and correct money as no change available. Pay the driver. I have to say, as a person who likes to sleep, it was a relief not to keep hearing the announcements for tender ticket numbers! It does wear a bit thin after a late night! So I’ve decided for this reason I prefer docked port stops! The view out our obscured window today. Quite a change as it’s always been sea for days!
  5. Just got on our tender after 23 minute wait. There are some benches if people can’t stand.
  6. It depends what you like really. Vikings, Crystal, timepieces or a walking tour. It’s all so very close / only yards away from each other and all museums are small.
  7. Front of queue now but have to wait for next tender as this one is full! It all seems well organised.
  8. I recommend you get the Waterford pass, as you can get around all the four museums include and get a walking tour too. My friends went to Waterford Crystal tour & liked it. Also their fave was Bishops palace. Mr CT loved the museum of Time and here are some pictures of that. Yes- he even took photos of the toilet! 😂
  9. Powerscourt was well worth the trip. We walked down the grand steps to the pond and then into the Japanese garden. It was spectacular and I loved every second. We ended with a pot of tea and cake in the outside terrace because the sun was shining! the excursion was everything we had hoped for as it was easy but took us to a beautiful place. We know Dublin well and will be there in a few weeks so didn’t need to go ‘into town’.
  10. I did this and got a huge print out but I’m not convinced the times actually tally with reality of what’s in! I will check again sometime.
  11. The tenders in Dun Laoghaire started at 7am with the first call for group 1 and priority. By 9.30 groups 8 to 10 were called. At 9.45 groups 13 & 14 were called. We didn’t get if the ship until 1.15 We got straight onto the tender and waited 15 minutes for others to fill the boat. We were underway by 1.30 and alighted by 1.50. We were on an NCL trip as bd got on our coach but waited ages for latecomers who ‘misread tickets’ and waited on the ship. We left half an hour late at 2.30. I am writing this from the coach- so real ‘live reporting!’
  12. We popped into the Bliss lounge really to get some large waters to take back to the cabin and get an early night. Then I realised a 70s night was about to start so we stayed! I enjoyed the dancing and music of an era I remember well! the Excell band were again, excell-ent! We were later joined by friends and we ended up staying on until the early hours of the morning chatting and drinking.
  13. Last night we went to Gatsby’s before our dine in Le Bistro. Service was great and food delicious at the restaurant. The fish & dessert was not served upside down! 😂
  14. Last night having got off the bus we wandered around the small harbour walking the sea wall and down around the water. The sun was shining and a fog descended and actually obscured the ship completely so it could not be seen from the land! Now you see it, now you don’t! It was quite a spectacle so I enjoyed taking some snaps. the Wi-Fi is slow today so I may add more of them later or while ashore! Watch this space! 😅
  15. Try Chanel 14 and 15. If you cannot get them, inform them at the guest services and I’m sure they will get some one in to get the TV tuned in correctly.
  16. I’ll post more info about museums soon when I get some photos from friends and Mr CT.
  17. Then we stopped for delicious cake and tea outside in Bishops palace cafe. It is homemade in the premises and they cook daily and it was delicious! This takes us up to date as I am still sitting there now as I write! Mr CT has gone to the museum of Time and, as a horologist, this is right up his street! I have opted for the easy option of resting, and waiting here for him. I can see the bus we plan to catch home from were I’m sitting. That is if Mr CT doesn’t get too engrossed at the museum and well….forget the time! 😜
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