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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. Three nice days to recognize. I’m also celebrating my nephew Nick who is graduating from Notre Dame as I type this! I wish him much success in his career and life! The quote is humorous. I think that both the meal suggestion and drink sound like winners. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events! 🍾🎉
  2. Good morning everyone. It’s cool and overcast here this morning. You see lots of graduation tassels here in Boston at this time of year as the many colleges and universities send this year’s graduates out into the world, it’s an exciting time for sure. I usually have walnuts in some form each day. I’m not really a Pinot Grigio fan so no celebrating for me. The quote is an excellent one, timely too as I’m planning a visit to the Boston Public Library later this morning. The blueberry almond tart sounds delicious and if you insist that I make a meal out of it, well okay! I think the drink would be too sweet for me and way too much work. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for all on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  3. Good morning everyone, it’s raining and 56F here this morning. Thank-you for the daily report, recipes and lists. Three nice days to recognize, light and peace seem to go hand in hand. The quote is humorous and makes you think, a little. I think that I would try today’s dish out of curiosity and save the drink for Christmas. I haven’t been to today’s destination. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those who are recuperating from recent surgeries. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! Happy anniversary to @aliaschief and his DW. 🍾
  4. Good morning everyone. It’s overcast and mid 50’s here this morning with a little rain expected. Thanks for the daily updates. Three interesting days, families are the building blocks of any society, I can’t imagine the strife that so many are enduring on any given day due to war, poverty or just plain neglect. My thoughts will be with them today. I like the quote, life is a gift that we should nurture. The lemon blueberry bread sounds like a perfect breakfast with a fresh cup of coffee. And how could today’s drink be bad? We were in today’s port last October, I’ll try and find some photos. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! Views from our visit to Acropolis:
  5. Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily report. Welcome back from your amazing trip @richwmn. Three unique days for us to recognize although I thought the Chicken Dance died a well deserved death a long time ago! The meal and drink suggestions sound delicious and would probably even go well together. I like the quote and it can be applied to most organizations and teams. I have not been to today’s port. Thanks for sharing your amazing photos of it. Prayers for those on our prayer list, I hope that your surgery went well @Nickelpenny. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events. Happy anniversary wishes to @summer slope!
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. Croutons mean French Onion Soup to me. All the frog jumping videos that I’ve watched look like they would be a lot of fun to attend. I like hummus but it doesn’t excite me like salsa or chip dip does. It’s good to remind ourselves of today’s quote so that we don’t let the important things slip through our hands before it’s too late. I’d pass on the meal suggestion but would never turn down a Bloody Mary, extra spicy for me please. I haven’t been to today’s port, I’ll bet it’s lovely. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  7. Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there. Three nice days to recognize, I love reading limericks. Nice quote and true as well. I’ll pass on the meal as I’m not a fan of bok choy but the drink sounds refreshing. I haven’t been to today’s port, I’ll visit through the photos. Prayers for those on our prayer list. @1ANGELCAT I’m sorry for your loss of Houdini yesterday, it’s hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  8. Good morning from a sunny and cool 45F Boston. Thanks for our daily dose of useful information. Three interesting days to recognize. I do appreciate the root canals that I have although getting them wasn’t a lot of fun. Funny quote for today. I do like a good Cobb Salad but I just had one for lunch yesterday. I think that I’ll pass on the drink. Have not been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events. Bon voyage to our daily friends who are setting sail today and welcome back to the world cruisers!🍾🎉🛳️
  9. Good morning everyone. It’s cool and overcast and will remain so all day. We’ll be heading to the Harvard-Radcliff pottery sale today. Our friend Pamela teaches there and we like to support their work. Happy Dia de la Madre to all Mexican mothers. Hopefully my card and flowers arrive at my mother’s house arrive by tomorrow. I wish I could be there to take her to church on Sunday but two of my sisters will have that honor. I salute Hostess cupcakes and hamsters although I never had a hamster and I rarely have a Hostess cupcake. I’ll pass on the meal but say yes to the cocktail, it sounds different and tasty. I was at today’s port eleven years ago and will be there in a few weeks. Last time we rented a car and drove up the Cabot Trail which was a stunning drive as it was a clear day. This time we’re renting a car and will visit Baddeck and the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. Prayers for those on our prayer list, hoping @marshhawk’s procedure goes smoothly. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  10. Good morning everyone. It started out sunny and 53F here but it’s supposed to cloud over for most of the day. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Three nice days to celebrate. I agree with today’s quote. I’ll pass on today’s meal and drink suggestions. I have not been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!🎉
  11. Good morning everyone. It’s gray and mild here with thunderstorms predicted today. Thanks for today’s report. Three important days to recognize, thanks @grapau27 for the explanation of Thalassaemia, I learn so much from this crowd. I like the quote, who can resist a friend bearing chocolate? The meal and drink suggestions sound very good, to me. I have not been to today’s port. Prayers for those on today’s prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events! 🥂 Thalassaemia
  12. Good morning everyone from sunny, mild Boston. Our temps got up to 80F yesterday so I’m sure the plant life is going bonkers today, the pollen has already made an appearance on our windows. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Probably won’t be recognizing cosmos or Sauvignon Blanc but I learned something new with cystinosis awareness. I like the lyrics to Imagine. I remember listening to the song as I fell asleep during my Sophomore year at college the night before John Lennon was shot. The song has stuck with me in a melancholy way ever since. The meal and drink suggestions sound quite tasty especially with the everything bagel seasoning. I have not been to today’s port. Prayers for those folks on our prayer list, I hope the meds work on @kazu’s foot to help ease her discomfort and worry. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  13. Good morning from a sunny 53F Boston. Thanks for the daily report and thanks to @StLouisCruisers for maintaining it in while @kazu was traveling. I’ll gladly celebrate no diet day although I should for our upcoming Volendam cruise. I like Plato’s quote very much. I’ll pass on the meal but would say yes to the drink. Bar Harbor is a lovely place, we’ve been there on both land vacations and by ship once. We’re scheduled to visit next month on our cruise. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!
  14. Good morning everyone. It’s cloudy and cool here this morning. What an interesting collection of days to recognize. I wasn’t aware that children had strokes so that will be my research this afternoon. I like the quote very much. I guess we’ll have to wing it on dinner today, taco salad perhaps in honor of Cinco de Mayo. I’d substitute a margarita for the drink today. Prayers for those who are in need today. Cheers to those celebrating happy events. Welcome home @kazu I’m sure that Ivan is one happy dog this morning.
  15. Good morning from a beautiful and sunny Boston. I can’t believe that it’s already the Kentucky Derby. I applaud firefighters for their bravery and work that they do to keep us safe. I also applaud chickens who I find endlessly entertaining to watch. Interesting quote to think about. The meal suggestion sounds delicious as does the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today!
  16. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Not sure what lumpy rug day may be but I have been guilty of wearing two different shoes and I don’t think I’d go around celebrating it. The Harry Potter excerpt is true. We were in today’s port last fall and visited the Mucem which was fascinating, I’ll attach some photos. I’m not going to argue about carrot cake for our meal suggestion, it’s my favorite. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Happy _______ to those of you celebrating today! Some photos from our visit to Mucem, the cathedral and the basilica Notre-Dame de la Garde.
  17. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. Three interesting days to recognize. The business fraternity that I belonged to in college followed Robert’s Rules of Order during our monthly meetings, very complicated and structured. Not sure why we needed to learn them because I never went to one business meeting in my career where they were used. The meal sounds promising but I’ll pass on the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  18. 🐇🐇🐇. Good morning everyone. It’s gray and cool here today. A nice collection of days to choose from. I like the quote. I also like the meal and drink suggestions. We visited today’s port in 2018 and enjoyed it very much. We rented a car and visited Mendenhall Glacier and the drove to the Shrine of St. Thérèse where we watched whales swimming in the channel. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events. 🍾
  19. Good morning everyone. I woke up to thunder and rain this morning. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Three worthy days to recognize, I’m going to have Bugs Bunny in my head all day, maybe it will remind me to say rabbit rabbit tomorrow. I like the quote, I hope that it’s true for you too. I’ll pass on the meal suggestion but the drink sounds good. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today! Happy anniversary @lobsternight🥂
  20. Good morning everyone from a mild and mostly sunny Boston. Thanks for our daily digest with three nice days to recognize. I mean, where would we be without zippers? While I like the quote not all our friends possess those abilities and they care no less than those who do. The meal sounds like a delicious side dish. I would definitely like the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Happy ________ to those of you celebrating today!
  21. Good morning everyone from beautiful, sunny Ogunquit Maine. Thanks for the daily dose of knowledge that we’re richer for. I’ll celebrate devil dog cakes and teaching children to save. Love Helen Keller’s quote and she’s right. Think the meal and drink will get a pass from me today. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  22. Good morning from a sunny and chilly (38F) Boston. Thanks for the daily report, I’ll gladly celebrate Audubon Day and will hug an Australian if I run across one. I had a chuckle at the quote. Think I’ll pass on the meal suggestion and a maybe on the drink. We’re heading to a fundraiser in York, ME for the weekend while the broker hosts open houses here this weekend. Prayers for those who need them. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today. Happy birthday to @dfish and safe travels to visit with your friends in Ohio!
  23. Good evening everyone. Thanks for the for the daily updates. I’m late today for good reason. The photographer came this afternoon to photograph our condo as it gets listed tomorrow with open houses over the weekend. 😬 I’ll gladly celebrate hairstylists who keep us looking our best. I like today’s quote although I had to think about it a bit. The meal sounds very nice but I think I wouldn’t like the drink. We were in today’s port on the Oosterdam last October, I’ll try and attach a photo of the ship from Thira. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Happy ______ to those celebrating today! Oia from Thira,
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