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Posts posted by WeRockChalkKU

  1. Nurse George - Love reading your posts and look forward to more info from you. Hubby & I are both nurses but only hubby would qualify to be a cruise nurse. I only have psych and ortho nursing. Hubby has ICU, ER, Cath lab, CCU, and flight nursing. We've joked that we'd love to do what you're doing. So, I took the liberty of responding to your email about sharing your application info.


    Best wishes as you continue on this challenge!!!!


    Les & Terri

  2. I think it was on the Norway ship years ago. We had to tender in St Thomas because there were too many ships in port. They had to use those huge 200+ passenger tenders that they had. The ocean was really rough and they tried for a long while to get the tender close enough to the boat to unload. Finally they had to abandon it on one side of the ship and move to the other side to try. It was a long process and finally they got hooked up. We had to all exit from the second level of the tender. As they were helping everone off the tender it got kinda dangerous because of all the rocking, rolling movements from the waves. The two boats would bang into each other and it felt like we'vd never get off that tender. They took forever because people were scared or there was just too much wave action. As one 80+ lady was walking on the drawbridge the two boats really moved causing the little old lady to be catapulted from the tender into the ship. Man was she flying!!! One second you saw her hanging on to the rails of the gangway/drawbridge and the next she was flying headfirst into the ship. Everyone screamed and envisioned the worst for the poor lady. It ended up she was okay and she poked her head back out and waved at everyone as she smiled. Later I saw her on the ship and she said she had been on 50 + cruises and this was one for the memory books. She thought it all rather exctiting. I thought it all rather hilarious but knew that someone really could have gotten hurt. She was fondly called Superwoman after that!!!

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