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Posts posted by rae.holmes

  1. Is it wrist bands? On the sign and sale/sea pass thingy? If in the sea pass card do I need to tell them or will it just pop up when they run it? Also when does it start? Can we get those "welcome aboard" beverage included or is it something we need to see set up once on board. Fyi we've already booked it! :) 8 more days!!


    Ps its November... MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Lol jk

  2. I am not saying its right but in the past we've always hid so we didnt have to do the cattle call. So i've never done one, so this time when we took my sister i made a big deal about it and we were going to do it!!


    but we feel asleep.. i remember our door opening but i was so tired that i didnt care to figure out who it was! who it was, was carnival staff checking the rooms for people but saw us asleep and left us alone.. i sorta love that guy now..


    anyone else had a experience like this!?

  3. I intend no disrespect but I am guessing you are not at one of TX academically competitive Universities, A & M comes to mind. You are right the professors might not notice if you are gone but you are totally expected to make up all missed work on your own.


    My college freshman daughter just missed one full week from the U of Ark, (go Razorbacks) due to illness, multiple tests and a procedure. She is in the Honors College and has notified her professors and offered medical documentation but her Honors Philosophy Professor will not offer any additional instruction and DD was told to get notes from someone in her class, well, she does not know anyone in her class... so how is she to know which notes she can rely on?


    DS is at Texas A & M and has only missed three days in the past 3 yrs, one due to the stomach flu... tried to make it to class but got sick along the way :p and the other two were because he was representing A & M at a national conference on Emergency Medicine/Medics at the Collegiate level. Both DD and DS would never miss a week willingly, just too great a cost academically.


    Just a note that DD is hoping to get accepted at A & M as a transfer student but she knows how competitive the admission process is so this past week that she has missed at U of Ark carries a great price, so we'll see how it turns out.


    My input is... if the University is academically competitive, DO NOT DO IT, but if it is a 2 year/junior/community college you will probably be fine, but I would hate to make that decision for my student because we did not anticipate our DD wanting to transfer to A & M, she was so against it in the beginning, but now she is thankful she has good grades and has the opportunity to go to such an academically prestigious University.


    Just my thoughts as the mother of 2 college students ;)


    I do go to a "academically competitive" school by the way, it seems your family has Maroon stuck in their eyes so that tends to cloud peoples judgments! And no the professor shouldnt need to provide any additional instruction, your daughter is in at least her fourth month of college and doesnt know anyone in her class! You dont have to be best friends with someone or even know their name as a matter of a fact. The OP's daughter will not fail a class just for missing, what is likely, three days of class! (if shes on a MWF schedule) You people are so judging have you not been listing to what the OP has been saying!? Her child is leaving for college this is at least for the next three years the last time they will have a chance to vacation together!

  4. Please listen to a Provost of a University, as well as a parent of a college aged child. Don't do it. A semester is only 13-14 weeks. Your daughter will be missing significant time. I know many of my Professors would not tolerate this absense and the work can not be made up easily. Also, if she is part of a "group project" her team will be hindered as well-and believe me her peers will "rat her out" as not pulling her weight in a group. I use groups as examples because a lot of Freshman classes utilize group work for team building. Many classes have projects that are due weekly, as well as quizes weekly. Many Freshman English classes have journaling that is due weekly and many due daily as well. Yes, many Professors expect work to be turned in electronically, BUT why risk your daughter not being able to have her work submitted while on a ship.

    And as a parent, why would you want to have your daughter miss college? This is the greatest time of her life. What if she wants to rush a Sorority? What if she wants to write for the school newspaper? What if she has the best roommates in the world and doesn't want to miss that bonding time? This is her time to SOAR, to find herself, to have professors learn her name, to meet a cute guy, to hate the food, to gossip late at night with a roommate, to cry because she is worried she did horribly on a test/paper. She will have many more birthdays mom, but missing that much time at University is very much frowned upon.

    Just my 2 cents, but and "educated" 2 cents


    No offence, I can tell you are very well educated. But also it seems very detached from actual student life. Missing one week wont take away from her college experience. And being a college student myself its a hell of alot more than cute guys and late night gossip! I would hate to miss a vacation with my mother (for my birthday of all things) for a week of class that could end up just being a few lectures and maybe a cancelled class! And a side note, I've done my homework on a ship and have summited it electronically. And in the three years I've been a student I've only had one group project.


    OP: I'm not trying to bash anyone else's opinion. But you are asking for your college attending daughter. I am a college attending daughter. Im sure she will love that you would do this for her!!

  5. Im currently a student in college.. i did two years at community and finishing a year at university.. i get sick alot and miss classes alot.. and im runnin with a A/B average. I rarely email my professors to let them know im gonna be out.. cause they dont care. she will be done with mid terms so thats good. honestly it depends on the type of student she is.. if she does the reading and finds out and turns in the assignments either before yall leave or the day she comes back. if she gets lecture notes from other students she will be fine.


    im pretty sure most of the people that have replied arnt students. its not high school missing a few classes isnt that big of a deal. they do take attendance but thats for financial aid, and all professors have a "absent min" but 95% wont enforce it. Shes an adult now and shes responsible for her grades.


    I think you should take her. (personally I just had the "week after finals" and I had one in class assignment! No biggy! have fun!!

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