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Posts posted by Red84

  1. So Carnival Cruise finally got back to me and this is what they sent me


    Hello Nicole,

    Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance.

    Please do not bring them on board. Any toy that resembles a weapon will be confiscated at embarkation.



    Sigh there goes my Arch sniff sniff

  2. Oh, and Red84, those rings are AWESOME! I'm actually getting kind of jealous of your wedding. :p


    Thank you!!!! Just looking at them makes me so happy!!! I love how he took into account what I would love and honestly what would be practical in the long run.

  3. You are so sweet! I hate using the term "pre-engaged", like I'm trying to horn in on someone else's spotlight, but it's the only thing that fits at this point.


    I ended up on this board because I was hoping to find some tips on romantic things to do or special experiences not to miss on our upcoming cruise. I have only ever cruised as a single mom, and have never even paid attention to romantic stuff around me onboard... And this will be his first cruise ever! My son heads off to college next week, and Mom is finally getting to live like a grownup. :D And I just want this cruise to be as special as possible. I figured the folks planning their weddings and honeymoons onboard a cruise would know a thing or two about shipboard romantic stuff. ;)


    I'm so excited to follow your wedding plans! And I would *love* the website with the rings, and anything else you'd like to share. Just shoot me an email at crazy4disney@gmail.com and I'll be happy to share the SW stuff I've found too. :)










    You got mail!!! lol I cant wait to see what you found :)

  4. Interesting dilemma. Since she is the officiant and not part of the actual wedding party, I say let her wear what she wants. The matching attire and jewelry of the wedding party doesn't usually extend to officiants.


    Although it is a nice gesture for you to offer to get her the jewelry, since she doesn't want it, save yourself the money.


    But if it's that big of a deal to you, talk to her again and let her know you aren't budging on this. If she doesn't understand, find another officiant. It's your wedding, and you should have what you want.


    Just my 2 cents.


    As for the pearls, I wore them at my first wedding, but that was in the early 90s:rolleyes: The marriage lasted 18 years but wasn't great.


    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. I should have taken the time to explain that there wont be pearls anywhere near my wedding lol and that includes wedding party AND guests. its something my family understands and will be posted on our website for all the guests to understand. I know it weird but I would rather not tempt fate lol.

    That being said :) I agree I guess I should talk to her again...I would hate to have to find a different officiate but if it has to happen it has to happen...

    Wow 18 years is a LONG time!!!!

  5. OP, I love everything you have posted here!! And as has already been said, your wedding is just that -- YOURS. Do what makes the two of you happy. And I *love* those rings!!!


    I hesitated to post here -- I am only "pre-engaged"... the BF and I talk about it all the time, and it is inevitable, but we want to take our time. And I know he wants to surprise me. :) Maybe on our Valentine's Day cruise next February??


    Anyways, we are both bonafide geeks, and HUGE Star Wars fans, and have already said we definitely want SW elements in our wedding wherever it happens. If he's not already a member of the 501st by then (those costumes are *expensive*!!), we're at least going to have some 501st Stormtroopers at our wedding.


    If you're on Pinterest, I've been amassing all sorts of "SW wedding" stuff on a hidden board that I'd be happy to share with you!! (My different wedding boards are hidden because we don't want a million questions from our friends and family, lol) :rolleyes:


    I'm going to follow this thread -- I can't wait to see what else you come up with! And may the Force be with you!! :D





    Thank you so Much!!! I am glad you have liked my ideas so far I will tell you when we found the site for the rings HE squealed like a 12 year old at a Justin Beiber Concert lol. I laughed so hard watching him Geek out. I love the rings to as they represent us perfectly. I would be happy to share the site if interested.


    Congrats on the Pre-Engagement!!! Please feel free to post on this board everyone is wonderful when it comes to getting info and advice


    We are also hoping to become members of the 501st we have been putting together costumes for years, your right it does get expensive. He wants to be a Storm trooper and I want to be a Bounty Hunter. I had thought about

    hiring a 501st impersonator but am unsure if they will be allowed on the boat in costume and sadly no fake weapons allowed.


    I would LOVE to see what you have and maybe send you what I have


    Good Luck, have fun planning and... MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!!

  6. So I was talking to my Best Friend who is going to Ordain over Bill and My's wedding. I informed her that I was going to provide the jewelry to everyone who was participating in our wedding as part of my gift to them. She thus informs me that while she appreciates the gesture she will be wearing her own jewelry that her mother made for her. When I asked her what the consisted of she told me they were pearls. I am extremely superstitious and one of the superstitions I have always followed was that pearls were bad luck at a wedding as pearls represent tears. So I asked her not to wear them as I was worried and she laughed at me and said she didn't believe in that "mojo" so she will still wear them. Causing us to get into a huge fight. she says I'm acting like an idiot and I think she is being rude. Does anyone have any advice?

  7. Definitely check with your cruiseline wedding planner! We got married at sea & were able to board with candles (for unity cancel). We coordinated with our planner in advance & there was no issue at boarding.


    Will do thank you for the advice :D

  8. We have seen them (or something similar) that was purchased in port by a family and held until the end of their cruise (safety concern)...sorry but it sounds doubtful....


    If on the otherhand you are using the services of the ship for your wedding..I would contact your cruiseline wedding planner directly for an answer.


    Congratulations on your wedding and "May The Force Be With You"


    Thank you so much!!!

  9. Yes OMG I'm sorry!! I completely forgot to mention that I am asking because I am having a Star Wars Themed wedding and thought that they would make a fun addition for the leaving ceremony arch. I am open to all sorts of ideas and thought that families with little kids would be the ones to know so thought I would ask here.

  10. Red,

    I saw that you posted about the lightsabers on the Family board and you're getting all kinds of weird answers like, "why would you bring that?" and "use glow sticks". I clarified that you want it for your wedding, so it doesn't turn into "you're a horrible parent" (because it always does). ;-)


    HAHA OMG I forgot I posted that this morning thank you so much!!! Im going to go check it now(fearing for my life lol)

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