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Posts posted by RazorbackIslandGirl

  1. I've never had a bad Carnival experience. I myself, prefer Royal but, that is just a personal preference. I tip the scale on small things I just prefer. But in no way is Carnival bad! The length of your cruise & port you leave from will have more to do with the crowd it draws. I have been on rowdier cruises than others but, I've never been on a bad cruise. I find any vacation is more about your attitude than those around you.IMHO But I could have a good time anywhere. That's just me.😉

  2. 35 minutes ago, Merion_Mom said:

    I will tell you here what I write every time this comes up.


    Because of these things and this behavior, this person has been BANNED from the Grandeur.


    Royal Caribbean will not let them back on the Grandeur, but lets them on the Anthem.


    Let that sink in.  

    That is CRAZY!!! Like people that sail on the Anthem won't mind?? It shouldn't be left up to the Captain! (if that's the case) RCCL needs to take a HARD stance on it!

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  3. Congratulations!! What an AWESOME upgrade! I know you said you weren't interested in the genie but, they are wonderful! They will make all your reservations for you! There is no need to do any planning ahead. He or she will contact you a few weeks out & you just let them know what you want to do (shows & activities), where you want to eat (specialty restaurants) & they will take care of everything! It's actually the best perk of the suite! At first I felt the same way, thinking we wouldn't use them but, it was incredible! Congrats again & enjoy ALL the perks!!

  4. Also... How on God's green earth does someone just walk away after your pet has used a public area as their personal PeePad?? Not to mention gone on a child?? We can argue manners on these boards until the cows come home but, this is beyond horrific manners! Such a disregard for everyone else!! The thought of anyone staying in the cabin after him is more than I can take. YUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! This one makes me want to write a letter to RCCL & I don't even have a dog in the fight. (Did you catch the pun?😉) Don't tell me I'm going to have to start traveling with a blue light.😳

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  5. This is shameful & disgusting! No one is a bigger dog lover than I am BUT if you don't want to leave your PET behind then cruising is not for you! Shame on RCCL for allowing this to continue! We travel with our dog (on land by car) to certain places that accept pets. My dog has NEVER relieved herself anywhere except grass (which we ALWAYS pick up) or on PeePads. If a dog is not trained that is 100% the owners fault! If an owner allows their dog to go to the bathroom on ANY floor on ship they should be kicked off the ship at the next port! IMHO

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  6. 1 hour ago, A&L_Ont said:

    Looking good enough to be a foot model. Well, except for the hairy legs. 



    OMG Andrew! Get those feet UP above your head. Lay on the bed backwards & prop them up on the headboard. I have the same issue from what I call the trifecta. (sugar, salt & alcohol) I can do any one or two but the combo of all three leaves me with cankles! Bless your heart! It can actually get painful if they don't go down.😱

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  7. My mother is in her 80s & I take her on a cruise every year. She too is in a wheelchair but, otherwise healthy. I hope we have many more years of cruising together! OP... I would feel horrible if this happened to my mother, as getting ill at their age can become serious quickly. I'm sorry this happen to her & put you in the position of caregiver making you also miss out on your experience. As to how she contracted it or how she was treated, I'm not a healthcare provider so I will let Mikew0805 & leisuretraveler223 speak on those issues. But I am glad to hear she is doing well!

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