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Posts posted by CruisesOnMyMind

  1. You're most welcome. As for sailing on submarines, I never had the pleasure. As a surface sailor, I could never understand taking a perfectly good ship, and sinking it (deliberately, I might add).


    As for the USS Wasp, she was an LHA, an amphibious helicoptor ship, used to transport US Marines for amphibious assault, and helo's that supported those military operations. Those ships are about 2/3rds the size of an aircraft carrier, but look very similar to the unpracticed eye. Its nice that you remembered their assistance. It is not unusual for US Warships to render humanitarian aid. If you remember the tsunamis that wrecked havoc in the Pacific over the past decade, it's been the US Navy that has always come to the rescue. Sea Power is much more than power projection, it is used to project US presense, wherever needed. Since more than 70% of the earths surface is covered by water, I'm sure you'll agree that the US Navy is a Global Force for good!



    Thank you for the information on the USS Wasp. Now I can add that information into the story when ever I tell it again.


    I certainly can see how the Navy is a Global Force when you put it that way. Once again....thank you.

  2. The ship appears to be going through a Ship Restricted Availability (SRA). These happen intermitantly during a ships lifecycle, since yard periods are only every 5 years or so. The white you see are areas where the weather decks or spaces behind them are being covered or protected for any of a number of reasons. Could be taking the paint down to bare metal, and repriming and painting. It could be openings they have cut in the ships hull to get large pieces of equipment in or out, as well as other things that just enable the ship's company and contractors to work on whatever projects are going on. On a Nimitz class carrier, an availability like this could be running up to 100 million dollars, and can last for as little as a couple of weeks, to as much as 3 months. I'm a retired Navy CAPTAIN (designated as a Surface Warfare Officer), but I won't say I know everything going on, since it varies from ship to ship, and availability to availability. It just depends on what the ship needs to keep it ready to be part of your US Navy. A Global Force for Good!


    These are Arleigh Burke class destroyers! The Grayhounds of the Sea. They are swift, and powerful. One of these ships packs the firepower of a small World War II Task Force. They are very, very capable ships.



    That was so interesting. Thank you for filling in the gaps, plus adding more,................Did you ever have to sail in a submarine:eek: how do they ever screen out people for clostrapobea on them?


    I want to mention that back in 2006 we were on a TA where we had to stop in the middle of the Atlantic from

    Barcelona to Miami. We had at least 5 sick people. The SSWasp met us and transferred the sick along with their relatives from our ship to theirs. It was quite a site to see.


    In the end the whole crew of the SSWasp lined up on the carrier and all saluted as we left. Each ship blew their horns. Our cruise ship folks waved. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of it all.

    Thank you thank you, that you were there.


    I am sure Trainman appreciates all the time and effort you put into his request of most info on that ship.

  3. We are looking for a hotel around 17th St area for Dec 1st one night including parking and hopefully shuttle for under 150.00 per night. Any suggestions? We have stayed at Embassy Suites but find it a little pricey this time being 200 per nite.

    There was a small hotel just at the beginning of the bridge span on the South side we stayed at years ago, but cannot remember the name. It was definitely a chain hotel.

    This is a very good thread with soooo much information it is hard to weed out, even though I did a search.

  4. Very odd and bad experience!


    I bought an expensive diamond ring from Diamonds Int'l in St. Thomas on last cruise. Port shopping guide guy was in store and offered to pick up the ring after resizing and give it to me on the ship, so I did not have to wait. Everyone was great and he had lots of ladies picking up Jewerly back on board.


    I'm sorry for your experience. Pay $75 and enjoy the ring.


    We also bought a ring for my DH a couple of years back at DI. Transaction went great,,we were happy with the ring and all was well,,,,UNTIL he went to get it resized because of weight lost a year or so later. Our jeweler said he had a heck of a time sizing it because it was HOLLOW,,,,now that is a rip off!:mad: Doubt if anything can be done about it since it was a couple of years back.

  5. Ohhh, more KUA fans! :D I LOVE that show!


    I loved the ep where they went sailing on the yacht and Hyacinth went over the side when she was trying to pull Richard out of the water. I never, ever laughed so hard in my life. I had tears going down my cheeks!



    You are cordingly invited to my "candlelight supper"


    and what ever the saying is about her sister with the large yard big enough for a pony!!!!!!:D

  6. I have always loved "Keeping up appearances". I had a great time discussing the show with a table-mate from Ireland on our last cruise.

    My wife, who just does not get the show, simply rolled her eyes at me. LOL



    Love that show! Had a hoot when Oslo and Daisy won the cruise on the QE2......After eating at the Captain's table as his special guess Oslo was suprised that with all the uppity attention they were getting why he had to eat with the crew! LOL

  7. I just answered the "rumor" above and feel badly since I have not gotten any confirmation. Not that I know how I would. We were just not comfortable staying there and I heard it is a great hotel.


    Radio, Thanks for the great pictures. Have a great week.



    Thank you for letting us know the up and up. Now knowing this we will keep or reservation. Not to many hotels have never had reports of bedbugs at one time or another. I certainley would not want to be in the company of any. Heck, even RCCL has reportedly had them at one time or another.

    I understand all rooms in the 100 block tower have been completely renovated so will request a room there.

    Retiring Soon,,,,,,,I had already checked TripAdvisor and most of the reviews are positive (always exceptions). I did not see one mentioning bedbugs.

    Again thank you for the information so we can make an informed decision.

  8. Please help me out here. I have reservations there in less than 5 weeks. What is the rumor?


    I am also staying at the Radisson and leaving my car there for the week. It would be really nice to know what the rumor is to potentially save some needless heartache. Since when did CCer's become shy:D


    Also,,, thanks Radio, I always look forward to your fabulous reviews.

  9. Is there a way to find out what ports I visited from cruises dating back to 2000? I tried Googling the ship and date, but it came up blank. My husband and I thought it would be fun to make a list of all the ports we have visited, and see how many ports have been repeated. ;)


    Is there some sort of website that would give us this information?



    I keep a detailed list of cruise# date cabin# ports etc.....I also was missing my 3rd cruise back in 1996 to Hawaii on the CCL Tropical. I posted the dated on Carnivals board and on Cruise Memorabilia board. I did get my itinerary plus more.

    Good Luck.

  10. Oh I would go out in my pj's-they are the old grandma well covered ones that you seen teen girls wearing inthe grocery store! If someone wants to post that on youtube I don't give a flip. ( now I might wonder why in the world WHY anyone would want to) But no I would not go out nude.


    No way is nude for me. The fur lining on the bottom of my nightgown keeps my neck warm!!


    I have heard the new ships have heat sensors so the bridge can tell if someone is in the cabin or on the balcony without being intrusive. This is incase of an emergency.

  11. Just came back from 4 day cruise off of CCL Imagination, June 28-July 2. 1st cruise and I had a blast!!!!! Ready to go again! 1st pic is of me and hubby. 2nd is with stepdad, mom, and 3 sisters, and last is my whole family.


    So glad you enjoyed your first cruise. Ahh do you have a hankering for another one by any chance! You have stepped into the "cruise world" and might never look back

    The best is yet to come! enjoy

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