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Posts posted by legion3

  1. Exactly! Regardless of what you 'think" your room service was, the DSC covers making the bed, cleaning the residents spit from the sink from the morning teeth cleaning, wiping out the shower after morning and evening use without disturbing an individuals "mess". And quite frankly, IMO, only petty little people don't pay the DSC. People, this is a non-subject! It should be a mandatory charge.


    But it's not mandatory. This makes it a non-subject. Ask NCL why it is not. You may not like the answer.

  2. You guess..........



    Like I said, this is going to be some good reading... Knowing that information from the previous closed thread should had raised red flags but whatever - I'm not the one looking for a refund.


    Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


    Well whatever...

  3. This was supposedly in place 2 weeks ago, its technically going week 2 for whatever 7 day trip that end the 1st week this started. So shouldn't there be reports of people getting their refunds right about now? Hmm.....


    Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


    I guess.

  4. While that's all well and good, does is say somewhere that that CAN'T reject the refund?



    Could they reject the refund before? If not, then unless they expressly write out the word discretionary ( a legal term for not mandatory) then yes, they CAN'T legally reject the refund.

  5. Thoughts and observations based on NCL’s language…


    From the website FAQ:


    If there is a service issue can the service charges be adjusted on board?

    Guest satisfaction is the highest priority at Norwegian Cruise Line. We have structured a guest satisfaction program designed to handle any concerns about service or on-board product quickly and efficiently. However, in the event a service issue should arise during your cruise please let our on-board guest services desk staff know right away, so that we can address these in a timely manner. It is our goal to reach a satisfactory solution to any issue when it happens and make sure our guests can focus on enjoying their cruise. Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges.



    From reading this, it would appear to outline a three-step process:


    1) The guest receives less than satisfactory service and reports same to the on-board guest services desk staff. One would expect this complaint to be documented on the guest’s reservation.


    2) The ship’s staff attempts to resolve the issue for the guest with the procedures outlined in the guest satisfaction program. Again, one would expect these steps to be documented on the guest’s reservation.


    3) If…after going though both steps 1 and 2 above…the guest remains unsatisfied, the guest is allowed to adjust the charges.



    This clearly shows that NCL only wants to offer adjustments to those guests who the are not satisfied after the guest satisfaction program is used. This is also stated in the first part of the plain white paper letter that we’ve been shown:



    "We are sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the service provided to you by our crew members and that we were unable to resolve your concerns through our guest satisfaction program."




    Everything points to using the guest satisfaction program.



    It seems likely that NCL is attempting to force guests to use the program and not simply remove all of the charges simply because they “want to”.



    I can easily see some people filling out this form and sending it in. Then the person in Miami will contact the ship with the guest’s information and ask what the problem was, and what was done to resolve it. If the ship replies back that the guest never registered a complaint because of a service issue or that the guest never took part in the guest satisfaction program, I wouldn’t be surprised if the person in Miami replies back to the guest with a: “Sorry, but since you didn’t make a service related complaint while on-board, and since you didn’t partake in the guest satisfaction program, your request for a refund is denied.”


    While its a long post, not likely. This idea has been mentioned before.


    Nothing suggests anywhere they can reject the refund. such wording does not exist, expressly or implied.


    Make a complaint then is the answer. I have no doubts they will not be able to correct it to my satisfaction, which is subjective.

  6. The comment about gratuities or service charges triggers a question that I haven't seen addressed.


    If I select the "free gratuities" as a booking bonus, can NCL still bill me for a portion of the DSC and call it service charges ??


    I doubt it but if they could...Its only for the first two people in the cabin, correct?

  7. Do you ask other resorts where the service fees goes? Do you ask each restaurant you tip if it only goes to the server or go for all the staff into a pool to share?




    And I'm not asking NCL either, I'm just removing a non-mandatory non-obligation fee I am allowed to.


    But I would like to know who get's what but it won't change whatever choice is made, to tip or not to tip, depending on service.

  8. I didn't mean that they were handed money, but that they had the instant gratification of knowing that they are getting their money back instantly.


    Of course, they are hoping it is a deterrent.


    I think you overestimate instant gratification, but so be it.


    Short term I will feel bad, when the check arrive, I will feel good.

  9. It's the polite and courtesy thing to do to help pay all the hard working crew that you don't even see from day to day.


    Perhaps, but they are getting a paycheck with or without my DSC, correct? Does NCL reduce their paycheck based on DSC? Or is this added on...maybe, maybe not.


    At least other lines are willing to tell me where and who get's the $


    This feels like Union dues, taken out whether I want them to or not. Going to who knows what.

  10. That is what I've been saying, the new procedure just makes those that want a refund jump through a few hoops and there isn't the instant gratification of getting the money instantly.


    Well if it was set up on a Credit Card, as I would assume most do, it was never instant anyhow. So most people didn't walk away with cash in hand anyway. Those with cash accounts got a check at one time and later a refund by check in the mail. I have gotten cash but usually it was small amounts remaining on the account.


    CCL used to give a check face to face, now you have to wait for accounting to send it to you. It's a delay nothing more.


    NCL hopes this will be a deterrent and then a delay.

  11. This thread is important and of interest to me; even though I don't care what other passengers do, I do care what NCL does.


    Well, when NCL does some of the things you suggest they might, then there it is. At this point NCL has made the policy a little more complicated, nothing more or less.

  12. I really don't think that people that were never intending to remove or reduce their DSC, would even consider it no matter how anonymous they can be or how easy it is. If you look at many of the posters on this thread and the other locked down one and the sticky, it seem like only the minority want to remove or reduce their DSC.


    You are correct, if NCL finds that many remove or reduce without any real service problems, I'm sure that they will find a way to make up that revenue. They could start to charge for all shows. They could start to charge for the children's programs. They could charge more for drinks and drink packages. They could charge more for specialty restaurants and dining packages. They could stop passengers from bringing on sodas and water. They could raise everyone's cruise fares. They are a business and they are not going to lose revenue, but I really don't see them doing any of these things, because I don't feel we are talking about many that want to remove the DSC without having a service issue that was not resolved.


    Then all of this thread is really inconsequential to you. I really don't care what other cruisers do or NCL does, I will do what I do and chance the consequences.

  13. Actually, that's a bad thing because now the other cruise lines have the basic info along with the form to setup their own process in handling DSC-removers.


    Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


    What? How do you think they will "handle" them?


    First, we must assume other cruise lines will jump on the NCL bandwagon. Unlikely.


    Second, if they do, so what? I still will get my $ back.


    In the end that's all that matters.

  14. Its a form for a refund for some people that don't want to pay for Service because their cheap - It would be nice of NCL to put their logo, but I can understand if they're like 'Whatever, logos and letterhead are for paying customers only'.


    Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


    I am a paying customer, just not the not really required extra optional charges that they don't really need.

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