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Posts posted by Mikesa1721

  1. NO! NO! NO!

    Time to stock up!

    A Nutella shortage may be on the horizon thanks to a March frost in Turkey that wiped out about 70 percent of this year’s hazelnut crop.

    Hazelnut prices have skyrocketed, hitting a 10-year-high and causing many to worry that prices will only continue to increase with the impending shortage.

    That’s bad news for Nutella lovers, as one 13-ounce jar of the coma-inducing cocoa spread is packed with 50 hazelnuts.

    Ferrero, the Italian chocolatier that produces Nutella, is the largest consumer of hazelnuts. The company acquired the Turkish hazelnut supplier Oltan Group in July to “guarantee and further improve the quality of a leading raw material that gives a unique taste” to its products, Ferrero said in a press release.

    It is unclear how the price of Nutella and other hazelnut-ridden products will be affected by the shortage.


    Oh No!!!!! Well,, it's a good thing I switched from International Delight's Hazelnut coffee creamer, to Southern Butter Pecan a few years back!!! No Pecan shortages in Georgia!!!

  2. That is an excellent tip. Thank you both. I would assume that the points go to the person who's name is given with the card, not the person who the credit card company considers to be primary, right? I wouldn't think MSC has visibility to who actually owns the account.


    It sounds as if you cannot see the points, or even current status level, on the website?




    In regards to the original question: airlines and hotel chains will match status in order to win your business. However, they generally attach some major criteria to keeping the status. The cruise industry is different in that most people take 1 or 2 cruises a year (or achieve elite status very quickly). It would be too easy to game the system for one cruise on a given line.


    Also, cruise line status does not (currently) require renewal or periodic patronage to maintain. The airlines, along with their 'earned' elites, might get screwed in the short term, but the matched status will disappear at some point unless truly earned. The cruise lines could wind up with a ton of people with permanent status across the board, and no way to accommodate without watering down the perks.


    Correct Mikesteg,,here in the states, you would have to call MSC directly to get your current membership level and point information. One day,,hopefully soon, they will change this!!

  3. I was told they assign cabanas as they are reserved. I'm assuming we got #1 because we reserved it 7 months in advance. ha! I was just happy to get one because they don't have many and they sell out so fast.


    I have no idea if I'm supposed to reserve something quickly for the Barcelona trip on Divina in June. I've been reading the boards but nothing jumps out at me. I guess we'll wait in see. The good thing is that we already know our way around, and we know we don't want to see the shows again - so we will have plenty of time to enjoy the YC while not in port.


    I think we reserved ours back in April, so I guess it'll be a crap shoot as to which cabana we are assigned,,hoping for the best though!!!

  4. Oooh! I must have missed those! We mostly ate in the restaurant for our main meals, including breakfast. With six boys at home we very rarely get to enjoy restaurant meals, leisurely or otherwise, so we made the most of it whilst we could.


    I agree Kat,,take advantage of the quite time together, cause with 6 boys, I'm sure those moments don't come around to often.

  5. This is the buffet map from the Preziosa, sister ship to the Divina. I don't imagine it would be too different. It was huge!




    Ahhhh,,,just point me to those yummy little triangle looking hash browns they serve for breakfast!! Can'r believe you had them up in the Yacht Club buffet on your trip Kat. They weren't available in the YC on our sailing aboard Divina.

  6. We had cabana #1 and LOVED it. It was on the end so we also had a little area to the side where our hammock was, where everyone else had their hammock behind their cabana.


    We are from Florida so we were happy to lay around on the lounge chairs and hammock and enjoy the beautiful views - those who would prefer to swim or want a quieter beach area should choose cabanas 11 through ...whatever number they go up to. This is because those cabanas are at the FAR end of the island and have MUCH less foot traffic. There are restrooms just a very short walk behind the cabanas and a bar is directly between the cabanas and the beach. It is quite a ways from the food, but you only have to go over there once.


    You will be VERY happy if you reserve a cabana. The general beach area is extremely crowded - much like the pool area on the ship. If you look through my pictures I believe I took pictures of the area. (The link is above).


    Thank You Resstation!!! I have a cabana reserved so I guess I better go to my concierge as soon as I board and request cabana #1,,I've heard from the NCL board that this is the one to have so I better try and get it asap!!

  7. Thanks, Mike! I'm almost as excited for your cruise as I am mine ;)

    I signed up online....so I should expect (hope for) 1 pt for each night and points for spending on board? Do you know how the figure or award the points per dollar spent?


    That's correct Michelle. You'll receive 7 points for the nights at sea,,plus one point for every $200.00 spent onboard. :D Forgot to mention,,the points for onboard spending will be awarded to the account of whomever's credit card is on file when you check in at the terminal, so be sure to use your cc if you want the points added to your account.

  8. The buffet is huge, with so much to offer. Here is a link to my photos from our cruise. Somewhere in the middle I have pictures of the names of every station at the buffet. Each station had at least four or five different choices. There is plenty to choose from.




    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app


    Sorry to get a little off topic,,which cabana did you have at GSC Resstation?? And did you feel it was a good location for you??

  9. Hi Pete,

    I've been following along with your posts on CC and you always have such great info. I signed up for the MSC Club but I am curious how it works exactly. I've been holding off booking/paying for anything until I'm onboard. From what I've read, you get points added to your card that way but not if you prebook. This is my first sailing...what would you recommend doing? Will I even earn points this go 'round?




    Michelle,,we signed up for the MSC Club prior to our 3 day sailing back in May and were awarded 2 points for the nights we spent at sea as well as the points for the money we spent onboard. You will definitely earn your points after your first sailing,,they just take a few weeks to show up. Currently the only way to check to be sure your points are awarded correctly is to call MSC directly, and keep your final invoice just in case you need to dispute a point discrepancy regarding your onboard spending.

  10. I would like know if anyone who has recently sailed on the Divina Western Caribbean itinerary (Miami-Jamaica-Grand Cayman-Cozumel-Great Stirrup Cay-Miami) could tell me what the order of the various theme dinners/parties are... including which nights are formal, what night is the white party, the 60's flower power party, and the italian night. Thanks for the input! I can hardly wait... we are sailing September 13-20.


    Moondance,,,looks liking looking back at the March Daily's,,,Sunday is a Gala Night,,Monday is Italia Night,,,Tuesday is The White Party,,Wednesday is The Flower Glory Party,,,and Thursday is the second Gala night,,,wether this has changed from March to the present day I'm not sure though.

  11. Ah, good to know, since I plan on seeing each show twice. ;)


    We sat off to the left side of the stage when we saw The Starwalker show. Going to try and sit more center stage next week,,we felt like we missed some parts of the show sitting so far off center,, but get there early Maureen,,the shows fill up fast.

  12. But, I have to get my money's worth! I'm having gelato and pastry after every meal! :D


    Trish, I love your photo of those of us in steerage- hysterical! :D:D


    OMG Maureen,,I didn't even pick up on that!!!! Trish,,that pic has us laughing so hard we are crying!!!! Nice touch with the crispy bacon subtitle btw,,Haaaaa!!!! Ohhhh that pic made my night!!!!!

  13. :D:eek::D This could be the best birthday, ever. I have a question about the shows, I read that drinks are not served in the theater, but, can you bring a drink in there with you? Or, are they trying to keep people from spilling drinks everywhere? :confused:


    No bar service in the theatre Maureen,,but we did bring in our glasses of champagne and sat front row with them without any problems at all.:D

  14. Sounds like time for some Grammy and granddaughter bonding for me.! ;) Why not book the daughter in with Grammy, book the two afts and then daughter can sleep in your cabin, anyway?




    AB, Can you look at this video for me, it says it is the Divina buffet and frankly, it is less than inspiring. Don't get me wrong, I'll find something to eat, but, this buffet seems very basic and not presented very well. I'd love to hear your take on it. Is this the whole buffet? :confused:



    Maureen,,That's Cruisetrails video. He goes by Crossoceanic on Youtube, Cruisetrail on CC, and Kompass7 on Photobucket.

  15. Just thought of another thing I've been wondering about.


    On other cruise lines I've been able to write in items on the breakfast room service request and actually get those items (hit 'n miss). Example: write in "bacon" or "2 scrambled eggs". Also, I've been able to phone for room service breakfast and had them pretty much willing to add anything they could grab that they're cooking for breakfast already, not just what's listed on the room service breakfast tag. Anyway you could check if this is doable on the Divina, please? I know you're in YC but maybe some slum-dog could verify for you (if you're willing to associate, that is). :p


    Thanks again!





    "I hear they get crispy bacon up in the Yacht Club."


    Of course I can do this for you Trish. Our cousins are staying right below us in 12006 so I'll try phoning the order from their room.

  16. Mike I'm so excited that your cruise is around the corner, but also kinda glad that ours is further away, coz when yours is over, mine will still be around the corner......:D


    However, I horribly jealous that you have so many more booked in the near future........brat............anyway.........I just read that they don't have bar servers in the casino..........:eek:......I can only follow that with I will likely lose less money:D....so maybe it's a therapy kinda thing..........what you gamble and drink............that can't be a good thing.......oh dear........oh well when you are onboard I wonder if you notice if sometimes the waiters may venture in...........if you go to the casino of course..........I'm hoping greasing some palms with a few $$$ might encourage one to wander on over to the roulette table occasionally............


    You have to know that while growing up in the land down under, although Vegemite was quite a staple on toast...............NUTELLA was by far my favourite............now as I am trying to age gracefully (it's a chore)....yummy foods like Nutella can't possibly pass my lips without finding space in lower extremities that I can't afford to allow to happen, but nutella crepes sound heavenly..........I just might have to indulge....but that would require giving up some alcoholic beverage, because that's where I spend my calories............oh dear I just realized I almost wrote a dissertation..........


    You see Aussie,,,you didn't get the whole story about the bar service in the casino. There is bar service at the tables, just not the slots,,,seemed the more I started to win playing blackjack,,the more often the server came by to take my order;);)

    Instead of the Nutella crepes Aussie,,grab some gelato, and see if the kitchen can warm you up some Nutella in the microwave and pour it over your gelato like chocolate syrup!!! Go big or go home I always say!!!

  17. Not all for me Mike, lol there are 9 of us all together.:)

    first time cruising for all but 3 of us, not a bad way to start!!

    got them for a great price !


    Our first sailing aboard Divina was in the Yacht Club, and after our experience there,, we will never sail anywhere else on the ship. It really is an amazing experience, one that I'm sure will leave a lasting impression with those sailing for their first time. You definitely made a great choice for yourself, and all of those traveling in your party.:)

  18. Right!!!! We figure that if we don't want to listen to the shows/venues, we can retreat to our balcony. And yes, I was told the stage will be in the Aqua Park area. We are excited to be a part of this cruise. Will be something different from all past cruises. The very first cruise we were on was a Country/Western one. We didn't know at the time of booking. George Jones and his crew plus about 4 other well known performers were on board. But there wasn't music all day long. It was really special to be able to interact with them when they were not performing.


    I know my girlfriend would love to go,,we both love to experience different cultures and traditions. This is why we love sailing on Divina,,so many people from all over the world to talk to and learn from,,,such a difference from sailing aboard one of the American lines.

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