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Everything posted by cruz_happy

  1. I’m presuming you checked spam folder too? If so and still no photos, definitely call. We had our few (singles, not package) within no more than 5 days of disembarkation. Hopefully, they will see the link immediately. Good luck.
  2. My sister is scheduled for an upcoming cruise (Alaska Radiance of the Seas) and thought she had booked the Key for her and her 2 other travelers. Apparently, only 1 of them has it booked. She thinks it was her fault (even though I encouraged her to book it when planning; she thought she had). When she checked, hers and the person she is with in the same cabin wasn't booked and is now told that the Key is sold out. (The 3rd person is in a separate cabin.) I know this is a long shot (and desperate, I might add) but does anyone know a way to get the Key for 2 people now? She is a C&A member (although not very high on the pyramid); I suggested she call C&A to see if they could potentially help. I also told her to keep checking for potential cancellations. Does anyone else have ideas I haven't thought about for her & her cabin mate to get the Key so as to join the others traveling with them? (BTW the 3rd traveler who has the Key is somewhat disabled, she's 86 years old with bad legs, and will be in a wheelchair most of the time. She will need them to help with escorting her. Do you think this matters?) TYIA for any suggestions/help you can offer.
  3. I looked for this but couldn't find information. (Perhaps I didn't enter the right search criteria?). Would anyone know about when Royal Caribbean will post the 2024 Europe sailings? Not looking for an exact date just about when to start watching for these. TYIA
  4. I hear you. I’ve traveled to many European countries and I know it is rare, in some cases nonexistent. But would I do it again for exceptional service that we got? Yes. One can tell sincere appreciation from an “Oh that’s nice; thank you.” This was sincere ( or they are very good actors). Mainly, it’s up to each person—-tip if you want or don’t. Just thought I’d share our experience.
  5. We were in Italy last month, (Meant to post this earlier but got sidetracked.). Before our trip, we had researched, read several articles and posts about not needing to tip in Italy. (We did see in our research that "rounding up" in taxis was normal but not really elsewhere.). I know some will disagree with me but tipping is very welcome in Italy, especially in tourist activities following almost 1-1/2 years of no tourism due to Covid-19. We were so confused that we finally asked our hotel receptionist, whom we had befriended, what the policy was around tipping there. (BTW, I had offered her a tip for something she went above and beyond in helping me out of a severe jam and she refused to accept it but was appreciative for the offer.). She said this is a misconception. She said tipping is welcome though not required in Italy to whatever one feels right to do so. She did say it wasn't a generally acceptable amount (like in the USA with 18-20% at restaurants). She also warned to check restaurant bills before adding a tip to be sure there isn't a "service charge" listed, which is commonly in lieu of a tip. One of our tour guides we talked with said that after the long time with Covid and no tourism, these tips are extremely appreciated. (The Italian government only provided a nominal amount to help during Covid which equated to roughly 2 months pay for that tour guide.) During our trip, we tipped our tour guides and at restaurants. All were so appreciative every time, much more appreciative than in the States. Several did not expect it but were sincerely thankful for the tip. I write this hoping to help others like us that were so confused about whether to tip or not in Italy. Enjoy your time there; we did!
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