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Everything posted by kamelia

  1. I can’t speak for anyone else still booking Princess cruises, but for me, I continue choosing to book them for the Princess CREWS. At one point, I’d had so many problems with the app that when I boarded I swore this was likely my last Princess cruise. Within the first hour, I was in Horizon Court at lunch and overheard one of the crew commenting to a passenger using hot sauce he’d brought himself to spice up his meal. “Excuse me, sir, but I see you like hot sauce. You might want to think about checking out thus-and-so restaurant when we get to Ensenada because they’ve got some fabulous sauces you’d probably like.” Two days later, we got back to our room after the show and there was an emery board, an eye mask and a packet of cotton balls and swabs on the bathroom counter. My first reaction was, “what a slap in the face if this is what’s now considered the amenities kit to thank me for my loyalty.” In the middle of the night, though, I woke up with the dawning realization that this wasn’t from Princess, but rather cobbled together by my stateroom steward who was anxious to do what he could, knowing what used to be. At that moment, I was reminded why I’d become a loyal Princess passenger, and the rest of the cruise was filled with several such reminders. If putting up with all the rigmarole that getting Ocean Ready has meant is what it takes to interact with such a wonderful group of human beings as I’ve found Princess crew members to be time and time again, then so be it. It’s a real shame, for both the crew as well as future Princess passengers, that the difficulties with the app led you, JSN, and others to call it quits on Princess entirely, but I certainly can understand when people reach that conclusion. I sincerely hope you'll have the opportunity to give them another chance. Safe travels, wherever they may take you! 😊
  2. 😉 It'll be thunderous applause from me if they get the fardling thing fixed.
  3. Shouldn't the showstopper be having it BOTH ways? - being able to utilize all of the functions of planning and taking a Princess cruise on my laptop -or- using the app on my phone/tablet to arrive at the same GREEN LANE end point? Every other travel-related app I use gives me the ability to do the bulk of the preparation on my laptop and still have easy access to all of the same features and functions using their app once I've left home, should I need it. The MedallionClass app is the only one for which the preparation is piecemeal, requiring both my laptop and a separate device with the app to complete the process. It should NOT be this arduous to get onto a Princess ship! 😢
  4. I've been dropping them off at the Ocean Navigator's desk once onboard - hoping that if it becomes enough of a nuisance for them, someone will pass that on to the head office. 🤭
  5. They are magnetic so you can use them to display on the front of your fridge, but they are about the same size as four CAD toonies or USD 50-cent pieces stacked together, just for reference. A bit challenging for a scrapbook. 😉
  6. 🥴 Despite all the problems I've had with it, four years on and I'm still trying to give it the benefit of the doubt...
  7. I'm thinking this is from the Journeyview on your app, and I just wanted to let you know that you probably don't have to worry about it being full in reality. The headcount aspect of the app is still a work in progress.
  8. Just by way of information, I haven't even needed the travel summary. The port personnel have just scanned my passport and requested my stateroom number and then secured my medallion. That's worked for embarkation in several different terminals.
  9. Thanks for the quick response. My profile photo is the one thing that has been consistent for me with the app - it's the security photo from my first MedallionClass cruise back in 2018 and appeared the first time I set up the app. For whatever reason, DH's profile photo has been wonky, including disappearing once again after this latest update. Maybe it will come back with the next update. 🤔
  10. I've got the same results here in that DH's profile pic is also gone. When it has disappeared before over the past couple of years, I (as instructed by the app) uploaded a new photo, and now have a fleet of his doppelgangers as pending friend requests when I get onboard. 🥴 Part of me is tempted to try uploading another photo of him to test whether or not this will add to my collection, but then the adult part of me says I've got enough issues with the app already so probably best to not intentionally add to the muddle. By way of curiosity, though, when you look at your own profile in the app, has your security photo also changed so that it no longer matches your profile photo? My security photo is now showing the most recent photo taken by port security because one did not come up in their system on turnaround day in Vancouver two weeks ago, but my profile photo remains the same. TIA!
  11. You can also access the itinerary using Ocean Concierge. “Itinerary” is within the information under “More.”
  12. TO UPDATE THIS LIST: DO NOT push the "Quote" button. It creates a copy that the next person cannot properly update. DO select and copy ALL of the text (including the instructions and the list) up to COPY TO THIS LINE . . . from the most up-to-date list (the most recent reply with the list).  Go to the bottom of the latest post, to the "Reply to this Topic..." box to create a new post. Paste your copied text into that box. Make your modifications to the list. Add change notes at the bottom. Click the "Submit Reply" button just below the list you are modifying. Confirm that everything is correct! You can edit for up to 20 minutes. Ship Captain Cruise Director Entertainment Director Director Restaurant Ops CaribbeanPrincess Vincenzo Lubrano Jody Miles Robert Boyd Oscar Perego Coral Princess Gavin Pears Karen Rogers Sara Romera Joachim Rothe Crown Princess Tony Ruggero Olivia Guthrie Michael Kujawski Mariusz Czemarmazowicz Diamond Princess Stefano Ravera Natalie Costa & Mikiko Ikemoto Samantha McDonough Silvio Zampieri Discovery Princess John Smith DuVaul Gamble Matt Thompson Silvio Zampieri Emerald Princess Martin Stenzel David Frost Geof O'Rourke Ruji Pereira Enchanted Princess Nick Nash Gary Golding Ron Goodman Francisco Patricio Grand Princess Michele Bartolomei Jayson Douglass Callie Smit Neville Saldanha Island Princess Paul Slight Andi Sanders Sue Rawlings Daniele Rosafio Majestic Princess Tony Draper Kristoff Greyling Marissa Wurms Douw Steyl Regal Princess Aldo Traverso Allie Ambriano Martyn Moss Nicola Furlan Royal Princess Andrea Spinardi Corinne Steel Ruth Sandell Claudio Giuliani Ruby Princess Mario Tani Michael Reitano Tim Donovan Jacques Ghennai Sapphire Princess Paolo Ravera Fernando Cunha Matthew Joseph Francesco Ciorfito Sky Princess Marco Fortezze Paul Chandler-Burns Madison Adams Ciprian Hoidreag <COPY TO THIS LINE SO THERE IS SPACE TO TYPE CHANGE NOTES AFTER THE CHART> updated Grand Princess Captain and DRO Future moves: Regal - CD Aaron Hawkins (possibly?) joining when ship is in the UK. Sapphire - DRO Mario Propato reportedly plans to return "in a few months" (reported February 2023) Sky - CD Matt Barnard reportedly returns in May
  13. kamelia

    Alaska tour help!

    I highly recommend The Alaska App for both general information about visiting Alaska as well as an excellent source of information for anyone doing self-drive land tours.
  14. Wish I could offer something other than my utmost sympathy regarding the frustrations you’re experiencing! It’s not you - there are others in the same boat, so to speak, when it comes to dealing with this new technology. Don’t let it spoil what is about to be a great cruise! Or, in your case, TWO great cruises! 😊
  15. But why were birthdates being transposed within each booking? Each person “should” (imo) have had their own unique profile, regardless of with whom they were sailing. Passenger Mrs RealTrip’s birthday was the same whether she was sailing with Mr RealTrip or Mrs RealTrip’s friend. Our “fix” from the IT folks in 2015 was to make sure that when we booked a b2b, either DH or me was lead passenger on both/all bookings. That worked for the next five years, until this fardling app was made the be all and end all. I just wondered if maybe @realtrip was also experiencing similar issues…
  16. and @realtrip - how long ago did you set up your profile with Princess? This sounds vaguely familiar to what I’ve experienced with my corrupted POLAR data. I have an email dated 2015 to my PVP detailing issues with not only the birth date but also the passport numbers for DH and me getting transposed with b2b bookings, issues that continue to cause grief to this day. If, as Steelers36 has suggested, you get thrown overboard for messing with the App, I’ll throw you a life ring! 😜
  17. This is the 2-page Shipwide savings coupon booklet I received electronically earlier this year. As you can see, it is a condensed format, and far less wasteful than the one I was sent two weeks ago, which is identical to the one that was printed out above for @HaveDogWillTravel on the Ruby Princess. The expiration date for both is December 31, 2023, so I am at a total loss to understand why the newer version has been adopted.
  18. I will be curious to see if the wine offerings improve once the new collaboration with Wagner is rolled out. News from Princess yesterday is that "Caymus Vineyards Winemaker Dinners will be available on all ships sailing in North American (sic) starting by the end of April." Here is the link to the video: But if it gets taken down as being inappropriate by the board moderators here, you can find it on Princess Cruises' YouTube page. @wowzz, yes, I know this means a US winery, and I agree, there are a lot of other regions with some great wines that Princess passengers would benefit from having on their menus! Maybe there's hope for same on non-North American sailings! 😉
  19. The problem may not be on your end. All of my upcoming cruises have gone from Green Lane to Incomplete in the past couple of days.
  20. For informational purposes: received check today for onboard credit from cruise we disembarked March 17th, so 27 days after getting off. Credit balance was due to refunds of pre-paid shore excursions in ports that had been cancelled.
  21. I'm very happy for you all who don't have issues with the app! Mine seem to stem from corrupt data in our POLAR profile that existed long before the app was even being considered. I will take this moment to say that I AM seeing some improvements - at the very least DH doppelgangers have gone from 11 to six, so there's that. 🥴
  22. Despite all of the problems I continue having with it, I think the corker actually came a couple of days ago when I was talking with our TA (non-PVP) about booking our next Princess cruise. He saw our cruise history, and then actually asked, "what the heck is going on with this MedallionClass App thing anyway? We've got a Princess cruise booked next month and I've never had the kinds of problems getting ready as I've had with that app!" He's asking me?!!! I just had to shake my head and assured him that he could just take all of their documentation with them and get onboard despite the problems with the app.
  23. *shivers* Ayup - that'd be the one! It left an indelible impression of "perspective."
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