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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, please wish Morgan a very happy birthday!
  2. Good morning. It was downright cool at 60 earlier and such a pleasure. It will only go to the mid eighties later and the humidity is much less. We went to the port shortly after Arab Spring and found it very exciting. We had a tour guide who was very enthusiastic to show us his country. We saw a lot of beautiful tile work and went to the Souk. I miss my Aunts and Uncles. We had quite an interesting group and almost everyone lived nearby. Bagels are to be celebrated and we prefer ours from the bagel shop up the street. The recipe sounds good to me but I am the only steak lover here.One Voice sounds like a good plan. Last night was an improvement over the previous one. DD stayed with Tana so that I could have more rest. She and DSIL are off today and are going grocery shopping for all of us. We will make dinner depending upon which fish looks good in our favorite fish store. My grand dog Pippin sent me this the other day. I love this picture!
  3. Good morning. This city girl loved “Misty of Chincoteague”. The one and only time I got on a horse(my, they are tall) he went under a tree to get rid of me. I have not been to Bali and wore red clogs often to work. The recipes are looking so good, thank you Debbie @dfish. There was no sleep last night and I am frayed at the edges to say the least. Tana, true to form , made a joke a few minutes ago with the aide about being up all night . It sure is hard to do at our ages. We decided takeout is our best option for later and fortunately we don’t have to get to the store or anywhere else. Take care everyone
  4. Good morning. We have an”oppressive “ amount of humidity and some rain today. DD DH and I went to the port on the VOV. DB and I walked out to the viewing platform in Sandi’s pictures. We were surrounded by the biting flies. I wanted a hat like Debbie’s. I could certainly stand to lose some weight and might try the soup later this week. I am making bean and pasta soup this morning that has been requested by Tana. My cousins are always celebrated and I am not much for fast food or drive ins.I am scheduling a haircut next week for the frizzy “alpaca” hairdo . It grows outward into a triangle daily in this fine weather. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, congratulations on the twins and thank you for the pictures. They are beautiful! @JazzyV, I found the vestibular rehab very helpful . I hope you get relief soon. It is very challenging to deal with. @ottahand7, I am sorry to read of your DB’s continued knee problems. I can’t even imagine the pain he is in and the loss of function is terrible. Sending my prayers for him. @grapau27, love those lunches and dinners! @rafinmd, I hope that you get answers at Urgent Care. take care all
  5. @Vict0riann,I am glad that the nurse was more helpful and that you will see the oncologist soon. @marshhawk, there are no comforting words and I send my prayers and hugs to both of you. If we lived close by I would bring dinner over. I loved your pictures today, thanks.
  6. Good morning. It is foggy, rainy and very humid. The weather person said it was not oppressive humidity. Well, I guess there is that to be thankful for. I have been to Vancouver and really enjoyed that beautiful city. The first time we stayed at the Pan Pacific hotel and it looked as if the ship was going to become one with the hotel it was so close.DD DH and I enjoyed walking along the waterfront and visiting Stanley park as well as some great restaurants. My mom was a gorgeous grandma and turned heads all her life. A few weeks ago I was at our vets office and he told me what a crush he had on mom. She has been gone almost16 years! I will pass on zucchini bread and don’t care for sprinkles. The other two days are fine. It is hard to believe that 1962 was the first year for trans Atlantic TV transmissions. @dfish, Debbie, I hope all goes well today and that you have excellent pain relief. Enjoy the day everyone.
  7. That certainly was a wonderful surprise! Happy Birthday Dixie and enjoy!
  8. @JazzyV, I am glad that you are going to investigate the vertigo and gait unsteadiness. I have been concerned but know you know what to do! Please wish BFF a very Happy Birthday whenever the celebration occurs. @Nickelpenny, Beautiful work with a very nice design. I am envious of your skills. Thanks to all for your wishes for Tana and your prayers. We are managing okay today and things have been calmer for her. She had some leftover quiche for lunch and I made rice pudding for later. It is a favorite of hers and I had forgotten that.
  9. Good morning. Three good days to celebrate with thanks for explaining them Graham @grapau27. I love seeing Newcastle in the Vera shows but would enjoy being there in person especially if I could meet Pauline and Graham. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am so glad that you are safely home and marvel at your energy level. Just thinking about that drive makes me tired. Thank you for the pictures and commentary on your latest cruise. I enjoyed your daily updates. Happy Birthday to the DS of @NextOne! My DB leaves today and will be sorely missed. He is a tremendous help in so many ways but is looking forward to seeing his granddaughter this week. Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
  10. Good morning. The humidity is back but we had a few lovely days with a breeze. It was a sad day, as Roy said, in our history in 1925. I will certainly celebrate being someone! I have not been to New Caledonia. DD DH and I went to Florida after we were married and visited the older relatives who did not come to the wedding. His aunt made us borscht. I had never had it and really enjoyed it. Poor DH was sitting there trying to sip his soup and I could tell he just couldn’t do it. I took one for the team and had his as well. @Sharon in AZ, a very Happy Birthday to Craig! Today we decided to make a brunch main meal and just have sandwiches later. I made a strata with sausage and cheese that Tana likes and we have two different quiches as well. My brother is not much for cooking but helps with chopping and cleanup. The teenager works the evening shift at the restaurant so he will be with us for brunch. He is our resident expert nagger to get his other to eat. @StLouisCruisers, I am amazed that you have only 150 miles to go. The traffic in the summer is a nightmare from Boston to DC and vice versa. Get home safely and sleep! Have a great day everyone.
  11. Good morning. It is cool right now and reaching the mid eighties later. I remember watching the moon landing with my cousins. I will pass on the recipe today. I have not been to the port. Bon Voyage to @cunnorl and @St Pete Cruiser! @StLouisCruisers, I hope you can find a way home. Not fun. @Seasick Sailor, I am so sorry your sister has to have the bilateral procedure. Continued prayers for her. Have a great day everyone.
  12. Thanks Ann. I treasure his company.I hope Brayden gets to Boston without incident.
  13. Good morning. It is lovely and cool at 66 going to 80. I remember my retainer and constantly taking it out. The invisible type my DGC’s have is far superior. I salute the hard work of flight attendants and would try the recipe today as I think we have all ingredients. My DB thanks you all for his birthday wishes. We will celebrate tonight with the meal of his choice and DD is making a cake that he will eat. He is a very careful eater and always has been so we check and make sure this is acceptable to what we call “ the food police” here! I hope Jacqui is doing well and that the surgery helps with the pain. Annie and Chuck, I hope today is also a better day for both of you and that the office visit if helpful. @Lady Hudson, HappyAnniversary to you both! We had a power outage yesterday afternoon that a caused us to scramble for the oxygen tanks. Fortunately it was brief,unlike what Annie went through last night. DB wearing his ancient Swedish sweater made by our Mormor. It is almost as old as he is, haha
  14. Good morning. I will celebrate Nelson Mandela and skip the other two days. I think the group would like the soup and I may make it over the weekend. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope the stent placement solves the pain problem and that all goes well for you today. @marshhawk, Annie, my heart goes out to you as you continue to take care of Chuck. I had many of the same frustrations regarding food (or the lack thereof) last year with Lou. It is so horribly difficult to try to help the one you love when the situation is out of control. I wish I could help. Sending hugs and prayers to you. We had a real humdinger of a storm last night but it is less hot and humid. I don’t ever remember a summer like this. My DB can’t believe how different it is now in the Northeast.And everywhere. Take care all.
  15. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, thanks for asking about Tana . I am glad my brother is here as she is having a difficult time with the coughing and shortness of breath that comes with IPF. He is able to calm her anxieties somewhat and helps me with transfers and such. We still have the private aide during the week who keeps us in good shape as well.The food issues persist as the coughing increases. I feel for her as she tries so hard to get through the day. Ken has decided to stay until Monday and I feel as if a huge load has been lifted, albeit temporarily . I will be thinking of Bonnie today and everyday and hope the appointment goes well. Sending my prayers. I was happy to see Oliver could stay in your home with your wonderful BFF while you are away. I love your descriptions of the social gatherings in your neighborhood. There is always something fun going on!
  16. @Crazy For Cats, A very Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Juan!
  17. I was afraid that you would test positive for COVID. My DSIL just went on a cruise with her extended family and three out of eight are ill with it now. I hope your case is mild and that you and your DH feel better soon.
  18. Good morning. I would like snakes to stay in the woods where I do not go,thanks. My brother informed me that they have lots of snakes where he is in Connecticut. May they not cross state lines. I like minestrone soup but would not put butternut squash in it. My version is similar to the first recipe. I feel as if I have become a personal chef of sorts and usually enjoy it. Last night DB entertained us with stories of meal fiascos from our youth. I think my siblings and I tried to take on cooking tasks that were beyond our abilities but we were hungry! The teenager thought it was hysterical and wondered why we just didn’t order in. Oh my. The realities of life without deliveries and technology were a wonder to him. @cruising sister, thank you for the update on Murphy. I hope the medical issues lessen soon. She is a beautiful child. @kazu, Ivan is a very special dog and I hope all goes well today. @Seasick Sailor, I am glad some of the sodium can be reduced and pray for Allen to be able to eat and retain/gain weight again. It is such a worry. Tana tries so hard to eat but I can see she really has little appetite. Thank you for your encouragement! It feels swampy outside and quite warm. I plan to be inside mostly.
  19. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, sending prayers today for Allen . Hope the appointment goes well.
  20. Good morning. It is already humid and warm with more to come. The sheet pan recipes all look so good, thanks to Debbie @dfish. I will try the last one when cooler weather arrives.I have been trying hard to give things away and declutter here so will celebrate that day but not the other two. I have not been to the port and have always been fascinated by the Rosetta Stone. @JazzyV, I certainly hope you feel better today. Thank you for everything you do for us. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Linda, I hope the appointments and studies go well for DH. @kazu, I hope all goes well for both you and Ivan. It sounds as if the showing went well. It has been quite busy here and thankfully my DB and DSIL arrived yesterday to help. DB aka Ken shares my dark sense of humor and had me laughing until I cried . He shared with me something DD DH told him last year when he was so ill. I am glad he waited a year to tell me! At dinner last night he told “ tales from the dark side” when we were growing up that had everyone laughing. I am so glad that he moved back home(sort of). He reminded me of the hope and resilience he taught me at a young age. Take care everyone and hold those you love closely.
  21. Good morning. Like Debbie @dfish, sleeping wasn’t happening last night . I remembered the Nice attack as DDDH and I spent time sitting on a bench overlooking the water a few years prior to that. We took the ferry to Fire Island with the family and inadvertently stumbled onto the nude beach. Even when younger I was not comfortable …lots of funny questions from the young ones especially regarding sand! @rafinmd. Roy, Happy Birthday to your nephew Keith! @Nickelpenny, Pennie, I love that design you chose and envy your skills. Today we are not cooking and ordering in later. It is warm and muggy and I am just too tired. The events of last night are truly frightening and I am at a loss for words.
  22. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am so sorry to hear about Ren but glad he does not require surgery. Sending prayers his way.
  23. Sorry to hear this. Please be careful. It is here in abundance.
  24. Good morning. It is raining with thunderstorms coming soon. It must be a big one since my phone even sent an alert. We listen to music constantly here with my Allman Brothers, The Rolling Stones and Led Zepplin starring. I remember watching Live Aid and having multiple phone conversations with my Massachusetts brother. He taught me how to play “Stairway to Heaven” as a teenager . I taught my son the same years later. The quote by Gandhi is powerful and gives me a bit of hope in dire times. I was a gruntled worker and really loved my job. @marshhawk, Annie, I could find no words for you yesterday and wish we could do something to help. I hope today goes even a little bit better. Sending hugs and prayers your way. @kazu, Jacqui, wow on getting so much done but I am worried about your pain level. i am glad Ivan had a good birthday. Our family meal was nice last night as everyone enjoyed the bok choy dish from years ago. Today my request is for a pasta dish with chicken and mozzarella that I made back in the day. I had to find the recipe in my old fashioned recipe box ! Enjoythe day everyone.
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