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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @Seasick Sailor,A very Happy Birthday to Allen! @dfish,Enjoy your cruise Last picture Beach at Nauset two tired grandchildren in towels after riding waves for hours
  2. Good morning to all. We have not been to the port and will pass on the recipe today. We are aware of sharks and their seal food supply. The life guards at Nauset beach were very aware of them as well. I will pass on the pandemonium and salute Bastille Day. We have one more beach day and return home tomorrow. It has been so nice to spend huge chunks of time together. Terry
  3. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, I am also sending my condolences to you ,your family and Buddy's family.As others have said,it is so hard to lose people at such a young age. @marshhawk,Ann,Yes!Skaket Beach is just perfect.We arrived at high tide and walked the water out.
  4. We went to a Bay beach today and hid our fair. skin under a shelter. It is hot and the grandparents are escaping from the beach to the rental house. DS playing on beach and backs of kids heads!
  5. Good morning to all.We are with my son and family on beautiful Cape Cod. The beach yesterday was wonderful but got very windy by one pm or so.My chair has an attached umbrella that was unusable most of the day.My DGC's were in the 62 degree water with their boogie boards until several seals arrived to surf the waves. The lifeguards were busy as they came within 10 feet of the shoreline.Sharks had been seen a few days before so people took no chances. It is so nice to be with everyone and just relax on the beach. @rafinmd,Roy,I am sorry about your aunt. @HAL Sailer,Melisa, I am also sorry to hear about your DB's Covid. @durangoscots,your fall sounded scary and I am glad nothing is broken.I hope you feel better soon. @grapau27,Graham, also sorry to hear about Sarah's covid case. Camilla and her parents are still positive but are doing well otherwise.We were going to try to see them on the way home but I don't think that will be possible. Terry
  6. Good morning to all.We are at my. wonderful SIL's home in SE Mass. We drive later to my son's rental on the Cape . We were supposed to see Camilla but unfortunately she and her parents have covid for the second time. So far they are doing ok but we worry anyhow.I did see my niece and nephew for the first time since last year. My DD called to tell me they are all managing well at home.The hospice nurse was there yesterday and changed some meds. The dog sitter sends photos of our two with her small dog.The dogs are having fun too! My best to all of you Terry
  7. Good morning. It is hot already here but at least I got a decent dog walk in.Tomorrow I am taking both dogs to the dog sitter as we will be leaving for our Massachusetts getaway My DSIL has planned a BBQ with my niece and nephew as well as their children and the famous Camilla. We will join my DS and family at their Cape rental Monday afternoon. I am so excited but a little nervous leaving home at this time. We have someone staying in my side of the house with Tana as it woud be unsafe otherwise.She has a lot of difficulty with mobility due to her breathing issues. Of course DD is here as well as DSIL.I think ( ha ha) my control issues are showing as I am worried about how it will go. Tana assures me she is still capable of ordering people around when necessary! We have not been to the port,I avoid cookies in general and prefer thin crust pizza. @rafinmd,I am glad you are home safely and happy that you have more cruises to take. Terry
  8. Good morning everyone. I love blueberries but will forgo motorcycles and body paint. We were at the port on a British Isles cruise on the Prinsendam. My brother and I went to the Museum of Occupation while DH. And DSIL had refreshments outside. It was chilling to see for myself how the Channel Islands managed to survive WW 2. Lenda, I can’t get the blue bubble to work but I wanted to say that I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the surgical procedures. I am so glad that you and DH have confidence in the doctor. Over the years I had many patients with shunts who did very well and reported a great improvement after placement. Spinal surgery is so much more successful today than in my early years as a PT. Terry
  9. I love your dining choices and would much prefer either one to the lentil soup in my future!
  10. Good morning everyone. We went to the port on a VOV Veendam cruise.It was strikingly beautiful but had a whole lot of black flies swarming us all.I could have used the headgear that Debbie @dfish has! My brother swore that he swallowed one but was not believed. I am one of those very odd people that can take or leave chocolate. I am very happy to see that my daughter has a lovely relationship with her Dad and my DGD is also close to her Dad.My brothers and I did not have that growing up.We did have each other though and I am very grateful for that. I am thinking this morning of Buddy and Amy and hope he is not in pain. People want so much to be in their own homes when facing the end of life.Sending my prayers for them and for Sandi @StLouisCruisers.
  11. Good morning. it is very warm and humid today so far and I have adjusted the length of the first dog walk to minimal. I have not eaten fried chicken in years but I will happily participate in kissing day. The recipes look very enticing but if we can make a decision about dinner it will be with chicken and not turkey. We have been to the port and really enjoyed it.Norway is such a beautiful country.I remember the falls from the small boat we took on a tour. Thanks everyone for the pictures. Terry
  12. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am so sorry to hear this.Prayers for the whole family are coming your way. I hope your sister and her husband recover from their Covid cases without incident. It is so nice that people are gathering around to help Amy and Buddy.
  13. Stunning sunrise Roy! I was sorry to read that Durgin Park is no longer around.Enjoy the rest of your trip and thanks as always for taking us with you.
  14. @cat shepard! I love it!Believe me, I needed a laugh this morning as I am sure we all do. One of our best cruise memories is sailing into Stockholm and then walking around the beautiful city. I would love to see it again. There were of course endless rounds of fireworks last night. My dog was parked closely next to us in bed with his partner in crime under the bed again. I have a vegetarian chili in the instapot this morning as I started off with two types of dried beans. Lately I have had a hard time getting myself organized for cooking and shopping for cooking. My mind is in vacation mode already! Be careful out there everyone. Terry
  15. Good morning .Happy Birthday to America. We will BBQ later and I am thinking I would like to try @Quartzsite Cruiser's red, white and blue salad.Thanks for the great idea as I have all the fruit here. We are big music fans here but our tastes continue to be the rock or folk of our younger days. Last night the #% fireworks in the neighborhood shook the house as well, like @dfish My husband is usually quite hearing impaired without his precious hearing aids.He even was aware of the excessive noise.One dog was under the bed and howling.I am not looking forward to tonight. Hope everyone is able to enjoy the day Terry
  16. Good morning.Today appears to be dark and stormy as well as humid.I managed a decent dog walk earlier but had some raindrops at the end. I have never been comfortable around mirrors and have no need of scarecrows.Fried rice sounds like a fun side dish. I need to consult with my executive chef regarding dinner. @aliaschief,Bruce, I was happy to see your flight went well.Enjoy the family vacation! @ger_77, Gerry. it is so much fun to follow along with the family visit. Enjoy! We have a low key day planned here.The poor dogs suffer mightily from the noise of fireworks.We are only a mile from the Hudson River and seem to hear the booming every night. Take care everyone Terry
  17. Good morning to all.It will be a rainy and humid day today.We went to the port on "the best cruise ever" with DD and DSIL on the Veendam. We went to Waikiki Beach together and walked around after swimming. I need food inspiration and will wait and see what the recipe is like. I started to get ready for our trip to MA next week.I tried my bathing suit on and got the sheets and towels together that are needed for the rental. We have heard from our relatives living there that restaurants are having a difficult time due to worker shortages.We will probably make meals ourselves anyway.My fellow Grandma is a great cook and we have planned a few favorites for the family. @Sharon in AZ Congratulations to Craig on his retirement @Vict0riann, Bon Voyage @Seasick Sailor, enjoy your stay in Maui Terry
  18. Good morning from an already hot and humid NY. Happy Canada day to our Northern friends. We are very fortunate to have the Bronx Zoo so close to us. It is always a pleasure to go there and enjoy the animals. We have not been to the port but would love to see that part of the world someday. I know I would be the only one in the house hold who would like today’s recipe. I never got around to making yesterday’s but will have to come up with something either using the Instapot or the infamous “crack pot”. @Heartgrove, Jack, I am so sorry to hear that your dear brother and sister-in-law are struggling so much. Continued prayers for the whole family. Take care everyone.
  19. My lovely DH thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I saw this when I took the dogs out earlier.I am always entertained by this cat
  20. @bennybear, good men were born on this day.Happy Birthday to your DH also!
  21. Good morning to all.It will be hot today. I am always surprised by the many dogs and owners I meet at 5:30 every day.Our two are always so happy to visit with other dogs and I get to talk to the humans.A win win. It looks like the executive chef has voted for the vegetarian version to make for tonight.I even have the right spices. I have seen meteor showers when visiting DS in New Hampshire. We no longer shake hands but old habits die hard.I mostly stay on this thread with CC as I find some other threads not so nice.FB is used to see pictures of babies in the family. Today is my DH's 74th birthday. We will have a nice dinner with the group tonight to celebrate. Terry
  22. @1ANGELCAT,so sorry about Jaguar. @JazzyV, Vanessa, so sorry about the legs.Is it an Unna boot? @Seasick Sailor, I hope Ron's surgery well. @rafinmd, Bon Voyage!
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