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Posts posted by DDBINK1

  1. Regarding the Carnival Magic "incident", what I'm having trouble understanding why the US Department of State got into such a dust up with the authorities in Belize and Cozumel. It was reported that the passenger showed no symptoms while on board, so why was the US Government and Carnival so anxious to off-load her?


    Since the passenger in question was reported as showing no symptoms, why was a US Coast Guard helicopter flown to the ship to pick up her blood specimens when health authorities have told us that unless symptoms are shown, the virus load is undetectable in blood samples? (Nothing was mentioned about her cabin mate's condition.) So how pointless was it to send in a chopper to collect samples that could be obtained a few hours later when the ship was within distance of the port?


    I have a suspicion that they were possibly contemplating putting the entire ship in quarantine for 21 days. Not letting them dock. It had to have gone through the minds of the epidemiologists. If she had the virus, they would have had to track her movements, who she was in contact with and track them for 21 days. How do you do that on a ship that large? Thousands of people. It would have been a nightmare. I am glad she did not have it. She was also near the end of the 21 day period if not past it also. They may have wanted to be sure??

  2. I think revamping the upper deck splash pool area would be a great idea. I suspect that Carnival Corp. has plans somewhere in their minds to do some sort of revamp of the pay to eat areas on the ship to maximize enjoyment and increase profits.

    I would suspect that any changes would have to increase the numbers of cabins on the ship also.


    I always thought the ship needed a special space for martini's to be served. I like the champagne bar a lot. I like Sir Samuel's for wine a lot also.

    But I also would like to sit in an area dedicated to the art of martini making.

    Not a frozen bar like on one of RCCL's ships but a more elegant place with an aft view. Not sure where that would be in a remodel but just my thought.

  3. Isn't it b....y epic. 3 cases in USA, what's that as a percentage of 380 million and not a word here for the thousands in Africa with, only now, any help from the European rich countries. Except for USA, Britain and France the rest of Europe is twiddling their fingers and leaving it up to others.


    There will be a few cases in developed countries, but those countries will cope, because they are developed. But what's needed is a massive response in Africa, and for all countries to do all they can in Africa.


    Is anyone seriously, really seriously worried about contracting ebola.




    I think you are correct in your statements.

    I tend to think the poor passenger on Carnival Magic has put herself in a bit of a mess by going on the cruise in the first case. I am betting Carnival would have rescheduled her and her husband if she had explained the situation and delayed her cruise.


    I think the situation in Africa is truly a mess. The response is a mess. I wonder if there are charities that are helping that might take donations? Anyone know??


    I think not only Europe and the USA but Russia and China and South America should be helping in some form.

  4. I cannot find my last post??


    I simply said the whole crisis is political in the USA due to the up coming election.

    And asked if anyone would be interested in sailing on a future cruise on this ship.


    And noted that I predict other ports would be unwilling to accept a ship with an ebola scare on board.

  5. No sir, no! It's only the northern Irish that prefer the orange colour. They were great admirers of William of Orange. The southern Irish (Eire) prefer the green. Did you know that the northern Irish built the great liner Canberra?

    I'm not sure if the balloons featured at the launch were for decoration or prophylactics. No doubt the P & O archives could throw some light on this maritime controversy.


    Northern Irish Southern Irish, is there a difference???? Are we not talking Balloons.

    Just a Southern American here.

    We don't do balloons here in the South. And reference previous post of course as my therapy appointment is later today.

  6. It's not surprising that the subject of balloons has generated great interest. What did surprise me was that in a recent survey published in a popular cruise magazine they found that 77% of passengers would not book a cruise on a ship that had no balloons! In fact the proliferation of balloons was ranked more important than the standard of the food.

    Another fact that is not well known is that on pre-war cruise ships the uninflated balloons could also be used as a prophylactic. Apparently the favourite colour in those days was red although, for some reason, the Irish preferred green. It's a fascinating subject.


    Nonsense. The Irish prefer orange balloons. I have seen it in Irish movies.

    And historical films that I have seen the balloons were all black and white.

    Again, nonsense, just utter nonsense.

  7. This ramble about balloons has brought on a bit of PTSD (post tramatic stress disorder) for me.

    When I was a child I had a helium balloon attached to my wrist and as most children do when tied to something, I untied the knot and away went the big red balloon. Try as he might, dear old Dad lept into the air, climbed up a lamp post and dazzled us all with his acrobatic ability to no avail. My balloon let slip the bonds of its earthly existance. I stood, bereft of all emotion, mouth agap, and realized I was watching my poor balloon drift high into the stratosphere. Never saw it again. But I will remember the slap on the bottom I got from dear old Dad after he recovered from falling 6 feet from that lamp post he climbed up trying to get that balloon back.

    Since then I have never felt comfortable near red balloons.


    I have another balloon story but I will spare you the details but suffice it to say that black color balloons make me sad.

  8. The U.S. sent approximately $37,680,000,000 overseas in 2012 for foreign aid. I wonder how much of it went down the rabbit hole of corruption and not into helping people like those being hurt by the Ebola Virus? I am betting alot was for weapons not hospitals or anything good.

  9. Do cruise ships have an isolation ward? I think they would just put you in your cabin if you got sick with flu/noro/ebola, throw food in the door and hope for the best. With visits from the ships MD/Nurse. Meds if needed.


    I wonder if a Ebola patient somehow decided to get on a cruise ship for a holiday and they developed symptoms, what port would accept the ship to dock??


    Are the staff trained to contain the spread?


    Do they have isolation or personal protective equipment to use?


    Would passengers panic on board if someone had Ebola while on board?


    I would be concerned not in a panic. Ebola it seems is about 50% terminal?


    Would you avoid a ship if it did get a Ebola patient on it for a cruise, in the future?

  10. We use suitcases that are quite large (not the biggest they make, but large) and I don't think I've ever reached even 35 lbs per bag! Are you packing bricks? Canned goods? 50 lbs or more? Holy Moly! If you're not flying and not paying per bag, just pack more smaller bags.

    And whoever said they take 10 prs of shoes...WHY? (and I know some take even more, my DIL included). Let's see...hiking, beach, walking, flip-flops (barely count), sneakers, dress. Even if you take all of those and 2 options for dress, you're still only up to 7.


    Get a grip, people! :eek:


    :eek: How in the world do you survive with 7 pairs of foot wear? Do you wear them more than once ? How do you face your new friends you make on board? You know they are looking at your shoes and if you wear the same shoes every day, they must be talking behind your back about it?? And please, you can't be serious, you wear Flip Flops? How Gauche!!! These are Cunard Vessels, not Carnival ships. :p

  11. I checked the US regulations and found this.


    Retired personnel, who are not on active duty, living or visiting a foreign country, may only wear a uniform to attend ceremonies or social functions when wearing a uniform is required by the terms of the invitations of customs of the country.


    I would think that since Cunard actually encourages the wearing of uniforms at formal night, then the metals would be ok also. Not that a cruise is a foreign country, but the ship is of foreign registry at least for US citizens.

  12. Lol....that's so funny,why is it more prevalent around the QG cabins...?



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    I usually have had QG Suites, and I wondered the same thing about that wind from some of the other suites. I figured it was older couples who had intestinal gas issues?? And one would be standing holding the doorway to the balcony open while the room air was exchanged.

  13. Ideas for the Winter Garden


    Isn't a Winter Garden a historical place on a Cunard Ship??


    Should they get rid of it to make another restaurant you have to pay for?


    They could put a service area for coffee / tea / goodies in the area and keep the Winter Garden aspect of it. But redecorate with better more comfortable seating.


    I do like the idea of a comedy club place on the ship, they could do it in Illuminations in the evenings as an alternative entertainment but they have blurry movies in there often in the evening and a comedy-improv troup/entertainer would cost money too. Maybe Carnival Corp with all the money they save on fuel costs could look at that??


    I like the idea of a food court vrs a buffet for casual dining so long as there are healthy choices. Eat healthy and light during the day and of course at dinner give up all that healthy stuff for the good stuff. :eek:


    Up on the outside decks on QM2 it gets very breezy. A better designed wind break would help.


    I am still thinking so I might chime in again soon.

  14. Thanks for the article. I loved QM sailing on her twice as a kid. It set me on a course for a career at sea as well as spending probably too much of my lifetime earnings on sea travel.:eek: She makes a fairly passable hotel these days. So glad I can occasionally stay aboard even now, all these years later. I don't think you will ever catch me on ANY ship that has 6,000+ passengers.


    Ut oh, I have been on one Twice. :eek:

    I actually thought the experience was good each time, except when you figure that if the big ole' boat sinks you are gonna be lucky if you can jump overboard and survive the fall into the sea !!

  15. Has anyone ever asked Cunard what happens to the tips given both on auto tip and given in an envelope?


    I wonder if they would actually state how it is calculated and collected and distributed?? It may be a trade secret, kept for only the highest levels of Cunard management.


    I just can't see a cabin staff member or a wait staff member who gets a couple dollars for delivering tea to the cabin taking the two dollars and handing it to management. I may be wrong, I often do things wrong. But seriously, does a management staff stand there and call the wait staff member over as he arrives to their area and demand they empty their pockets of spare change to ensure they are not hording a dollar or two, or for you guys and gals across the pond a few Pounds/Euros or two??


    Anyone work on board know? ??

  16. I am sorry for the comment. Must remember that postings here are so different from those made face to face.


    Am I forgiven?




    I never hold a grudge. Life is way way too short. I was not offended. I take comments as good fun on here. It helps me pass the day between patients in my clinic. When I can, I try to use my dry wit, a bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure to answer and comment on here. I usually fall flat but I made the effort.

  17. I take both, use the passport book to get on the ship and off. Use the card as additional ID if out and about in a port while the passport is safe in the room safe. I also make a copy of my passport and keep it in my wallet and in my safe. A friend of mine learned this trick as he had his passport stolen in Italy and the US Embassy was very quick to reissue it since he had a paper copy to present.

  18. " You must eat very poorly at home. "


    I didn't think of it as a cheap shot.

    I just figured it was a British thing to say to an American from Tennessee.

    Of course David may not be from the UK ??


    If not, maybe he did not agree with my posting.


    But overall, I think my point is that the food taste and how it is cooked does not change my opinion of the wait staff in the dining rooms. I might send something back or not eat something on my plate if I do not appreciate its taste or sauce or whatever, but it was not the waiter who cooked it. If I have a complaint about the food I address it to the Maitre D. If I think the waiter is slow, not paying attention to me properly, or doing Deal a Meal with service then I tell the waiter what my problem is with them. I doubt the waiter wants to hear me complain about the chef.

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