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Everything posted by redwell

  1. We are going on apex next May we have a deluxe inside I'm hoping we can get the scooter in its not a suitcase type do you know if we take it in the hold of the coaches so we can go on the shuttles or an excursion my husband can walk up a few steps or a small distance
  2. I've just booked a cruise next year on apex we have chosen early dining can we dine in all four dining rooms or do we have to be on anytime dining We like to eat early then go to early theatre Show
  3. We are on early dining on our cruise on anthem in October we've never done set dining only done mtd can we ask for a table for 2 I was going to go to the dining room when we board to ask
  4. My husband is taking his mobility scooter which folds up so could go in the hold of the bus can we go on the shuttle buses or do we have to go on the special disabled buses
  5. Where can you use this card can you buy iced coffee with it
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