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Posts posted by firstimecruiseronncl

  1. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

    So far so good for the final work day before the holiday weekend... We ordered lunch from Blue Moon Pizza, which should be here any minute now, and I'm going to try and find something decent at the grocery store for dinner... Hopefully going to get into something new and different over the weekend.


    Sunday I leave on the Bliss. Good weekend for me. 😁 This is my first trip on the Bliss. I've been on the Star, Breakaway, Getaway, and Escape. My favorite was the Escape. I am getting there early in hopes of getting the Vibe! I have never not gotten the Vibe so fingers crossed. I've also been spoiled and my last three trips were in the Haven (first one we paid for because it wasn't much more, second and third we won through bidding). Even with the Haven, we booked the Vibe. We are doing the Spa Mini-Suite for this trip. Wish me luck with getting the Vibe! 

    • Like 5
  2. On 2/12/2020 at 10:21 PM, Shaded Lady said:

    So... the Buyers from He// strike again!


    Sitting at my desk this afternoon when I get a call from my realtor... apparently the idea of paying for a remote notary to do their closing from California was just too much stress for the special snowflakes... so they decided that we're closing on the 25th instead! Didn't ask nicely, oh, please Mrs Shaded, can you please accommodate our wish to change the contract that we all agreed to, and the schedule we're all working towards... NO! They informed, then demanded, that we close early...


    So now this means I have to change the date my movers are coming... the date we reserved our UHaul truck for, the date that they're delivering our PODS storage unit, oh, and the closing date of our place in Florida ('cause you know, I really don't enjoy being homeless!), plus eat the cost of the non-refundable pet-friendly hotel in FLA that we reserved for the night before we were supposed to close.


    I try, I REALLY try not to overreact, and to be kind and pay it forward and all those nice things... but I gotta tell ya, these buyers have just used up my entire year's quota of 'give-a-shi%'. I told my realtor, FINE. Loudly! I will accede to this last ridiculous request, but it is the LAST one I'll entertain. Oh, and by the way, they will pay me the paltry some of $500 at closing for all my trouble.


    And they agreed.


    So now, I guess I'm moving on Feb 25, not the 28th, and I'm getting enough to cover at least some of my aggravation. I just might start drinking again!


    I had that happen to me only they changed it to a later date. The date for moving didn't work for us so we stayed in the house a few extra days after closing. You pay a small fee but it is worth it if the day doesn't work for you. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Greenpea2 said:

    Good morning, Tribe! 17 days until I'll be sipping some bliss on the Bliss...bring it on. I am so ready for a break from real


    I will be getting off when you are getting on the boat. I can't wait! 

    • Like 4
  4. On 1/20/2020 at 9:04 AM, Greenpea2 said:

    I would likely drink about $10 of Starbuck's every day--that's $70 right there. I drink wine with dinner -- I am not a particularly picky wine drinker but honestly the choices included in the Basic Beverage package do not interest me. I drink Pinot Grigio or Cabernet...there is one choice of each. So A couple wines every night x 7 ... see? I am still rationalizing, lol. The cruise itself cost me a lot. Kind of crazy prices for Haven, so I have already spent so much it is hard to decide it makes sense to upgrade. Sigh. 


    You just have to pay the difference for anything over $15. On my last cruise I bought the better wine and paid the difference in price. You can do that with any drink. 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    Wow, that escalated quickly... I had to do a little work, and then come back to a locked review... I guess there'll be no thank you list after all... Eventually, that idiot will probably find his way over here... It's sad that one douche spoiled the whole party...


    If he ends up over here, just ignore him. This way he can't ruin this thread too. 

    • Like 5
  6. 22 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

    From reports from the Encore, three of my favorite NCL bartenders are on board... Bong, Clarense (cowboy), and Rommell... Just a little more than three weeks to go!!!...

    Oh, I was hoping Rommell would still be on the Bliss in February! 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, blarko said:


    Yep! Amazing Race is my favorite reality show! I started watching it season 1 when a coworker told me about it, but became quickly addicted. But actually @firstimecruiseronncl the goal is to be the FIRST team to arrive on the mat; the last team to arrive gets eliminated. The teams do travel all over the world and it’s fun to see little pieces of different countries cultures. I can’t wait for the new season. 

    Yes, I meant to say NOT be the last one on the mat.  👍 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

    I won't hold it against you for not being fans of Survivor... It's the only "reality" show that I've ever watched. I suppose that the main thing that drew me into it was the exotic locations where it's filmed. Plus, I love challenges, both mental and physical...


    Another long day of photography today at work... Hopefully today goes by quickly, and the weekend can begin. Although, it's supposed to rain all weekend here, that's not going to dampen my search for something new to eat and drink... I have a couple of small goals for the weekend, including getting a new tire and tube for my mountain bike. I haven't been able to ride in a couple of weeks, and I really miss it... Of course, I have my part time job that never seems to end...

    I haven't missed an episode of Survivor since it began. Sid -- You should watch Amazing Race. They travel all over the world and compete in challenges along the way. The goal is to be the last couple to arrive on the mat. 

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, mitsugirly said:

    A whole lotta not good news today with my PCP doctor. She’s running tests, sending me to hematologist, ultrasound to compare blood clots, and then ran a EKG that determined anterior infarct and she’s concerned I’m currently having a heart attack or I have a blood clot on the heart or a blockage. Currently on the way to the hospital ER for evaluation. I Just Can’t Win! 😭😭😭

    OMG--When you think it can't get any worse --- it does. All the best to you. I hope they figure it out quick!!

  10. 44 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    I've come to the conclusion that I've brought wayyy to much clothing with me this time... I normally do an eight day cruise with just a carry on bag and my small backpack. This time, I checked a bag because I'm bringing back some liquor for the guys at work... The only thing I didn't consider was, that the bag was nearly full when I brought it. Now, I have to try and squeeze in two bottles of Hennessy. I may very well just abandon the clothes I wore yesterday to Sanoa Island... They're probably tainted for life by the stinky life vest...

    Or you can buy a backpack in the store to get the extra stuff home. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Greenpea2 said:

    When are you going? I’ve probably already asked you that. 😳 my sistah and I will be “Blissing” on Feb 23rd. Am just so excited! 


    Yes, I think we've discussed it. We are going Feb 16th. It is winter break for the schools in NY that week, so the ship will most likely be packed!

  12. 7 hours ago, ceilidh1 said:

    FIVE MORE WORK DAYS until I'm free from the toxic work place that my job has become!

    TEN MORE DAYS until I'm on the Bliss with a drink in hand!


    I can't believe I haven't had chance to come fill you all in on my cheeky little 3 day cruise. It was a blast, though filled with glitches from start to finish! Despite it all, it was so much fun. I drank too much, ate too much, played more trivia than I ever have in my life, laughed lots, danced lots, and just enjoyed 3 stress free days!

    I'm going on the Bliss in February. I can't wait to hear about your cruise. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, kpark895 said:

    You all might think I'm crazy, but I have a plant that is alive, and I don't mean in the "I haven't killed it yet" alive.  Leaves on this plant move independently of drafts, open windows, doors or other natural things that might cause leaves on a plant to move.  I always catch the movement out of the corner of my eye when watching TV in the evening.  The plant sits to my left.  And it's not a bunch of leaves that move, usually it is only one, and the movement lasts at least as long as a second or two (at least that's how long I see it move for).  The other night, though, it was three - one on the front right side, one on the front left side and one toward the back, left side.  It doesn't happen every night, but often enough for me to know I'm not seeing things.  Anyone believe in ghost plants?  Not sure what type this is, as my Mom gave it to me (and she is very much alive!).



    I did a quick search. It seems to be a Maranta Red Prayer Plant. It says the leaves rise and fall as if it it were praying. Very interesting! 

    • Like 6
  14. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

    Unfortunately, it appears as if Koda has taken a turn for the worse... She's decided that rather than allow him to suffer, that she's going to let this be the day that he goes to doggie Heaven... I can't even imagine how she feels, as I've never been really close to a pet like she is. I can say that among dogs, that Koda is truly one of a kind. He really does have a humanlike personality, and a gift for bringing happiness to all those around him. He will certainly be missed greatly by many, including myself. I'll be tipping one (or two) back in his honor tonight. Till Valhalla, Koda... Love you, buddy.........



    That is so sad. Even though you know you are doing the right thing, it is so difficult........

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