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    Travel, Photography
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Viking, RCCL

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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Nice, back to back cruises. 👍 Thank you for your comments about the hair dryers HAL provides. I really appreciate it.
  2. Thank you so much for sharing your picture! This information is very helpful. I would think, I hope, the HAL ships have the same or very similar amenities. Anyway, thanks again!
  3. Fair enough. Sometimes I do the same on pool days.
  4. Thank you so much. I'm new to HAL and couldn't find this information on their website so your reply is very helpful as I decide what to pack and what I can leave at home. I appreciate it.
  5. I'll be on HAL Nieuw Amsterdam next week. Can anyone share more specifics about the hair dryer provided in the staterooms? Brand, wattage (power), upgraded in dry dock last month, etc. Thank you in advance!
  6. Thank you springgrl for your post. Our group is traveling AotS in May and I have a couple of questions. * Other than refund excursions, did RCCL do anything in the way of compensation for skipping Costa Maya? Go to another port? Have a special event on board? (Wondering what to expect in case the same happens to us.) * Were there theme nights? If so, what were they? And formal nights? (Some of us will want to participate and I'd like to know what to expect and pack.) ETA: I've searched all over RCCL's webpage and cannot find specific information about theme nights. * I'm new to RCCL (but not cruising); anything else we should know about RCCL and AotS?
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