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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. Have I mentioned sometime before that our bags are packed? Just say'n. Keith
  2. I agree with Rob. I would wait to see what those plans look like. Keith
  3. Last year I was hopeful that Crystal vessels would be purchased and would sail again as part of Crystal Cruises. While al the vessels weren't purchased, thank fully the two darling sisters were; Serenity and Symphony. Most recently, I said stay tuned. And yesterday, many of us received the teaser e-mail about booking opening up starting February 1 for those with open bookings. Oh I know, some thought things should happen quicker because that is what we are used to. When you consider there was no longer a company to purchase and what was purchased was a name, two vessels and whatever else came with it and no employees and here we are around seven months later and bookings will open soon, I think is amazing. In the seven months they have had to start hiring key people, agree on plans for the ships including the cost to overhaul them, schedule the work, develop itineraries, pricing, decide on many other things I am sure about what will be offered and a zillion other things not to mention whatever back office work is needed, finding space for newly hired employees to me it is amazing. Will everything be perfect? I doubt it but even seasoned companies make errors. I am very excited about the return. We will start to get a glimpse as we see pricing, itineraries and whatever else will be shared with us and then we'll know more when the ship sail. Seeing a nice combination of former returning personnel in key spots coupled with some with backgrounds others than Crystal I think is brilliant. And with each passing day learning and hearing from former crew who plan to return adds to the excitement. Crystal always evolved both in terms of the offerings, the ships, the amenities and the personnel at sea and at land and I always found that exciting. I am so excited for the next chapter of the new Crystal to be told and just like a great book I look forward to each and every chapter. It began with hope. It continues with excitement. And I look forward to those roll calls and all the things which go along with the excitement of an upcoming cruise. Bags are packed. Ready to go. Can't wait for the party to start. I hope some of you feel the same way. Keith
  4. The subject of the thread is a bit confusing to me. February 13 is when Crystal Society members who didn't do an open booking can begin booking the itineraries which will be released soon. Those who did an open booking can book as soon as February 1. For some reason a few people who are Crystal Society members got e-mails saying February 20 and that is an error. Keith
  5. A couple of photos from this day in prior years sailing Crystal. On this day on 10 cruises since 2007 we were sailing either Central or South America, Hawaii or on our way west to Pacific Ocean Islands. Keith
  6. I hear you. What I will say is on land they have a mix of former Crystal people and some from other places including Silversea. I think on the ships you will certainly see many from Crystal at all levels senior and a slew of other officers and crew from Crystal plus others from outside. The former Crystal crew and their importance is recognized. Will everything be like it was? No and I am glad. Hopefully it will be a mix of what was great about Crystal and enhancements to other areas. Time will tell. Bags are packed and I'm ready to go. Enjoy your cruise and safe travels. Keith
  7. For quite awhile I have heard from many of the crew who say they are returning. Oh the word "many" I need to be careful with my wording. But the reality is I have. Most I hear from are returning. Of course some are not. By the time Crystal sails again it will be 19 months since then. If it had been sailing x number would not be returning. In fact, when Crystal restarted July of 2021 some had decided not to return and a couple of them who we saw in July decided not to return for their next contract. With that said, It is pretty incredible to me the number of crew who have indicated they want to come back. That says a lot for their belief in the new company, and the things that are key to them including those who they work with and the guests they know. By the way a number of crew members are now on board or returning very shortly. Anther good sign. No matter precisely how many return IMHO having a large core of former crew on-board will have lots of benefits including knowing the Crystal culture and helping guide new crew who have not previously worked for Crystal. Anyway, there is a saying time will tell. It will. Keith
  8. Why don't you wait and see. Many ,most, whatever, later. What I do know is many of the crew who I have checked with want to come back. Nothing in life is a guarantee. Even old Crystal didn't have everyone come back and some years less returned than other years. However, there was always a large core group. My sense is when Crystal returns there will be a lot of former crew on board and to me that is good news. There is no question that all the position both in terms of quantity and roles can't remain the same. Less rooms means less crew. And certainly roles may change. They alway have though and with a say 18 or more months since the last sailing and new ownership certainly we might see more role changes. Some have sailed longer than myself but when I look at our first Crystal guess list from 2002 there are several positions that haven't existed in many years (videographer, assistant F&B, an assistant cruise director on all sailings, etc., etc., At the same time some positions evolved in responsibilities such as those who worked the Lido Deck. And there were new positions created but to do the changes they had to pretty much utilize the same number of crew to make it all work. I look forward to a blend of the old Crystal with the new Crystal. Then again, Crystal always evolved and was very much different than our first sailing. However, key areas were not and that was the quality and attentiveness of the crew and their approach to the guests. To me the biggest unknown is what the value of the stock market is by mid-year. Bags packed. Keith
  9. MOST Oh and I don't need laundry. Pressing is fine.
  10. We are getting closer. By the way lots of crew will be back. That is fact. Can’t wait. Bags are packed. Ready to go. Keith
  11. I agree with everything you said. This is what I've been hearing. This is why I believe the majority wlll be returning who want to work at sea. Some will stay home and do other things as was the case for years and some will retire as it was too. The nice thing will be having a large core on board who can train the new people as they did in the past on the Ocean vessels but also on other vessels such as the River Cruises. Keith
  12. You can laugh but if you speak with the former crew members I can assure you will hear the same thing. The vast majority I hear from are coming back. All? Of course not. All never returned in the first place. It will be great and what it take is a good core of crew to return and as was the case in the past that core can teach and guide those new to Crystal. And you should not be puzzled. If you truly understand Crystal and the culture that existing there is nothing to be puzzled about. Can't wait to return and so many of our friends feel the same way. All? No but since when did all ever agree on anything. We are ready. And we are very much looking forward to returning. Stay tuned. Keith
  13. I do. I think we will see many crew who still would like to work on cruise lines return to Crystal Cruises. Stay tuned.
  14. I think in time you will find that most of the wonderful crew will be back with the "new" Crystal Cruises. In the end, I am not trying to convince anyone what they should do. I am only expressing what we will do. Enjoy your cruise. Best, Keith
  15. We’re ready to go. We have a lot of friends who feel the same way and are in the same boat. Can’t wait. Keith
  16. I hopefully get an early opportunity to book the Cruises we want to sail on with increased odds of getting the room and room category we prefer. That’s enough for me but on top of that we get an on board credit. this is good enough for me.
  17. All I can say is my bags are packed, we want to return to Crystal, it’s a new company with new ownership and we’re ready to go. Keith.
  18. I think (just my opinion) if there were any additional benefits of doing an open booking deposit it would have been noted when they rolled this out. As to a Crystal Society or Crystal Society like program this is something that we will all learn about together. Keith
  19. The old Crystal provided some savings off cruise fare for Crystal Society Members and for on-board bookings. When Cruise Fare roll out we will learn if there are Crystal Society savings off cruise fare in the future whether or not there are cruise savings for on board bookings. Time will tell. Keith
  20. Thank you again for sharing this. Best to you. Keith
  21. You are very welcome. I didn't realize you were in the UK when I responded. Otherwise I wouldn't have said Amex is accepted. I only assumed you were from the USA when you mentioned Amex as I and some other people I know initially had to figure out that Amex wanted each of us to verify this was a legitimate transaction. I hadn't seen the information until your earlier post about the no protection. May I ask where you found that. Good luck with whatever you decide. Speaking for myself, we are looking forward to the itineraries, and additional details including cruise fare and deposit information and booking some of the cruises. Again, this is a personal decision and I expect people to book, while others might book closer to startup or wait till people who are on the earlier voyages share their experience or decide not to book. Keith
  22. Yes I have made multiple open bookings. Many of our friends have done the same. Your agent is wrong. American Express could have been used. However, initially for those booking American Express asked for the card holder to confirm this was a legitimate purchase since this was a new company for them. Your agent could have contacted you so you could approve it with Amex as they were processing your deposit. By the way, this has happened with at least one other new cruise company (even though their parent company is not new) with American Express. Decision as to whether or not to do open booking(s) and ultimately convert them to a real booking. I wouldn't tell anyone what to do. Then again I wouldn't tell anyone what they should do when spending money. Keith
  23. This is from the Crystal Website about the credits: he as you wish credits are $250.00 per person up to $500.00 per suite for Crystal Society Guests and $125.00 per person up to $250.00 per suite for new to Crystal guests. As you wish credits are not refundable and not exchangeable for case. As you wish credits can be used in all ships venues except for Casino play. Keith
  24. The key take-away is: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. I believe in that. Always have backup plans and assume things won't go right at least for certain things which involve planes, trains and automobiles and even once in a while a cruise ship. Keith
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