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Everything posted by oceanpalace

  1. Hello 'gerriv' - how did you manage to be on 2 different ships at the same time?!?!? 🙂 In any event, many thanks for the very useful information. Cheers, and Be Well!
  2. Would someone on the Enchanted Princess over the next 2 weeks (before May 18th) be so kind as to post a snapshot of that ship's senior officers photo board please? It's typically posted right by the middle elevators on Deck 5/6/7 or right next to the Photo Gallery area. Many Thanks!
  3. Many Thanks, 'memoak' - I'm perfectly happy getting some exercise and obtaining my food/drinks myself, rather than paying another $14.99. Cheers!
  4. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do I read the new announcement correctly in that IF you do NOT use the OceanReady delivery app then you will not be charged the incremental $14.99, or is it an automatic new charge regardless of whether you use OceanReady or not? Thanks for any thoughts....
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