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Posts posted by Tothesunset

  1. Appreciate these great Indian and Filipino meal ideas from Tothesunset.


    Tell us more on what makes Indian and Filipino food special, different, its qualities, tastes, etc.?? Qualities unique from China, Thai, etc.?


    Firstly, Indian and Phillipino food cannot be succinctly defined. How would you sum up French food in one line, or Mexican etc? As for india, it depends where you go 'cos it's a huge country but you can generally expect spiciness from garam massala and chillis, often an oiliness from ghee and, generally, more spice as you head south. A large number of Indians are vegetarian and some of their veggie dishes are outstanding. Dry, spiced chicken baked in an earth oven (or tikka) is lovely. Rice is the staple carb although unleavened naan bread (not unlike a fajita) is pretty good stuff but terribly filling.


    I'm less familiar with Phillippino food in spite of having had a live-in Phillipina maid when we lived in Hong Kong who looked after the kids' food but rarely cooked for us. Themeal we had on the Shadow wasrice based with a chicken dish along with spiced vegetables. Scrummy it was, too.


    Strongly encourage Tothesunset to do some sort of trip report from your Amazon "adventure". Look forward to hearing more, including on any special tips, insights, ideas, etc., associated with your trip.


    Now I must own up to being a poor correspondent and even worse blogger. Sadly, it is highly unlikely that we will report as we go (being essentially too mean to pay for the internet) and real life will intrude when we return. And for that I feel a little guilty having benefitted from those less selfish with their time who have taken the trouble to post reviews and reports on CC. I think, maybe, I'm just a bad person?!!

  2. A bit off topic but I understand that bookings to South Africa and parts of East Africa are down, yet these places are as far from the ebola-affected area as London is. Has everyone cancelled their trips to Texas yet? Never underestimate the power of illogic.

  3. Two standouts recently on the Shadow both thanks to Mr and Mrs Wellseasoned:


    1. 8 of us asked for an Indian meal which was specially prepared for our table. It was excellent.


    2. We asked if they could prepare a Phillippino meal for the 8 of us. Well, the staff were clearly proud to do so. The waiting and kitchen staff were largely from the Phillippines and were gratified to produce another excellent dinner.


    It's not just the food that was so memorable but the amount of care and pride the staff toook in ensuring that we had 2 outstanding experiences. Silversea hospitality at its very best.


    BTW: Do I understand that there is now an "art consultant" on the larger ships trying to sell art on the walls. I saw no such person on a longish voyage less than a year ago on Cloud.

    On the shadow in the Spring there was an art consultant, Rami, whose collection of art for sale lined a couple of the main central walkways. Very interesting it was, too. He is ultra soft sell - there is no pressure whatsoever to look or purchase.


    One or two passengers complained that one or two of the pictures showed - sharp intake of breath - figures who were not fully clothed!!! But with over 300 people aboard you're bound to get the occasional no-brain.


    He was telling us that they intend to do the same on the Silver Spirit but I don't know if this has happened yet.

  5. I hope the anopheles mosquito will cooperate with those who believe that they are safe as long as they stay away from the deeper jungle!


    Playing Russian roulette with malaria has always struck me as a step too far in medical bravado. It's a nasty disease and one bite from an infected mozzie is all it takes. The prophylaxis is cheap, effective (as long as the correct medication is taken - take advice from a travel specialist) and has minimal side-effects.


    However, if you have syphilis then a good trek, unprotected, through the jungle is a good idea as your malaria will induce a fever that, if it doesn't kill you, will at least kill the Treponema spirochaete that causes syphilis. (n.b there are eaiser treatments for syphilis available.)

  6. ...now we are juggling the logistics of creating a life together from two on different continents, 15000 km apart!


    A cynic might say that being 15000km apart is the perfect recipe for contentment!:p


    I wouldn't; I find your story heartwarming and rather touching.

  7. Our experience differs from that of the OP. We have found that nationality is no guide to sociability, mind you we have cruised on smaller ships where to be antisocial is difficult!


    Perhaps the only thing that stands out is that, of our fellow cruisers, it only seems to be the British that feel the need to indulge in middle-class one-upmanship. You know the thing, the insinuation that they: live in a mansion; drive an exotic car (or two!); have the holiday villa on the Riviera. Occasionally it might even be true? The US cruisers we have met seem mercifully free of such pretension.


    My grandmother lived to the ripe old age of 108....she drank gin by the bucketful, smoked woodbines, ate a full greasy breakfast every day and had belly pork for her dinner.....Brenda almost ran out of birthday cards...;)


    Think how old she'd have been if she'd looked after herself

  9. I'm sorry but you are wrong.


    If a serviceman or expat does not currently qualify as resident in Scotland they cannot register to vote. If they can establish that they are permanently resident in Scotland but are temporarily elsewhere then they can vote in person or take a postal vote. I have no idea where you have read or heard about a 15 year grace period.

    Ah. The system has clearly changed since I left the Military where you were deemed resident in the place of recruitment and retained a postal vote unless opting to change to another area. The latter point I know from living as an expat and voting in UK under the 15 year rule. After 15 years you need to re-establish residence.


    Mind you, with the referendum I shouldn't be surprised if the established practices have been modified as with the reduction of voting age.


    So if you are a Scots Guard based in Catterick prepared to give your life to fight for your country you would be registered to vote in UK elections from your home in Catterick.

    As a serviceman you have the choice to retain a postal vote in the constituency from which you were recruited.

    If you are a pensioner collecting a British pension and living in Cyprus for a few months and have no base in Scotland, you will not vote. If you are a Scottish student studying in Brussels for a year, you will not vote.

    You retain the right to vote from your last electoral roll location for 15 years after leaving the country

  11. Oh by jove it's been a quiet day on the cooler!


    Busy day here in Yorkieland ....dress fittings and a little bit of retail therapy...also busy booking another voyage with SS for next year on the Spirit...a great deal that l just couldn't pass on...:rolleyes:




    Do tell.


    Which voyage?

  12. Tothesunset, we'll try to find your old neighborhood.

    You'll find the pubs a little rougher round the edges than the Salty Dawg! Homer may be a frontier town but the Shankill is like the Wild West.


    Sorry to hear of the disruption during the shop's refit. I should hope that SS will mollify the effect with some form or goodwill gesture?

  13. Dieter and Debbie,


    Didn't realise you were visiting Belfast. My home town. Make sure you take a trip round the areas affected by ''The Troubles'' if you get the chance - makes you realise that almost anywhere else is a better place to live! If you end up in those mean little streets of terraced houses just off the Shankill Road, well, that was ''home''. Makes me shudder even now.


    Seems like the unpredictable early autumn weather is being kind to you. Doesn't look too shabby in the sunshine over here, does it?


    Bon Voyage.


    J & K.

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