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Posts posted by runner2013

  1. No real advice. It would be helpful if the OP could laugh it off or come up with a snappy comeback or just say "wow" and walk away. It beats getting all upset and deciding to stay in the cabin as much as possible. I was merely disagreeing with all those people who say, "Don't worry! No one will look at you! Or if they do, it will be just one person here or there! And it's because they're so jealous of you!"


    I know a number of happily married people who like to vacation together, and I can't imagine them looking at a solo traveler and being jealous. None of them ever told me after their vacation, "I would have had a much better time if my spouse hadn't been with me."


    I just wanted the OP to be prepared that there are some people who are nasty and who like to be mean to solo travelers. We would like to pretend that everyone is nice (I don't recall hearing couples complain about solos being mean to them because they are couples), but the world isn't like that.

    I was only asking because I was curious about what others have experienced and how they handled it. While I do admit I may be a bit intimidated at check in, that in no way would make me stay in my room like some scared little girl once getting on board.:D Nor would a less than polite person cause me to go running away because I didn't want to answer his/her rude questions. I am well aware there are nice people and also not so nice people in the world and when it comes right down to it, I dont care what anyone else thinks of me. :rolleyes:

  2. Wow,

    Didn't realize my curiosity would stir up a firestorm of debate among all you solo cruisers!

    I'm the OP and wasn't trying to start any trouble or hard feelings, just looking to pick some brains is all:D.

    I definately appreciate all the input from everyone. Makes me stop and think about things from a new perspective.

    I will say this though.. No matter what type of reactions I may get from strangers -good or bad- they will NOT stop me from cruising or doing anything else I choose to just because I can't find someone else to come along. As far as the looks/comments go, i'll do my best to roll with it.

    Life is way to short for anything else.:eek:

  3. I am thinking of taking my first solo cruise Jan 2015. I don't really have any problem entertaining myself or finding things to do. I'm a bit of an introvert thought, so while it may be a bit scary at times getting 'out there' I just tell myself I enjoy trying new things and there's no harm in asking questions. :D

    As far as the dining goes, it you're afraid of feeling too uncomfortable you may want to try a shorter 3-5 day cruise and utilize the buffets for dinner instead of the dining rooms. They are much more casual and you can staggar your eating times to accomodate your schedule. If/when I go in January I already know I won't be eating in the dining room any night. Maybe breakfast and/or lunch, but dinner is open to whatever grabs me when my tummy rumbles.

    Don't let your fear of embarrassment or looks from strangers you won't ever see again stop you from doing something if you enjoy it. Life is too short ..

    Best of luck.

  4. Valen9 you (and everyone else)are completely right. I honestly don't care what people who I will never see again think of me. The reasons I would cruise alone are because no one can afford it, or is able to take the time from work. I guess I should just try giving people the benefit of the doubt before assuming they will have something negative to say :D

  5. Here's another question for all you seasoned solos? How do you handle the 'looks' from people when you're standing in that long, long, long line to check in? Or even worse if they ask you why you are all by yourself?

    The cruise itself wouldn't bother me at all but I have to admit, the standing in line by myself sort of intimidates me. :(

  6. Runner, I would not recommend Christmas as a solo. You will feel alone in a sea of families who may consider you an interloper. Also most pricey, crowded time of year. I like to go just after Thanksgiving or first 10 days December. No crowds, no huricanes Lowest prices of season..Book your air and start watching several cruises which fit into air from both Miami or FtLauderdale. Same with hotels.


    Very interesting you say that Christmas week wouldn't be good due to families feeling like i'm intruding.. I always figured families wouldn't want to cruise during the Holiday??

    Anyway, I have noticed the prices are lower the beginning of Dec and also right after the New Year as well.

    Guess i'll have to keep my eyes open and see what I can find.

    Thanks for the advice about the plane tickets too. I never noticed they went up the closer the flying date. :p

  7. Hi all, i'm tossing around the idea of a solo cruise for some 'me' time.I've got my eye on a few trips the months of October, November and the week of Christmas(since I already have the time off from work). My question for all you knowledgable solos out there, is it better to book in advance or wait until a week or two out? If I wait my fear is the plane ticket prices will be sky high or just not available anymore, or there won't be room at any hotel for a pre/post-cruise stay. Especially for the Christmas week trip.

    Also are you loyal to one cruise line, even if it may cost a bit more, or do you just go with the best rate?

    What have been your experiences?

    Any advice greatly appreciated:confused:

  8. Hi all,

    I've been a couples cruiser for a while now but have started thinking about taking a solo trip for some 'me' time in the future. From what I can find so far it seems NCL ships Epic,Breakaway and Getaway offer single rooms and RC also has some singles on Radiance,Serenade and Brilliance. My question is for those of you who have sailed on both these lines in these rooms. Aside from the cost, which did you prefer more and why? For all the females did you feel safe? While I know everybody's taste is different I'm curious to know what others think. Sort of like looking at things from every angle. I'm a 46 year old woman, very comfortable traveling alone and keeping myself entertained.(reading by the pool all day with a drink is Heaven for me). More of an introvert than a chatty Cathy and I would be doing the my-time dining or open seating for meals.

    Any input negative or positive greatly appreciated.


  9. Thanks for the info. For some reason I was expecting it to take much longer. Reason being is we had ordered a drink package for the last cruise we went on back in March, decided we didn't want the top tier choice, cancelled it and went with the lower choice and the credit still has not shown up on the credit card. It did say it may take anywhere from 3-6 months to show up so maybe we just need to keep an eye out for it:rolleyes:

  10. This old cruiser and my wife had the most enjoyable day on our first cruise day. We went up to get lounge chair at 8:55 AM.

    11 chairs in a row had towels and assorted items on them and no people. I got our towels and made a statement " where in the hell are all these people " and pointed at the 11 lounges. The Pool Patrol was standing there and he said wait a minute. He got 2 more pool patrols and they got the 11 towels and items and put the items on a stand. Then they walked around and took towels and items from at least 40 or more. They had their arms full of towels and items. It was really enjoyable to see the people come back 10 am and later and wondered where their towels and items were. They would come to towel stand and were told that after 30 minutes towels were removed and showed them the area to look for their items .


    I witnessed the same thing on Liberty a few weeks ago. It was very refreshing to see the deck workers removing towels from chairs that were clearly not in use after almost an hour.

  11. I've seen some controversial topics about bringing a power strip on board.

    There will be 3 people staying in my room and all women.

    This will be my very first cruise and wanted to bring a power strip.

    are they allowed? Not allowed?


    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

    I've brought an extention cord with a power strip every time and never had any issues. I've even left my hair dryer plugged into it when we went to dinner and the room attendant just put it on the table so he could vacumn

  12. Ok, I have heard / read about being sent or avoiding the "naughty room" but I'd like to know exactly what this is.


    Scenario: I have something I'm not allowed in my suitcase and instead of the suitcase being delivered to my room - what actually happens. Do I have to pay a fine to get me clothes? Sign a pledge in blood to never ever do this again? Walk the plank? Just wondering.


    Is anyone willing to admit this has happened to them and therefore tell me of the adventures?

    I have long curly hair and my hair dryer is rather large with a big diffuser on the end of it. When scanned it looks to be the shape of a gun. I never received any calls about my luggage being put in this holding area. When I inquired at the courtesy desk at first they thought it was lost or worse, maybe didn't make it on board. They did give me something to sleep in for the night if they couldn't locate it and only after they tried the 'naughty' room on a whim were they able to locate it.

    I went and got it no problems , but did receive a few stern looks from the crew while there. Seems like they take security very seriously. But I didn't have anything illegal in it to worry about.

    For me, it's not worth being reprimanded or being kicked off the ship by bringing something I shouldn't on board.

  13. I'm not a solo cruiser right now but my bf and I like different things so I seem to have the best of both worlds. We do some of the 'coupley' stuff together but then we go our separate ways to do things we each enjoy that the other may not.

    That way we both get our ME time:D and there's no hurt feelings.


    I think it's great that you are going it alone,

    I would do it in a minute if my situation were similar to yours.


    Have a great trip!!

  14. Hello all,

    Does anyone happen to know what the rates are for use of the ships computers in the internet cafe?

    Is it charged by the length of time you use it, or is it a set price for unlimited usage?

    Also, do we sign up at the courtesy desk when on board or can we do it before we leave?



    Thanks for any help, greatly appreciated.

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