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Everything posted by spinnaker2

  1. Thanks for the get well wishes. General impression of the cruise, crew is stellar. Many new crew learning the ropes, but catching on quickly. Paolo Percivale at HD is a delight. The Captain is a wealth of knowledge! Bruno as the CD was personable and fun. Guest relations, responsive. The ship is quite beautiful, neutral colors which allows the spectacular surroundings to shine. What is better than an ocean view, every single day! Food, subjective of course. I can say that Atlantic is quite nice, our single dinner in SALT was delicious. We ate in LaT most nights because of its proximity to our suite as walking was an issue for my spouse. We were catered to by the waitstaff. A special dinner of rare tuna was requested and enjoyed! Pizza at Spaccanapoli, yummy! The Grill in the evening was very good. However, the Grill at lunch remains a weak spot. It really needs some work. We did book another cruise, of course!
  2. Don’t know if the internet upgrade completed. I inquired and was told huh????? Ship docked at 26. Not sure if she will dock there again. Pretty easy to find out where she will be. I am now on day 6 of a nasty cold. Not covid. Tested and negative repeatedly. Lots of coughing aboard, and very few masks.
  3. Deck cam this morning shows pennants at the ready to welcome new pax. Weather definitely weird. Foggy but breezy. Have a wonderful cruise all!
  4. There is only so far I will hang over the rail, the sunrise is really behind us as we head west. For the sake of the post...
  5. Last day aboard is a sea day. And it begins with following seas. The packing looms. Home again soon.
  6. There was this image as we approached the island...the colors are quite dramatic. Purples, oranges, a single light in the distance and the vivid green of the water from the ships running lights.
  7. A most beautiful day today. Sea day just before San Juan arrival tomorrow. Apparently we must get off for a face to face with US customs/border patrol. As well, most likely an inspection will take place of the ship as it is her first time in US waters. Lounges by the pool full and LaT outside very busy. Can't believe I saw a lady in curlers in LaT at lunch. It's not prohibited in the dress code! 🙄
  8. Good grief it's all ok. But what a topic for discussion/challenge. Math equations. Venetian loyalty. The possible permutations of weeks, days, months aboard. Octagenarians... Meanwhile buffet lunch at the pool. Live music. Sun. Very toasted people, yes in more ways than one. Sea day/Sunday. Fact check over. Spinning done.
  9. Huh. The 31 k is the total number of days of all the Venetian peeps aboard. Thanks for fact checking. I think.
  10. Lovely evening last night at La Terrazza at a special table. Much maritime discussion, good food, great company and all while dressed up in our "goodest clothes". I managed not to spill my food and properly twirl my pasta without a spoon. Formal night used to be lobster, but last night osso bucco. At Venetian party awards handed out. Among the pax onboard over 31k days. Sun's up and soon the mad crush will begin to pack in everything one can so as not to miss out. Hard to believe that it is December 11. General comment. The Dawn is a beautiful vessel. Crew are spectacular. The new normal is here, I quote the Captain.
  11. Sun's here! Warm tropical day after the tempest. Tonight is Venetian party and of course it's formal night. Deck chairs rapidly filling at 930 am. Magnificent day!
  12. Yes kmack. I won't risk my spouse walking about. We have now exhausted the in room service. The carciofi pizza was nice. Butler's are slammed. But putting on a good face. And every time a wave hits starboard we get a large boom. Pretty much once a minute. Dawn is being initiated by Poseidon and daughters. A rite of passage.
  13. Captain said 30 to 35 knot winds and 9 foot seas at present as we traverse the Sargasso Sea. The waves look much bigger. The spray easily reaching deck 7. Still really bumpy!
  14. Watching the camera in the bow/bridge. Up we go and down we go. The huge spray evidences this motion! No longer heading into the wind. Wind hitting us on starboard side.
  15. It's a cocktail shaker kind of day. We are being buffeted by white caps atop large waves. We are headed directly into the 3.4 knot wind, the sky is grey and Poseidon is pretty angry. Tried to upload a short video clip but everyone must be online.
  16. The definition between sea and sky is quite extreme. A bit of rain as we move quietly forward through the sea this morning. Another day to enjoy. The captain has spoken of a storm brewing off Florida and how our course may be altered slightly more southerly. The bars are busy, the restaurants busy and events well attended. Nothing has dampened the spirits of the passengers aboard the Dawn. All is well here.
  17. Pub lunch today with mushy peas!!! Warm enough to wear shorts and ditch the puffy jacket. All is lovely aboard the Dawn.
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