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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. Egg drop competition...again. This time not as well attended for a couple of reasons I suppose. Had already had the first one, and the weather today was finally nice outside. Many pax opting for being out in the sunshine we have not had for days. Not to mention warmer now...if you consider 59 degrees warm. 😉 But with the sunshine and the cold windy days we had previously, it does feel warm. Winner was the largest entry at first place. Big contraption! I did not join this time, maybe next time...if there is one.
  2. I work as a private travel agent with a select customer base of two. 😉 😆
  3. Oooooohhh...Yeah, now you are talking!! Little lace of 151 Rum on top of that soup. 😄
  4. We were in our little "private box" along the side. 😉 No one in front of us, but could see the main seating down front with all the little lighted boxes held up.
  5. LOL...that was the night we missed going to the MDR....as we had the foodie tour. Which I am happy we did not miss. 🥰
  6. Another new show last night. Once again the talented 5 singers, plus the orchestra featuring the "High Seas" horns. Lots of energy. This time we both came prepared and brought our ear plugs...and with Bucky using his, even simply taking his hearing aids out...was still too loud. Both walked in with a glass of wine, found good seats...and enjoyed the evening. 🙂 Show called "In Concert". Once again no pictures...won't do that to our neighbors. 😉 Though many did not care and constantly had their bright cell screens held up to film the show. Ughhh...
  7. Sunrise coming up over the Andes...well they are somewhere over there...way over there to the east. It was made even more inviting with my morning Latte. Pink mug of course. 😄
  8. Current position. Another (oh yaaah 🥴).... day at sea, and then we have B2B ports of call starting tomorrow. 🙂
  9. The "Cheers with an Officer" lunch used to have decent "Chops" steak...but the last two I had were pretty bad, and not so good on previous ships either. The lunch a few days ago in Giovanni's...steak was very good, and then the lunch in Chops...fantastic! I am guessing they save the best cuts for their specialty restaurants...which makes sense. Closer to the kitchen with the chefs working in the open, visible space there under scrutiny. 😉
  10. Thanks...Yes, captain did that in a couple of spots. But it was rare, though in a couple of fjords.....we went back out the way we came, which gave the best view to port side then. Being starboard balcony has it's unexpected benefits indeed. Since we are circling South America from north to south and back up again on the western side....it's put us starboard facing land.
  11. Tootling right along...fairly calm seas...light tail wind. Nice lecture in the theater today about Valparaiso. Have a winery tour booked there, but will have the other half of the day to explore the interesting city. Current position:
  12. Damn...should have taken my phone to lunch to take pictures. (But will so the next time we have lunch in there). So I just had the best steak of my life in Chops for lunch today. Always wonderful Ellen enticed us to a half price lunch at Chops today. Wow...wow. Steak was fantastic and cut like warm butter. Not sure why they only offer the 8 oz. for lunch versus the choice of 8 or 6 (petite) filet for dinner.....but that is what it was. The always fantastic wild mushroom soup, that I ordered with extra truffle oil drizzle (and waiter told me it was triple...so I called it "Triple Truffle"). Then when I received the "truffle fries"...for a side that we shared...he told me it was also "Triple Truffle". 😄 😄 OMG...we love our Chops crew in there. What a great time! 😍 They had stashed a bottle of Kim Crawford SB aside for me (when the rest of the ship was out for a week now)...and just kept pouring it in my glass. Oh yeah...time for a nap. 😉
  13. Totally agree...your health is the most important thing. Congrats on making the right decision to retire early for your health...both mentally and physically. I guarantee you will be happy you did! 🥰
  14. Interesting info on your Machu Picchu tour John and Laura. You will have fun I am sure! What a nice experience you will have. 🙂 For us...wow...empty ship for 2 full days! Oooohhh...drinks on the house! 😄 🥂🤣
  15. Current position. Fortunately the Pacific calmed down a bit, and I had a nice night of gently rocking me to sleep like a baby! 🙂 Gliding up the west coast of Chili, another sea day with yet another one tomorrow. Oh how unique! 😑 Oh well, will be a good "TAD" in Valparaiso Chili on the 23rd, as we have a full day winery tour booked. And hopefully another 3 bottles of complimentary wine sent to the cabin again on our return to the ship. 🤗
  16. I never even knew I had it....just a nagging tightness in my chest. And it was not the bra. 😄
  17. I was going to wait for two years after your bro retired. I made it a year, with new "house husband" in residence. Then...he found out how stressed out I was in my career...which made him stressed out watching me. Soooo...he finally told me "I don't have anyone to play with...I need you to retire and join me". Ummm...OK...twist my arm. 🥰 Best thing we ever did together. Never looked back. 🤗 Though unfortunately my doctor told me I did not get out in time. He told me I suffered a minor stoke that last year, and messed up my heart worse than it was as birth defect. Oh well...meds, relaxation, and no stress...hopefully my heart is happy with that. 😉 So far...I am happy....and enjoying every minute of the retirement and traveling.
  18. Hmmm...you sound like my little sister...also a doctor. 😉 I have been trying to get her to retire for years now.
  19. That was the first thing your bro said when I read him your post. "Dave can fix/adjust anything with Duct/K tape". 😉
  20. Yup, hello open Pacific. Did you get some seatbelts for the bed to stop from rolling off over night? 😉 Guessing they kept the "barf bags" on the stairwells in preparation. 🤢😉
  21. Could put out a ship wide ad for seamstress work. With all the clothing mysteriously shrinking...probably a good idea for making new ones. 😄
  22. Yup, some weeks from now. 😉 Though Bucky and I are "jumping ship" in LA...there are 600 plus hearty cruisers that will be visiting China much later on, after checking out the area "down under".
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