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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. The form only refers to walking sticks on page 1. Page 3 where it asks if you're bringing aids there is no specific mention of walking sticks. In fact they disappear. However reading this again if you have any kind of "mobility aid" (assumedly walking sticks included) you are going to need to do a tender assessment. This is what has caused the explosion here - my husband states it's like being asked to take a work assessment for benefits not being on a holiday, and I must confess I do rather agree.
  2. You must live in a very sheltered environment if you really believe this! I could go to umpteen places in the UK and see exactly what I said happening.
  3. That sounds rather airy fairy then! Very doubtful Virgin will have spare capacity so assumedly seats on their scheduled aircraft will be the only option there. Virgin have massive route expansion plans and their final aircraft orders are due end of 2024 so I'd imagine stil no spare capacity. https://corporate.virginatlantic.com/gb/en/media/press-releases/new-routes-across-three-continents.html
  4. Okay that's it for this season. Now the big one. What are the plans for 2024/5 and 2025/6? These cruises are on sale, people are booking PE, people know there was a mess this year ... so is enough PE being provided for what's being sold, is the contract with Maleth in place for these years, is the TUI contract confirmed and still in place, are P&O agents and travel agents fully up to date and telling people it could be Maleth (assuming this is a long term contract) and basically are P&O being totally honest and clear? Lessons learned are important as is total honesty.
  5. Wot no virtual queues either ... now that would be success!
  6. They won't be at Barbados because they're being denied boarding ... hell of a shorter queue for you guys and plenty of empty cabins if you need to move due to noise issues!
  7. Unfortunately that's us. This whole fiasco started because I declared the Sunflower lanyard and explained the fibromyalgia and rare walking stick use.
  8. Sadly doubt it. Pond life tend to wear it as a badge of honour once they're back in their local pond. They like the "celebrity" of saying that was me, aren't I great.
  9. Well they've managed to put my OH off. He's just told me if he's being made to feel like a burden and a danger to others he's finished with cruising. He did make one point that I thought was interesting while having his angry outburst. If, as is being suggested, slowness of returning to your cabin in an emergency is a factor, how do they deal with severely overweight people who may be far slower than a person with a walking stick. As he said it would be illegal (and rightly so) to discriminate against a person such as this. As our next cruise is on Celebrity I've had a look at their form. Not one word about walking sticks, rollators etc anywhere ... CEL-Special-Needs-Form-Revised-062221(1).pdf
  10. Never mind, those who've spent two weeks on Arvia will be so used to queues of all types it will just seem like a normal day!
  11. That's a very good point. The emails are worded very wishy washy as well. If it is now mandatory to declare a walking stick it should say so in very clear understandable terms. Something along the lines of "if any member of your party uses a walking stick for any reason it is a requirement that you please fill in the mobility form which can be found in your cruise planner."
  12. Just stay seated and go last is the best idea! The plane will still be there.
  13. I'd guess this would be a safety issue and no. Others most definitely wouldn't want unknown adults in with their kids, after all that's why it's a teens zone, keep them all together out of harm's way.
  14. The have been told, a form has been completed, further questions raised yet still I'm being replied to that I may be declined boarding! This is a fly cruise, we are not going to be trying to jump a queue for that and we most certainly do not need assistance at the airport or to board/leave the aircraft. If I read you right you are saying every single person with a walking stick for any reason now is required to fill in the mobility form? That being the case to stop all this problem maybe the form should be mandatory and a tick box exercise for every passenger so they fully understand the implications. It's way over the top but as you can see from answers to this thread many wouldn't think using a walking stick is a mobility issue in the way you describe. Basically you are saying they are looking at speed not ability.
  15. I had assumed this too Kalos. I received the first 72 hours after booking and ignored it. They have continued to arrive in regular intervals, four for the same cruise. The arrival of the first three was ignored. On receipt of the fourth one I emailed and said I believed it was unnecessary for me to complete the form, no assistance required, no form to complete, please confirm. Reply, fill in the form, walking sticks are mobility aids must be declared. Never having to declare a walking stick previously I asked what information was required. Fill in the form ... we will check. Okay form filled in. 48 hours later - we require further information. Forms cannot be amended so I emailed - text quoted above, please confirm information is completed as required, no further action on our part required? Reply as received yesterday - you must complete the form and most annoyingly "you must inform us of any mobility or accessibility requirements, and any mobility aids you wish to take with you (walking sticks, etc), prior to embarkation. Failure to do so may result in you being denied boarding." I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty certain large numbers will have walking sticks, don't count themselves as needing assistance, do not fill in this form as they believe it only applies to more serious disabilities and apparently according to this latest missive are at risk of being denied boarding due to "failure to do so". In fact if I ran a poll across this website I'd be very interested to see how many people would actually think they need to fill in a mobility form for using or owning a walking stick, and yet every reply I'm given indicates under this ridiculous protocol every one of them should be doing so. Utterly ridiculous in my opinion.
  16. Call centre staff can only do as they are taught. There are ways to make sure there are no misunderstandings, particularly when these cruises are being sold 2 to 3 years in advance. I'm totally aware TUI have done nothing wrong but put yourself in the shoes of someone booking who is offered an airline name when booking and entering into a contract they personally are locked into with no option to but complete it (probably at high cost) or lose money and yet P&O appear to change it with impunity? And then we get, as Yorkshirephil says, things like my walking stick fiasco (perhaps you could comment on that thread to help my despair!!)
  17. That's down to P&O I'm afraid. The telephone agents 99% of the time when asked state it will be TUI or failing that Virgin or BA or the equivalent. Never a mention of unknown airlines, most likely to prevent flight (excuse the pun) by nervous bookers. The furore and apology offered to travel agents also indicates that they too were not kept full appraised of the situation. It's far too easy to shift the blame to customers for "assuming" but in this case it's totally down to P&O (and that's coming from someone who is fully aware of the real position and thinks P&O did nothing wrong - imagine how I'd see it if I was in the other camp).
  18. How long are these contracts running for? If we are still down on supply due to a company collapsing in 2019 I assume the existing TUI one is maybe also nearing its end?
  19. Unfortunately that's quite normal for Barbados. At least using the bonded designated cruise lane we avoid the worst of it at security.
  20. Those blessed hot tubs again! Time for a pineapple ....?
  21. I have copied them in but I just want a satisfactory answer from someone to say All okay. It's a long way to Barbados to be told tough, you aren't getting on for the sake of a walking stick!
  22. We had a right to do on our TUI flight to Kefalonia last year when no one would volunteer to move for a mother and children. The pilot stated unless someone volunteered he would not take off. Took a good 10 minutes of debate and we missed our slot so more moaning. Being in the emergency exit rows we were turned down when we volunteered, yet I've sat with an unaccompanied child on an Easyjet flight and been asked to assist if there was an emergency. As ICF said, I assumed this was normal practice but maybe not.
  23. Exactly, but clearly it is P&O who have passed on the wrong information and in this case caused several hundreds of pounds to be spent.
  24. I was under the impression they had to seat a child with one adult, ie you'd get a seat with one and your OH would get a seat with the other at the very worst. Did they not say this? Unfortunately the P&O fly cruises to the Caribbean aren't particularly family friendly for those with younger children in my experience. Babies and teenagers deem to be okay but anyone over 2 seems to get s bit of a rough ride.
  25. Well I've lost it now! After trying to seek clarification by telephone to the number previously provided, I now find it does not accept inward telephone calls. So I've replied by email: Quote Dear Suzanne, I have already submitted a questionnaire to the effect we do not need assistance. My husband will not be using a walking stick, although he does own one - it is a fold up one. I must point out he is a very active man despite fibromyalgia and is not in any way disabled - he is a competitive masters swimmer completing several miles in a session, plays football twice a week and also rugby. He works full time and does not have a carer or any assistance requirements. He exercises at a class at our local hospital twice a week on the remaining days. This constant threat we will be denied boarding is most unhelpful and is causing very much stress to me which is not in any way making me look forward to my trip. I would therefore request you find the form I have completed for both this cruise and my Cunard ones and confirm that I do not have to complete any new ones as stated in your email. Whilst I have every sympathy with your need to be careful of people's requirements, this chasing of individuals who have told you they are able to manage without assistance is in no way helpful. The form to which you have directed me states: "This form should be completed by all guests who: May require assistance with embarkation, disembarkation, or in an unlikely case of emergency evacuation Have any medical needs that may require special accommodation Will be bringing medical equipment or mobility devices on board Have been advised by their travel insurance or doctor to declare their needs to us" Most passengers will not complete it as the descriptions are very vague. Might I respectfully suggest if you wish everyone to complete this form rather than just those who would normally request assistance due to a mobility or disability issue P&O should actually tell people that and clarify in simple English your requirements. Currently the confusion and chasing I am experiencing is not making us look forward in any way to the cruises we have booked. I look forward to a final reply as to what you want us to do. Thank you. Unquote I'm now officially fed up with this - I've replied and provided details four times now.
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