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Posts posted by doones2

  1. We do have economy comfort seats.  She called and talk to a representative from TAP and was told those seats recline.  We will take our chances.   I am not a comfortable flyer so I would never fall asleep even if it is overnight.😄

  2. Our flights are Boston to Lisbon then on to Barcelona.  Reverse going home.  Thank you for the terminal information.  We will also be flying 320neo and 321neo.  My daughter booked our seats.  Worried about the seats flying to Lisbon from Boston.  She booked the seats in front of the exit row seats.  I hope they recline.

  3. 5 hours ago, jules815 said:

    My husband and I have sailed twice with MSC. 2019 on Seaside in the YC, and Meraviglia in 2021, also in the YC. Loved both of those cruises, loved the YC, yada yada. Two different ship styles, but enjoyed them both very much. I recently booked a week on Seascape for September and then a few days later saw our stateroom (19003) was available for the following week, so we booked a second week turning it into a B2B. 


    Part of our evening tv routine lately has been watching cruise vloggers on YouTube. Last night we were so excited to see there was a new one, a tour of Seascape by a cruiser staying in the YC. "That's our ship...and he's in YC! Yay!" Well, as my daughters would say, this guy was "on one." He really didn't like MSC at all. He was touring the ship and complaining about everything. "The ceilings are too low...and I'm not even a tall man." "The food in the buffet is mediocre." "Why are we eating in the buffet when we're spending so much more to stay in the YC?" "The service and food quality in the YC is so bad, we're eating in the dining room and buffet."  Seriously. This guy was walking thru the ship and barely had a nice thing to say about any area at all. He even found fault with the Bridge of Sighs. Wasn't wide enough??  


    I've read negative reviews of other ships here as well and still had a great time, but gotta admit, watching this YouTube video has me a wee bit worried. My husband on the other hand says we're going to have a great time, this guy's nuts.



    Now you know what us folks who do not sail in the YC feel like.  This is the first time I have seen a bad review for the YC, but see plenty of bad reviews for all everything else but YC.   I have to assume this guy likes nothing about cruising







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  4. 1 minute ago, GA Dave said:

    I cruised on Meraviglia back in October on a completely sold-out cruise in a basic interior cabin. I knew going in that it would not be anything like my YC cruises, so I tempered my expectations to what I had paid ($223 for three-nights). I had a great time. Met some wonderful people during my four-hour wait on line to get on the ship, ate mostly at the buffet, got off early at Ocean Cay and got a nice Adirondack chair with an umbrella, took part in all the events in the Galleria, etc. 

    For that money, I will do it over and over again. It's less than the cost of staying at a Motel 6 and it comes with food, entertainment, etc.

    The photo is my dinner the first night in the buffet.  I thought it was really goods.


    Thank you.  

  5. 4 hours ago, GA Dave said:


    As an experienced NCL cruiser and now a huge MSC fan, I would highly recommend that you go Yacht Club if there is any way you can do it.  I have found the MSC YC to be a superior experience to the NCL Haven experience and it is much more reasonable.  Everything is included in the YC fare, from premium drink package to 2-device wifi per person to an exclusive beach and restaurant area at Ocean Cay.  The YC crew is just amazing and has met or exceeded my expectations every cruise.  Example:  This past weekend, I was on Meraviglia as a solo.  I commented to the Sommelier how much I enjoyed the very high-end Italian wine he chose for me for dinner.  When I returned to my cabin later that evening, there was a full, sealed bottle of the wine in my cabin for me to take home.

    I understand that being in the Yacht Club is a superior experience, but what bothers me is that almost every review is lousy unless your in the YC.  Cruises shouldn’t be like that.  At least us common folks should still have a wonderful experience in the general population.  I hope this isn’t a sign of changes in cruising.  It reminds me of what I have read about cruising back in the 1920’s.

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  6. 3 hours ago, capitalbarry said:

    Nic, everything  you read you need to take with a grain of salt, not all is bad with MSC if you see my signature , I have sailed MSC a lot and am booked a also booked on MSC Seaview right after this cruise. People always compare MSc to other brands, MSC is in a league of the own. They will be soon the biggest cruise company in the world..

    Wow. I just saw how many times you have cruised on MSC.  It can’t be all bad.  I am concerned with all the negative reviews.  I have never cruised on a ship with so many people saying they would never cruise again.  I should stop reading them.

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