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DISNEY DREAM detailed review May 5 -8, 2011


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WOW - what a wonderful cruise! No problems or complaints.


I will begin posting my review in segments. I'll take you day by day. A show report, dining report, Castaway Cay report, Embarking and Disembarking.


I have all my Navigators - so ask away!

No kids with us, so I'm afraid I won't be much help on their programs.


Let's get this show on the road.....



The Cast:


Me – Reba (4th cruise)

Childhood friend & First Time Cruiser – Mary


Cruise Director: Rachel Quinn, South Yorkshire, UK

Our servers: Carlos and Thomas

Our Stateroom host: Raylend


Deck 10 – Room 10014 Verandah



Dinner rotation: Royal Palace, Animators Palate, Enchanted Garden

8:15 (late dining)

6:15 show


Beautiful weather the entire trip.

No problems, or delays, or complaints for the entire trip.

The whole trip was smooth!

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After we landed at MCO and collected our luggage, we went up the escalator to the main terminal area. Check in for the hotel was on the 4th floor, which is accessible by another escalator or the atrium elevators. You are able to visit the shops, food court, restaurants, etc without having to go through security again.


Upon check-in we were asked if we were going on a Disney Cruise. We were provided with a letter giving us detailed instructions.


Luggage to be tagged with Disney Cruise Line tags and set close to the door, inside the room by 8:30 a.m.

Cruise Check In opened at 8:30 a.m. – Lower Level by baggage claim

Buses start running to the port at 9:30 a.m. (right outside the door by the check-in)


The next morning, we set our luggage by the door about 8:15 and headed to breakfast in the airport food court. When we returned the luggage had been picked up. We gathered up our day bags, made a few calls, etc and went down to the Cruise Check in about 9:00 a.m. There were two people in line ahead of us. We waited about 5 minutes. There were 4 windows opened.


At check-in we turned in our online forms, filled out a health form, had our pictures taken and given our KTTW cards and our boarding number. Number 3! We were given the “Chip and Dale bus” to take to the port. We were also able to leave our completed form for Onboard Airline check-in with them for the last day. Check-in took about 10 minutes. There is a comfortable waiting area after you check in, to wait for the busses.


Note: they asked for our “spiral” cruise notebook that came in the mail, several times during the process and boarding.


Since it wasn’t quite 9:30, we headed back upstairs to checkout the Disney stores, of course! :D We weren’t in a hurry to head to the port and sit around there. Around 10:00, we went back down to the Lower Level and they were calling for the “Chip and Dale” bus people. We boarded and waited about 5 more minutes for it to fill up. Then we were off to the port!!

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About 1 hour to the port. Comfortable ride, not much traffic. We watched a Disney Cruise Line video about the cruise. Then they played a few trivia questions and some cartoons until we arrived.

Getting closer to the port, there was a gasp and a “there she is!!!!!” when we could finally see The Dream. Both of us were oohing and awwww-ing at the site of her. My friend Mary had never seen the ocean, more less a huge cruise ship. I had to reach over and close her mouth several times when her jaw dropped.

The Dream was the best looking ship in port. Hands down. There she was, sparkling and proud.

The bus parked in the number 1 spot, just a few feet from the door.

At every turn and area we entered, there were Cast Members there with a smile and a helpful direction, or guidance.

Inside the door, we zipped through the security line and then up the escalator.

Very short and sweet.

Once we got into the main area of the terminal, about 11:15, we saw people sitting around, standing in the check-in lines and looking at the ship model. There were numerous Cast Members there to answer questions, and help you. There are walls of windows and they have a ledge that people were sitting on. Once the chairs were filled and the window seats were full, some people sat on the floor in groups. It was full of people, but all the windows and the tall ceiling didn’t make it feel so bad.

About 11:20, who should appear but MICKEY MOUSE! In his Captain’s outfit. How appropriate :D He caused quite a stir, even for us “older” Disney fans.

I was very good, and did not push any children out of the way to get to him.

A line formed to see him and pictures for the scrapbooks were beginning.

The mood was happy and there was excitement in the air. It was almost time to board. (if you are old enough to remember Carly Simon and her song Anticipation…now would be the time to begin singing it)

We sat in our comfortable seats and enjoyed watching all the children in their little cruise outfits and costumes.

We also enjoyed listening to the parents..

”not quite yet…almost….be patient….we can’t board until they call our number…”

and the best one:

“if you don’t sit down and be still, I’m going to have them turn the Aqua Duck off!”

I immediately starting sitting very still myself (just in case)

At 11:45, I heard the sound I had been waiting to hear…..

The Disney Dream horn played “A dream is wish your heart makes”

Cheers went up all over and my eyes held back a little tear.

They announced Group 1 could board.

At 11:55 they called for Group 2.

We were in Group 3, so we got up and headed towards the entrance.

Way too many people crowded around the entrance. It was a little hard to maneuver through them. Some were a little rude, and did not want to move from their spot, even though it was not their number being called.

At noon, we got another beautiful sound from the ship….

“When you wish upon a star”

Then it happened! It was 12:00. They called Group 3! Yabba dabba do!!!

We handed our boarding pass to the gentlemen, and proceeded forward.

There were 3 lines. We got in the shortest one, and had to show our KTTW card, which was then scanned. After that, the lines continued on to the area for pictures. As, we did not need, nor want an embarkation photo, we asked if we could go around. We were shown around the 3 lines and on to the ship.

Crossing over the water below, and into the ship, Mary’s mouth was hanging open again. So, while we were being asked how we wanted to be announced, I graciously pushed her jaw up to close her mouth. (what are friends for?)

We opted for “Lucy and Ethel”, as that seemed to fit us J

We walked into the Atrium under thunderous applause. Wow, what a nice way to greet your guests. I just need to get my friends back home to do this when I come to their home for dinner.

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After months of reading, studying, asking questions and calling the Disney Cruise 1-800 number…. We were actually on board The Dream.


(I’m sure that the Disney Cruise Line operators are thrilled I am finally aboard and won’t be calling them anymore. Perhaps I should call just to say “HI” :D )


We were escorted over to the elevators by a very nice Cast Member who made a nice Ricky Ricardo to our Lucy and Ethel. He told us we could go to Cabanas, or to the Enchanted Garden. Both were buffets. We opted for what we hoped would be a less crowded adventure, and went to the Enchanted Garden.


The Enchanted Garden was not crowded and several servers were waiting at the entrance and welcomed us with opened arms. Lots of smiles and welcomes.

We were escorted to a table fairly close to the buffet line. I think we looked hungry and they felt sorry for us. We were in the buffet line at 12:15.


There was food set up on both sides. The food was the same, and there were servers rotating people to go to one side or the other. Salads and fruits. Veggies and cold cuts. Pork and Lamb. Desserts were in the middle. Carrot cake, cheesecake, chocolate cake, cookies, and a server dipping the most wonderful ice cream I think I’ve ever tasted. It was ice cream, not Gelato. I highly recommend the strawberry or the mint. Or both, because I didn’t want to have to hurt the other’s ones feelings :D


Enchanted Garden is beautiful. We took some pictures and visited with a lot of the servers. We were told the rooms would be available at 1:30. So at 1:15 we left and looked around a little. We headed up to Deck 10 on the forward elevators. It was 1:25 and the “crime scene tape” was across the door ways leading to the staterooms. We looked at the Disney Artwork by the elevator, and it came to life. Amazing. Love those. They are all around the ship.

We were commenting on art work, when an officer came through and took down the tape and asked us what room we were in.


We were the only ones waiting in that forward area of Deck 10, and he walked with us to our room. It was 10014 and only about 5 cabins down from the elevators. There is a staff only door across from our room, and a lot of the officers went in and out of there. Including the Captain. He then disappeared through that door and we tapped our KTTW card on the door and entered our “home” for the next 3 nights.

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Deck 10 - room 10014.

Very quiet area.

Rooms above and below

There were only a few rooms forward from ours, so we had little traffic by our door. We actually saw more officers and crew going through the staff only door, than we did other cruisers.


Mary was impressed with the size of the room and the two bathroom areas.

I told her this would spoil her if she went on other cruise lines.


On the bed was my Castaway Club gift, as this was my second Disney cruise.

It was a nice beach/tote bag. Black and Red. With net pockets all around the outside. Two Castaway Cay water bottles. A key chain. Two rice crispy treats in the shape of flip flops.


On the desk was a welcome/bon voyage gift from my BF.

Asti Spumante, chilled. Two glasses. A Plate of petit fours, chocolate squares and 6 chocolate covered strawberries. Everything was delicious! (yes, he gets extra credit) :D


The bed had that cute little red pillow on it, with the words “a dream is a wish your heart makes…” I wish they would sell those.


The bed was high enough to put your luggage underneath. It had a top sheet, and a duvet. Some had posted they needed to ask for a top sheet, but it was already on the bed.


Our room steward knocked and came in and showed us how the lights worked, etc. Answered any questions we had and visited for a few minutes with us, as we were the only ones in that area in our rooms.


We requested our ice bucket be filled every day, and 2 pillows for the sofa bed that Mary was going to sleep on. We knew by previous cruisers that the bed could not be made into two twin beds. So, we worked that out before we came.


The bathroom closest to the door, had a sink and toilet. AND YES, I didn’t warn her about the toilet flush sound……I just waited outside the door so I could hear the “OH MY GAWD WHAT WAS THAT?? DID I BREAK SOMETHING??”

(still snickering)

There were two shelves on one side of the sink and one a little bigger higher up over the toilet.


The other bathroom, had a sink, tub and hand-held shower. There were shelves by the sink and also one in the shower. Two clothes lines for your wet clothes.


NOW… we all know that when you go to a new hotel, you usually have to figure out how the shower works. This was no exception. I’ve been to a lot of hotels and have never had this Rubik’s cube combination before to get the shower to work. I will however, let you have the pleasure and joy of figuring it out on your own. (snicker)


There are two small night stands by the bed, with an outlet under the shelf.

A little hard to see. There is also a drawer on both night stands.


All of the drawers have that automatic system that shuts the drawer completely once you start pushing it in. Nice feature, and no banging of drawers during rough seas.


There were two closets, side by side. Shelf on the top, two shelves in the bottom. The closet by the door has the safe. Each closet had 15 – 16 hangers.

Plenty for us, but our room steward said he’d bring more if we needed them.


We did have an adjoining door. No noise from the other room.


17 inch flat screen. Remote. No problems with it.

ABC programming, CNN, ESPN, Lots of animated and non-animated Disney choices.


Sofa made into a comfy single bed, which our room steward had ready when we came back from dinner each evening. Along with a towel animal, of course.

One night we had a towel animal on both beds.


Wave phones we did not use. But, were charged and ready for us. I did not see a lot of people using them.


The coffee table/storage was great. Sometimes we moved it over closer to the desk when we were going out to the verandah a lot.


Clock is bright blue lights – I turned it towards the wall.

Never used it for an alarm – we used the wake-up call service

Ipod docking station & alarm have an instruction sheet


The verandah had two chairs and a table. We spent as much time out there as possible. We had wonderful weather. The first night after midnight, we felt more rocking than normal. But, it was smooth again by morning.


The rocking of the ship is one of my favorite things. I think I’ll work on a contraption to simulate that on my bed at home.

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Nothing is scheduled from 3:45 to 4:15.

Muster to begin at 4:00

Take your KTTW card, as they check you off a list.

Your muster station location in on the map on your door.

Ours was in the Walt Disney Theatre, balcony level.


You don’t have to take your life jackets.

The instructions lasted about 10 minutes. Painless.

When it was over, the leader of our group took questions.

Wide variety of questions. Very informative.



Changes were taken from 1:00 to 3:00 in the D Lounge.

3:30 to 4:30 by phone. Number listed in Navigator.



Reservations by phone 1:00 to 3:30

Number listed in Navigator



7:30 – D lounge

30.00 and 40.00

(there might have been a smaller package)

They had several drawings giving away Disney stuff.

There are drink servers available.

(no, I didn’t win a thing!)


Other Activities:

Spa Tour

Spa Raffle/drawing

Port and Shopping show

Family Superstar Karaoke

Family Fusion Game show

Jeff Civillico Family Show

Jeff Civillico Adult Show


Buena Vista Theatre

Man Needs Moms

I Am Number Four



High School Musical 2


101 Dalmatians

Beauty and the Beast

Toy Story




This was our favorite show.

6:15 and 8:30


We went to the 6:15, since we had late dining.

Show was an hour.

The Cruise Director spoke after each show about the next day’s activities.

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2 gangways – Deck 1 midship and Deck 1 Forward

All ashore: 9:45 am All Aboard: 7:00 pm


Cruise Casual – Pirate Night



Princess Gathering

Diaper Dash

Ship Tour

D Tunes Family Jam

Animation Class (we did this, was fun!)



Pirate Game Show – D lounge

5:15 to 5:45

9:30 to 10:00


Pirates of the Caribbean

7:45 to 8:05 Decks 11 & 12


Buccaneer Blast (fireworks)

10:30 pm Decks 11 & 12

Deck 12 was quieter

Lounge chairs were un-stacked for us to use



6:15 and 8:30



Buena Vista Theatre

African Cats


Gnomeo and Juliet



Peter Pan

Finding Nemo

Monsters, Inc

The Lion King

Mickey’s Pirates

Pirates of the Caribbean – Black Pearl


We stayed on the ship the majority of the day and explored. Did the Animation Class.


We went got off the ship for a little bit, and took pictures. Mary had never been to Nassau, so she walked up to the Port Building and bought some local items. I took a nap, as I have been to Nassau numerous times.

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Beautiful and wonderful!!!!!!!

What a great day.

A unique island adventure.


All ashore: 8:30 am

All aboard: 5:00 pm


Gangway: Deck 1 – Midship

Deck 1 – Aft


Evening Dress code: Optional Dress up


Onboard Activities

Animation Class

Making of The Dream

Mirror Mirror game show


Match Your Mate (10:30 pm)


Enchanted Garden lunch: Noon to 1:30 pm



African Cats

Man Needs Moms

Tron Legacy

Gnomeo and Juliet




Mary Poppins

Little Mermaid


Princess and the Frog


The Jungle Book




4:00 pm 6:15 pm & 8:30 pm




Too many to list…

You will receive a map with a list of activities



Cookies and Cookies Too

11:30 am to 2:00 pm

Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, BBQ chicken, BBQ ribs,

Grilled steak


Signature Drink: Konk Kooler 5.75

Beer bucket: buy 5 get 6



Some activities:

5k run

Island Power Walk

Yoga on the beach

Beach Volleyball

Crab races


Post Office

9:30 to 4:00

You must purchase Bahamian stamps

To mail from this location


Beach towels available as you leave the ship

When you return to the ship there are bins to place your used towels in.

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1st Day:

Mickey and Minnie - Deck Stage

Pluto and Goofy - Deck Stage

Sail away deck party- numerous characters

Mickey - Atrium

Character Meet & Greet in D lounge (Characters change every 30 minutes)

Snow White - deck 4 balcony

Tiana - deck 4 balcony

Donald - Atrium

Chip and Dale - deck 4 balcony

Mickey and Pluto - Atrium

Goofy - deck 4 balcony


2nd day:

Princesses - Atrium

Peter Pan - Deck 4 Midship

Pinocchio - Atrium

Minnie - Deck 4 Midship

Goofy - Deck 12

Donald - Deck 12

Character Dance Party - Atrium

Princesses - Atrium

Minnie - deck 4 midship

Aladdin - deck 4 midship

Mickey, Minnie & Tinkerbell - Atrium

Jack Sparrow - Preludes

Chip & Dale - Deck 4 Balcony

Jack Sparrow - Preludes

Mickey's Pirates - Deck stage

Tinkerbell - Atrium

Daisy - Deck 4 Balcony

Tinkerbell, Chip and Dale, Donald - Atrium


3rd day: Castaway Cay

Post Office: Chip and Dale, Daisy, Daisy

Rustmore: Pluto, Goofy

Gangway: Donald, Cpt Hook, Max, Chip and Dale

Island Pathway: Capt Jack Sparrow

Pelican Point: Capt Jack Sparrow

Gazebo 1: Dance Party, Mickey & Minnie. Capt Hook

Gazebo 2: Chip and Dale, Capt Hook

Late afternoon on the Gangway are Max, Chip and Dale


3rd Day - Back on ship:

See ya real soon Party - Atrium (4:15)

Goofy - Deck 4 balcony

Mickey - Deck 4 Balcony

Minnie - Deck 4 Balcony

See ya real soon Party - Atrium (10:15)


In the Lobby Atrium is a digital Character Board that lists the daily appearances and the location. You can also dial 7-PALS on any ship phone for the information.

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Pools were, as we suspected, crowded.

I didn’t think they were horribly crowded, as reported..but..I wasn’t in them, so not fair for me to say.

About 11:00 to 4:00 were the busiest times, of course.

Just prepare yourself that they will be crowded most of the time.

If you have late dining, 5:00ish would be a good time to go.

There seemed to be plenty of loungers, most of the time.

Deck 12 was quiet for the adults and had plenty of loungers.

There were loungers on 12 that overlooked the pool and they were less crowded.

Aqua duck, even though I didn’t ride it…looked like a blast.

Mary rode it on Castaway Cay day about 1:30. It was getting crowded again.

She waited about 30 minutes.

I think if we had been back from CC around noon, it would have been better.

But, we were enjoying CC too much, to come back.

She tried to ride it early on CC day, but it didn’t open until 11:00.

She loved the Aqua Duck though. She wore her glasses and didn’t lose them!

Seemed like everyone we talked to said they were waiting between 20 and 30 minutes.

The Aqua Duck was lighted at night and looked really cool.

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The Walt Disney Theatre is beautiful.

Seats are comfortable and plenty of legroom.

There is a balcony, and many people enjoyed the view from up there.

We got to each show 15 minutes early, and found good seats.


The Buena Vista Theatre is also beautiful.

Not a bad seat in the house.

The seats in there are even more comfy and they rock.

Wonderful place to see a new movie or a 3d movie!



Our favorite.

Seemed to be one of the most popular.



Our least favorite of the 3 – but still good.

Some of the villains I wasn’t as familiar with.



Very Good. Storyline was a little “slow” at times.


All in all, Disney shows were amazing to watch.

The production, props, sets were fabulous.

No one does it like Disney!

You really appreciate the talent and the effort that goes into each show.


Sometimes, I found it hard to understand what they were singing or saying, as the music was louder than the actors.


There are treats to buy outside the theatre before Showtime.

There are waiters that come around in the theatre for drinks.

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First let me say, our servers were great!

They were quick, attentive, funny, accommodating.

We asked for a table for 2 on the first night.

Even though we had requested that before we left, we were assigned to a table for four. They changed us to a table for 2 for the rest of the cruise.


We started at 8:15 each evening and we were done by 9:15.

At Animator’s Palate, is was about 9:45 as we stayed around longer and visited with people in our area. Crush also was so entertaining, we slowed down to enjoyed it.


In the evening, I asked for the Children’s Menus also.

I have a set of those, if anyone has a question.

They had a dinner salad that I ordered every night.





Nice, Clean.

Food was okay to good


MOST people had it figured out that there were “stations” of food, and not a long line that started at the door and went the whole length.


We had breakfast there once and lunch twice.

Plenty of desserts to chose from.

Several sugar-free too.


Drink stations had Coke Products, water, tea, juice

Diet drinks were Diet Coke and Sprite Zero.





French Onion soup was fantastic.

Two different kind of breads which were very good.

I didn’t find an appetizer I liked, so I ordered a fruit plate from the child’s menu.


We both had Roast chicken with Mashed Potatoes that were heavenly.

Vegetables were also served.


Dessert..well, first let me say I LOVE Peanut Butter.

I ordered the PB Mousse and it was fantastic!

I also ordered the Sugar free Chocolate Gaunace – fabulous!

Mary had the “trio”. She loved it.


The portions are small (no, really) so order the trio, or two different ones, if you’re not too stuffed.






This was our favorite!

I had been to the Animator’s Palate on The Wonder and loved it.


Still love it, and love this new one too.


It was a fun evening. Crush was funny.

I found it entertaining and special.

The kids loved it. Especially this “big” kid :D


I had my standard kid’s menu dinner salad.

Bread was different from the night before, and tasty.

Chopped olives were served with the bread.


Mary and I both had baked potato soup. VERY good.

We both ordered the beef tenderloin, with potatoes, carrots & squash. VERY good.


Mary ordered the trio dessert which was Walnut cake, Lemon cake, and pineapple mousse. I ordered a sugar free chocolate cream cake and sugar free strawberry mousse. WONDERFUL.


We didn’t hurry through dinner and took our time since Crush was entertaining everyone. We also visited with some single Mom’s who were there while their kids were at the children’s program. We left around 9:45.






Another beautiful place. Watch the ceiling during the evening.

I had my token dinner salad.

Mary ordered the chicken noodle soup. Good!

I ordered the Carrot & Apple soup. Very good! And different.


Our bread selection was again different, and was served with Hummus.


We both ordered the NY Steak with potatoes, and veggies.

Very good!


I had both sugar-free selections for dessert. The chocolate mousse and the strawberry cheese cake. DELICIOUS!

I don’t remember what Mary had that night. But, our server brought an extra plate of little chocolate squares that melted in our mouths.





In the desk drawer, there are breakfast room service menus.

We used these each morning. We’re not big breakfast people, and prefer sleeping in just a little and taking our time getting dressed for the day.


Each morning we ordered toast, muffins, cereal, milk and juices.

Mary ordered hot tea, said it was great.

One morning I ordered ice tea also.


There is a time slot for you to check when you want it delivered.

Increments of a ½ hour.

It starts at 7:00 am and the last service is 9:30 to 10:00.


Hang your selection menu on your door before you go to bed, and they will deliver it at the time you chose. Everything was exactly as we ordered each time.

(we tipped 3.00)


One afternoon, we ordered a steak sandwich and fries. We had them cut it in ½ for us. We also ordered chocolate chip cookies! It took about 15 minutes.

Food was great.




When you’re on Castaway Cay and anywhere close to Cookies, the smell will draw you in. Outside in the beautiful weather, walking in the sand, the amazing baby blue water….then the smell of charcoaled ribs, steaks, burgers….Heaven!


There is a drink station as you enter the “hut”

There is someone there to get your drink for you.

You grab your plate, and there are 3 areas….

Potato salads, cheeses, chips, etc.

Fruit station


Grilled steaks, grilled chicken, hot dogs, ribs and burgers kept hot in a roaster/server.


I tried some of each – loved it all.


It’s opened from 11:30 to 2:00 only.


They also had pineapple upside down cake, banana bread & LARGE chocolate chip cookies!

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We pre-paid our tips.

The last full day, in the afternoon, we got our envelopes and receipts.

There were 4 envelopes marked with the four “positions”

There were 4 receipts that had the amount we paid, plus the full name of the cast member.


We put each receipt in the envelopes for each person.

We gave them out the last night at dinner with a thank you & a hug.


The last morning, we gave our room steward his envelope as we left.

He was so sweet and hugged us both.




I never saw a long line.

The most I saw was 3 or 4 people in line.

You can mail things there, and they sell stamps.


We dropped off 2 plates each for Character signatures.

We were told by 2 different Guest Service employees that they were only allowing 2 per room, not per guest.

So, we left 2. They were in our room the last evening. They looked fantastic.

We were grateful for the 2 we were able to get.





4 places to shop

They are not opened when the ship is docked.

They were opened 5:30 or 7:30 every night until midnight.


They have a good variety. They have 2xl sizes & some 3xl.

If you spent 50.00 at one time, you could get a Disney Cruise Line duffel bag for 19.95.

Windbreakers with the Dream Logo were 15.95.





I LOVED the automatic doors that opened for you around the public areas.

Seemed we were always carrying something, or had drinks or food and the doors saw us coming and WAH~lah! They opened.


The ship was super clean.

Someone was always cleaning, washing windows etc.


Check out the public restrooms. They are all decorated differently.


We didn’t pass any cast member or officer, that didn’t smile and speak to us.

They were all so polite and helpful.


We had our luggage when we got back from the Muster Drill. Some guests on our floor, had it before.


On Castaway Cay we rented a 2-person paddle boat for 8.00. It was a lot of fun.

However, we spotted a big fun chair on floats. It held two people in a canvas chair and had a little motor you control from the arm rest. It was 20.00 for an hour.

It would have been a lot easier on our old knees J


We rode the trams at Castaway Cay and were glad we did. It’s bigger than you think, especially if you’re going all the way to Serenity Bay.


I was concerned the ship would be so big, I’d want to go back to The Wonder.

Yes, I will go on The Wonder or Magic again…

But, I also will not hesitate to go on The Dream again.

The crowds did not bother me in the least.

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We signed up for this when we checked in for the cruise.

Our flight was not leaving until 5:00 pm.

(we got a day room at the Hyatt in MCO)


The instructions are in your room on the last afternoon.

There are luggage tags for this.

Also, your boarding passes for your airline.


There are also the regular Disney tags (Tinkerbell, Goofy, etc)

DO NOT put those on the luggage.

Use the Onboard Airline check-in “sticky” ones.


Luggage was to be in the hallway between 8:30 and 10:30 pm on the last evening.


Make sure you have everything you’ll need for the next day, because usually when you set it out in the hall, it’s gone fairly quickly.

Also, remember the things you keep out will have to meet the airline requirements about liquids.


Once they took our luggage from the hall, we didn’t see them again until our home airport. LOVE this!


The next morning, once we got back to the airport, we were able to go straight to security. No need to go to your airlines ticket counter, you already have your boarding passes. And they have your luggage.


All you have to do is wait for your flight with your day bag.

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The last morning…


Breakfast at 6:30 am for early dining

and 7:45 am for late diners.

At the restaurant you were assigned the night before


We had ordered breakfast every morning from room service, and had ordered extra cereal and milk to use for this day. Along with two diet cokes from the drink stations the night before, kept in our fridge.


We were able to sleep until 7:45 instead of being in the restaurant at that time.

We had our cereal, showered, dressed and sat out on the balcony for a little bit.

We left our room about 8:30 – 8:40 and headed to Shutters to see if we wanted any pictures. Most rooms around us were already vacated and being cleaned.


Shutters was opened until 9:00 am

Several groups lingering around and saying their goodbyes.


We had a day room at the Hyatt in MCO, as our flight didn’t leave until 5 pm.

Well, worth the money for me. 100.00.

If our flight was a little earlier, I could have made it just fine hanging out in the airport, as there are lots of things to see and places to shop. Food Court and full service restaurants. There is plenty of seating also, and comfortable benches.


To leave the ship, you will need your KTTW card, & your completed customs form.

Drop your completed “Comment Card” about your experience, in the box in the Atrium as you leave.


You will walk off the ship (try not to cry in front of the children) and before you step back into the terminal building, they will scan your KTTW for the last time. (wahhhhhhhh) :(

They also give this back to you for a souvenir.


You then proceed to where the luggage is gathered in their neat little organized rows.

Since ours was already at the airport, all we did was hand our customs form to the nice gentleman at the Customs desk and walk outside.


They were directing people one way for private transportation and the other way for Disney Busses.


I must admit, them having to carry me to board the bus and forcing me inside, was something I’m not proud of. :rolleyes:


Then, everyone sat in silence as we stared at OUR ship.

Who would be in OUR room in a few hours?

Would they love it, as we did?


The answer was…..YES!


We waved a sad goodbye to OUR ship, as we pulled away from the port.

She grew smaller and smaller the further away we got….

But, we knew what we experienced was something special….


We knew that The Dream was a wish our hearts made…..

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PopFla: You will love it! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.


Host Mick and Kirk: Thank you!


Agent555: (are you any kin to Agent 554?... just kidding!)

I hope you can book a Dream cruise soon. Now that we're back, I'm ready to go again. It's so lovely.



Sail away party was at 4:45.

Beach water was just fine, even at 10:30!

Of course, it was perfect after noon.

Have a wonderful time!

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Thanks for the great review. We leave in a few weeks for our cruise on the Dream.


Do you know if all the rooms have a clock and iPod docking station? We were going to bring one to play DD lullabies at bedtime but if they have one in all the cabins it's one less thing to carry.

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Thanks Iggy'sMom!


KDK: Yes, there is an IPOD docking station and clock. Complete with an instruction sheet. The clock part has blue lights and is rather bright. So, at night I turned it towards the wall. That gave some soft light, but not too much.

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