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Why does everyone hate cruising with Kids? What would make it better?


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Seems to be a point in many threads to bash us who will take our kids.


I assume you wouldn't mind them if they were all little angels like my DD who's 4.


Check us out 2/5/05 on the Enchantment of the Sea!


So what's the gripe?


What should we as parents traveling with kids keep in mind

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Funny how each person's OWN kids are always angels...


As for me. I love kids. I like hearing them out playing in the yards in our neighborhood and running and screeching. Kids are great.


What I hate is "those" kids who behave like little brats in public spaces and whose parents never seem to notice or correct the misbehavior.


I don't expect kids to be perfect angels all the time. That is an unrealistic and unfair expectation. Kids need to be kids.


But parents need to be parents and they need to know when to balance their kids' quiet time with wild time.

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I guess we are in the minority, we love to cruise with our kids! 13 & 9. They have been on three cruises with us. I would rather take them cruising than a land vacation. They can make their own choices for activies and we don't have to "sacrafice" our likes/dislikes. They can eat what they want, and if they don't finish, they can pick something else(no $ wasted). Only thing I would say with young kids is don't push them too far off their schedules, a day on a cruise ship can be very active and make young ones tired/cranky. Take time out for a power nap and don't push to keep them up too late, you will pay with cranky behavior sooner or later.


I try to get non stop flight is possible, no one likes lay overs. pack lots of snacks, books, gameboys, music etc.


Good luck.


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In our 11 cruises, I can honestly say we haven't encountered a big problem with kids, but we tend to sail when there are very few children on board (May, September and October). People who sail during spring break or summer vacation should expect children and the things that come with them. Cruising can be a great family experience and well mannered children shouldn't be a problem any time.


If you are looking for a list of pet peeves, here are a few of mine and this doesn't only apply to cruising:


If the hot tub says adults only, keep the children out even if "it is the only water that is warm enough."


If your child is screaming at dinner (or anywhere for that matter), please remove them from the dining room or show lounge. This is not the time to ignore them and pretend they aren't causing a ruckus because they are.


Running...well kids run, but try not to knock the rest of us down in the process.

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Funny how each person's OWN kids are always angels...


As for me. I love kids. I like hearing them out playing in the yards in our neighborhood and running and screeching. Kids are great.


What I hate is "those" kids who behave like little brats in public spaces and whose parents never seem to notice or correct the misbehavior.


I don't expect kids to be perfect angels all the time. That is an unrealistic and unfair expectation. Kids need to be kids.


But parents need to be parents and they need to know when to balance their kids' quiet time with wild time.

Well said.


And, some parents don't want anyone telling them that their "angel" is not being an "angel."


Also how funny that no one that posts on CC child would do any of the horrible things that people have reported seeing and hearing on cruises.


I too love children and don't mind sailing with them, I just want parents to understand that in the process of allowing them to be children they may be disrupting someone else's vacation.


If I'm sitting by the pool in the adult only areas, I don't want kids stepping over me, or getting into the adults only pool and splashing etc. I don't want to step on a elevator and have to stop at every floor because the kids are bored and have nothing else to do on a cruise ship.


I was in a restuarant this weekend, and this child was being a real terror, kicking the booth, throwing food, and finally having an all out temper tantrum. Parents do nothing. I'm getting really irritated with all the rucus and the kicking of the booth, the waitress was trying hard to relocate us to another table. Finally a lady at another table said something to the parents. And their response was we're ignoring his behavior because if we pay attention to it, then he wins. HUH? I have a Master's Degree, and this kid was at least 4 and he knows right from wrong, and they could have done a lot in that situation before it escalated into a full blown temper tantrum. Mind you they didn't start to ignore him until the tantrum, before that, they were just as loud and irritating as the kid. So since the parents felt the need to ignore this child, the rest of us had to endure it. Some parents have a remarkable ability to tune out their kids. And not even aware that their kids are disrupting others.

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I like kids, have two of my own, and have found many of them to be enjoyable while cruising.


The gripe is the few kids who are obnoxious, destructive, rude brats with parents who do nothing in the way of supervision or parenting. You would think the kids would know better, but they don't if their parents haven't taught them how to behave. Those are the parents who should stay home or cruise without their kids.


Since you have a 4 year-old, lets go with that age. Try to keep her on schedule. If she goes to bed early and takes naps, make sure she gets her rest so she won't be cranky. If she does become cranky, remove her to another area or the cabin. Sometimes little ones can't tell you what is wrong. Keep her occupied so she won't become bored. Let her try the kids program. Request early dining and practice good table manners (and good manners in general) before the cruise. Let her know what is expected and the consequences of bad behavior. Above all, this is a family cruise, so have fun.

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I was on the Christmas cruise on the Navigator with about 900 Kids. With a very few exceptions they were well behaved. The few times for example someone went racing through the dining room - the waiters stopped them very politely. Only once did I see a single teenager by the adults only pool.:)

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Any ideas on how to talk or calm her on a flight, it'll be her 1st.


We're taking her on the excursions, not booked through RCI


Late dinning, will order room service or go out for pizza, then to the kids club and we'll be off to dinner.


We have a balcony room, just for her nap time and plan to keep her on track.


Plus she's a perfect angel!! okay, 80% of the time.


The thing is, what you're saying could be said, at the mall, moive theater, going out to eat, etc. Parents need to parent and not be their kids best friend.

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Dogger - Make play packs of her favorite quiet things to play with. Crayons, coloring books etc. Only take out a few items at a time, when she get bored with those pull out a new and different pack. This should keep her busy during the flight.

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I once went on vacation with my sister and her then 4-year-old daughter. Love the child to death, but she is NOT one of the angels many cruisers claim their children to be. Anyway, my sister started out the week by just letting her DD run wild. Screaming, yelling, wouldn't do anything she was told to do (not that my sister gave her much direction), just being a monster to us and to other vacationers. I finally confronted my sister who told me that it was her vacation too, and that she just didn't feel like she should have to be "mean mommy" while on vacation.


I think that many parents feel the same way. "I'm on vacation so I deserve a break."


The rest of us want a break too...if we don't want to be bothered by children, we don't bring them with us. We certainly don't want to have to deal with yours if we left ours home!


Parents just need to take responsibility for their kids of whatever age. Taking them on vacation is not an excuse to let them run wild. Teach your kids to sit quietly in a restaurant before you leave home...don't get on a cruise ship and expect them to suddenly know how to behave. Don't "pawn" your kids off on anyone else on the ship so you can enjoy "alone time." You forfeited that right when you decided to bring your kids with you on vacation.

I've been supremely annoyed by kids of all ages on cruises. Toddlers running around the dining room, poking at food on the buffet line, unattended kids in the swimming pool or (even worse) hot tub, etc. Teenagers can be even more annoying though. Apparantly their parents think they can just let them run free (I'm sure the justification is that they can't go far on a ship, so how much trouble can they get into?) Guess what, folks, a cruise ship is as dangerous a place for teens as any small town full of strangers. Sickos and perverts can book cruises too!


Wow, I'm sure I've really ticked off some folks now, but this topic struck a nerve with me. I think I'm ready for the whoopin' I'm gonna get over this, so bring it on!:o

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joyceyw wrote:


Also how funny that no one that posts on CC child would do any of the horrible things that people have reported seeing and hearing on cruises.



I'm not so sure that this statement is very far from the truth. From my short time on these boards it seems to me that the majority of the posters hear realize the 'value" of a cruise vacation and respect others appreciation of a cruise.


Kids will behave in whatever manner they are allowed to behave and will keep pushing until their parents respond. Although it may not seem so, they WANT limits to be set. In the past, a child would NEVER have been allowed to go on and on with poor behavior in front of a large group of adults. If the parent wasn't present or didn't respond andother adult would speak to the child. Today half the parents could care less how their kids behave and if someone stepped in and corrected their child they would be shouted down by the parent OR WORSE.


HOWEVER...I would be surpized if many of the parents who post regularly on these boards were the type of parent who let their kids run wild on the ship. JMHO

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I have been on a few cruises, some the children were good some they were very annoying. I have taken my 2 teenage daughters on one cruise. They had a good time, I reminded them that I or the other parents on the cruise with us could be spying on them at anytime. I also told them they would be stuck in the cabin if I saw or heard of them doing anything wrong. Although I think my daughters are perfect angels too (haha). They knew what was expected of them ahead of time (which included staying together there were 3 girls all together 15, 17 and 19 yrs old).


On one cruise (the Inspiration) there was a family sitting beside us, 3 adults and about 5 children. The children were awful. In the dinning room they were standing on the chairs, and at one time the table, singing at the top of there lungs. They kept our waiter running back to the kitchen for things they would not even eat. They put food in their drinks. The adults didn't say a thing. All of the tables around us were bothered by their actions. I was going to say something to them, but they did not speak english and I couldn't speak whatever they were speaking. I did tell the other tables around us with well behaved children how much we appreciated their manners. I wouldn't say this wrecked our cruise but I enjoy the dinning room experience and it did put a damper in that. It also made us try another cruise line because Carnival did nothing to stop the bad manners. I guess the morale of the story is your behavior and the behavior of your children can effect others so be respectful.

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I agree with most of the earlier posters--the biggest kid-related problem on a cruise (or any vacation venue for that matter--I've noticed the same thing at resorts and theme parks!) is parents who don't properly supervise their children and allow them to run wild, annoying other vacationers.


I, for one, really ENJOY seeing well-behaved kids having fun on a cruise, either with their families or in the kids club. (That pirate-themed kids' club show near the end of our last Grandeur cruise was a real treat--and I didn't even have a kid in the group!) It's nice to know that there are still some parents and kids out there who know how to have fun while being considerate to and respectful of others. Haven't we all noticed that pushy, obnoxious parents tend to produce pushy, obnoxious offspring? I'm just glad that the opposite is also true...


Good luck with your cruising 4-year-old! I'm sure you'll have a great time as long as you respect her needs (for quiet time, regular meals and bedtimes, etc.) and focus on having fun rather than trying to "do it all"--which is always a challenge on a cruise! Enjoy!

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It's not that kids on a cruise that bothers most people, IMHO. It's that many of the parents that take their kids on cruises don't spend any time with them and are under the impression that the ship is just one big daycare center at their beconing call, and let the kids roam around freely, without supervision a lot of the time.

And you can't blame the kids, they're just being themselves and what they have been taught at home.

Please note I said "many of the parents", not all the parents.

There is nothing cuter than a family with children walking together to a formal night dinner all decked out.


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We love kids but that doesn't mean we want them around us all the time. Kids on cruises are probably as well behaved as those anywhere but that's not saying much these days. We live in a tourist area and we have witnessed the same irresponsible parenting you sometimes run into on a ship.


We've been to indoor and outdoor shows and ballgames where little kids have been allowed to run amok without as much as a word from a parent until we said something. We even played golf at a high end course in the Orlando area where a member of the foursome brought a little kid with him who was every place he shouldn't be and a major PIA to the other people who had paid $150 a head to play. A phone call to the clubhouse got a ranger to observe and finally tell the guy to control his kid or get off the course.


On the ship keep kids out of adult areas. If they are not supposed to sit in the front row at production shows don't sit them there. If they are not supposed to be in some spa or gym area don't bring them there. You get the picture.


The funny thing is we went to Walt Disney World during Senior Week a few years ago with out nieces' dance troupe and it was jam packed with high school kids from up and down the east coast. It looked like they came from all economic and ethnic backgrounds. Guess what? We have never seen a better behaved bunch of kids anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Go figure.

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the previous posters. Kids should be taught manners. I took my 7 yr old granddaughter on a cruise and before we left we had lessons on the proper utensils to use and how to behave at table. I did have to remind her not to run a few times. That will happen given any kid's exuberance and energy. I also chose early seating, although I much prefer late, in order to avoid the late night crankies.


Our table mates had a toddler at dinner 3 of the 7 nights. Thank heaven it was only 3 nights. The kid was a terror. Food all over the table and floor. They let her out of the high chair one night while the waiters were serving the entrees. She ran around and almost tripped one waiter with a large tray. The parents actually got mad at the waiter for saying anything about their darling. They acted as though everyone else onboard was as enamored as they with the little dumpling. I would have loved to see the dumpling in the oven at 500 degrees.


In contrast, the table near us had about 5 kids. Everyone was very well behaved. One toddler got a little contrary one evening, and Dad immediately took him out of the dining room. These kids were a pleasure to be around.


So as everyone else has said, keep your kids under control or leave them home.

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We are first time cruisers and are looking very forward to cruising with our 8 year old daughter :) She is a well behaved child, but she's a CHILD. I think it's important to remember that kids will be kids, that's what they do, and it's who they are. As a parent, it is my duty and responsibility to take charge of her behaviour in public which we always do. Fortunately we have not had to remove her from a public situation, however if she were mis-behaving and interfering with others ability to enjoy their experience we would take her out immediately.


Just my opinion.

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ckrobyn - Thank you for your statement about removing a misbehaving child so as not to interfere with other peoples ability to enjoy their experience. You have said it so perfectly. That is all most of the passengers want - parents who are aware of when it's time to take action. That may mean giving their children "the look", a "little talking to", or removal from the area. Whatever is going to WORK. A parent who ignores when a situation needs to be handled is the most annoying.

Robyn I hope you and your family will have a wonderful cruise.

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DH and I love to cruise and as a former schoolteacher, parent and grandparent .. enjoy seeing well-behaved children.. I realize that is a subjective term and believe that "Murphy" summed it up the best...

Having cruised on ships with many and few children we prefer to cruise with fewer..however...

ckrobyn: It would be a pleasure to cruise with you...if all parents had your attitude, cruising with many children would be a delight ...

It is particularly disturbing to see elderly passengers who move slower than the average middle ager beaten out of the elevator spaces when they so desparately need them. On the larger ships, I've seen older couples waiting patiently for elevators only to "miss it" because 13 yr old giggly girl and three of her closest friends just ran up and in before one could blink an eye!

Parents please discuss elevator etiquette with your children. This is esp important on ships...

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We have been on over 30 cruises and we have rarely witnessed any bad behavior by kids. This poor behavior we have seen is usually unsupervised kids riding the elevators up and down. We also have four kids, ages 1 thru 14. they have been on anywhere from 2 to 7 cruises with us. Rules are explained ahead of time. We also remind them of there manners before the cruise. If one of the kids gets cranky at dinner, one of us will take the cild out of the dinning room.


The biggest problem that we have run into when we have brought our kids is the behavior of some adults. I am always amazed at the attituide some adults have on cruises, and it usually involves alcohol. Now keep in mind we have a tendency to run up a pretty healthy bar tab, hoever, some folks tend to drink toooooooo much when they cruise. The language that they use and behavior that they exhibit in ALL areas of the ship is completely inappropriate in front of children.


We have witnessed this poor adult behavior especially at the main pool area. From foul language, to simulated s*x acts, to even vomitting IN the pool (twice on two different cruise). Try explaining this to your kids!


Our kids do not leave our sight unless they are in the supervised kids area. Fortunately the oldest likes to go to the shows in the evening and has not asked as of yet to go off unsupervised. When we cruise with our kids it is a family vacation and we stay together or split into two groups with a parent in each.

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I think it is a parenting issue, not a kid issue.

As a parent I always have my childs welfare first and foremost, even above my own, and this continues even on vacation.

I have had more fun on these cruises because of all the quality time I get to spend with her.

She knows better than to act up and disrespect other people.

I am more irritated with whiney adults than I am kids on a cruise. Most of the time it seems people are looking for something to complain about on a cruise. I really don't get it. Just check out some reviews on some of these sites, these people will complain about anything and sometimes take on someone elses irritation just to keep riled up. Everytime I read some of these reviews where someone just complains, complains, and complains, I picture some 50-60yr old something sitting with such a posture that if it rained, they'd drown. They are being served, while they are typing their review, caviar and grey poupon.

This is the same group of people I picture when they start bashing kids. You people have lost sight of the really important things in life. Wake up people, there really is enough room on these ships to not even see kids. Everyone just likes to turn up their nose and jump on the bandwagon when it comes to complaining.

I just can't believe that a child or two acting up on a cruise or anywhere else for that matter could ruin your entire cruise. I think if it did you people need to look in the mirror.

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