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Review of seabourn spirit 11/15


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I would have posted this sooner, but I am still in Seabourn withdrawal. To say that this cruise exceeded my expectations would not do justice to my experience. As always, the crew were beyond teriffic. And I mean beyond. I am so impressed with the service. I must mention Roland and Chris in the dining room and other areas of the ship. Sean in the Club bar. Nelson of course at the Sky Bar and this with not having all of their supplies after what can only be described as a not so great drydock. I do know that some passengers had water problems, but we did not. I as well as all the other passengers felt terrible for these folks. Speaking of passengers, we had probably the best group of Trans-Atlantic sailors imaginable. And that included some first time crossers. We also had an unbelievable first few days. The waves were quite huge. The swells very long and the ship was quite tossed around. To give you an idea, we ate at the Veranda the first night and during dinner we hit a huge swell and my chair and I went flying across the room. We watched at the Sky Bar a full tray of glasses go smashing down and we watched as most everyone held on for dear life. Another funny thing happened when a first timer asked me and Marja how many diners we thought would be eating that night? Marja and I looked at each other and then back at her and said at the same time "Everyone". If a person is prone to seasickness, then they shouldn't do a Trans-Atlantic on a small ship.

The food was fabulous and we closed the dining room most nights. As a matter of fact, I think we were thrown out of every dining room at one time or another. I can't say enough about our cruise director "Nick" and his assistant, "Beth". These people are not to be believed. The entertainment was outstanding, with "Oasis" in the club as my personal favorites. Jason Ridgeway, a classical pianist was excellent and a wonderful addition to the entrtainment. Plus we also had the outstanding magician, "Craig Diamond". "Liars Club", was so packed, they had to get extra chairs.

Trivia was one of the most civilized I have ever seen on Seabourn. Everyone applauded the winners at the end and were happy for them. No unsportsman-like behavior as I have seen on other cruises.

All in all we were beyond thrilled and have already booked the Legend for April. I cryed terribly when we had to say goodbye to so many new friends. I guess I'm just a softy at heart.

BTW, I met many lurkers on this trip and it's quite amazing how popular Cruise Citic has become.


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Hi Howard,


lovely to read your review. I am so glad you enjoyed the cruise and fellow cruisers were wonderful. Just goes to prove, the experience is what you make of it.


Regards Alfa

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Hi Howard.


I concur with everything you said. It was a great pleasure to meet you and Derek - thanks for the dance in The Club. You are quite the hoofer, and I'm still amazed that I managed to not go sprawling on the dance floor, despite the twirls you had me making (and the pitching of the ship didn't help either!).


BTW, I intend to keep you on as my "Shadkhan"(sp?), so if you still want that 10% fee, keep looking!:D



One of those "lurkers".;)

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Hi Howard, I enjoyed your review of my favourite ship. You mentioned Nick the Cruise Director and Sean in the club both are favourites of ours and we hope they will still be on board on the 21st Dec when we start the Christmas/New Year cruise. I am now counting the days.

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Nick Hale leaves Dec. 16th for his R&R ~~we will miss him as he's one of my favorites as well. Jan S. comes aboard the Spirit in St Thomas on Dec. 16th. Not sure as to the Assn. CD's

Good news.....Nelson will be at the Sky Bar and Shawn is in the Club.

Also Cheffy Bjoern will still be aboard! Yipppeee! I heard from good friends aboard the Spirit TA that Bjoern's food was the best they had ever had on Seabourn!:p Tracy, Ex Housekeeper leaves in Ft Laud., Dec. 21st ~~she's a doll!

Happy Sailing ~

Martita B

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>"If a person is prone to seasickness, then they shouldn't do a Trans-Atlantic on a small ship."

The worst weather and tossing and heaving I had was on the QM2 off the coast of North Carolina in a nor'easter. Worse than any ecperience on the northern Pride crossings. Of course, I was on Deck 11.

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You about covered it, Howard!! There should be some OTC drug for Seabourn withdrawal (oh wait - there is!!! It's called....(insert your drink of choice) - but it's never the same if not served by Sean or Nelson!)


Since you mention our rock 'n' rolling, let's give another plug here for the Sea-Band wrist bands. My spouse has had 'issues' on our four other cruises (all of which featured a little motion...of the sea). The bands made this one...smooth sailing.


I almost ran out of room on the comment card, trying to list all the wonderful, exceptional Seabourn staffers...and at that, still missed many. Agree with you on the food. And while you are singling people out, may I add Julien in the dining room? His interest and counsel made our BD celebration extra-special.


Now...if only I could get the DH to remember to address me as "Madame."

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Glad you all enjoyed the TA. Was she looking good after the drydock?

Any significant changes?


You are all correct about seabourn.... after our first trip in October i have really wanted to go again.


Well we booked yesterday Olympia west in May 2010. counting the days already.


Hopefully shawn and Nick will be there.


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Glad you all enjoyed the TA. Was she looking good after the drydock?

Any significant changes?


You are all correct about seabourn.... after our first trip in October i have really wanted to go again.


Well we booked yesterday Olympia west in May 2010. counting the days already.


Hopefully shawn and Nick will be there.



Lucky you Linda! I think we met in October on Spirit. Did we chat whilst waiting for the coach in Palma with you? We were with our American Friends... I'm still having withdrawal symptoms from the cruise and can't wait to go again, just not sure when or where. Our friends have just come back from the Caribbean so can't wait to hear their stories! :D

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Constance331, there is no getting out of our contract. We shook hands on it. I'm looking, trust me. Famous last words, no? ltsally; You are truly the best. And Jack isn't too bad either. The best changes that I could tell was the main dining room. The room is now lush and elegant. The colors are perfect and it makes the room beautiful. I also must mention the new dining room chairs. Absolutely perfect. We found it too easy to sit in them for upwards of 3 hours. I did tell you we closed most dining rooms on board. Yes, sadly to say, but Nick is going on Christmas holiday to spend time with his family. He hasn't seen them in a long time. There were so many wonderful staffers, as ltsally says, that I would need the entire thread just to mention them all. To say that Seabourn makes one feel like family is to hit the nail on the head.

Thanks to all for making this my best vacation,


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I'd like to second what Howard said. Thanks to all who made this a really special vacation for me, especially Roxanne, Raona, Howard, Will, Licia, Marja, Renee, Michael, Susanna, Pat, Mick, Jeff, Paulette, Helen, Susan, Miko as well as so many others. All the staff and crew, especially Beth, Nick, Michael, Christina, Speedy, Allison, John, Antje, waiters Chai, Deon, waitresses Leigh, Virginia, Susanne. Chef Bjoern and his incredible kitchen staff. Bartenders Nelson, Joszeph, Heidi and Sean.

My stewardess Shireen. All these, and many, many others. Back at work now, where I don't want to be!

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Lucky you Linda! I think we met in October on Spirit. Did we chat whilst waiting for the coach in Palma with you? We were with our American Friends... I'm still having withdrawal symptoms from the cruise and can't wait to go again, just not sure when or where. Our friends have just come back from the Caribbean so can't wait to hear their stories! :D


Hi Rapunzal, sorry it was not me in Palma, we were on from 17th at Venice to Rome then we had to get off.... I did try clinging to Nick..... but darn it he let me go.


I have been having withdrawal symptoms ever since so really looking forward to getting back.


Thanks for the update on the refurb. I thought it looked wonderful to start with, perhaps they were just updating colours.


Must look at how i do a countdown clock. Maybe meet you next time.



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From the "Oasis" lounge in New York, waiting for our flight on KLM to Amsterdam:

Thanks all my Seabourn old and new friends for a wonderful crossing and extra 5 days on the "Seabourn Construction". Sorry, of course I mean the "Seabourn Spirit".:D:eek::p I just couldn't help mentioning this name at least once.....

The people - and I mean guests, crew and staff really made my holiday. Again I felt on top of the world.

Unfortunately - and yes, this is Cruise Critic - I would not be honest if I didn't let you know, that the ship was absolutely not ready for us yet. There was so much work going on the whole day and for quite some time, that it wasn't always nice to be on her. During my walks in the morning I met more workmen than crew or guests and the smell of paint was everywhere. Due to the work and weather there were a lot of delays and cancellations. I really think Seabourn was not lucky with this dry dock. Everybody worked very hard to make up for it, but she just was not up to date yet. I felt sorry for everyone who did there utmost to accomodate us, but from my point of view, there was a lot going wrong.

However the Spirit does look very elegant with the new carpets and sheers, chairs and bar stools in the Club, that are not very handy to climb on. In some areas there are a few too many different carpets though, too many colours and styles. But once you are in the lounges or restaurant, there is a good atmosphere. I took some photos that I will share with you once I get home and after I have sorted things out.

I agree that the food was very good and that most of the crew were outstanding. Yes, some of them still have a lot to learn, but with the good attitude I hope they will manage. For the "old" crew it is hard work sometimes to train them and get them going the Seabourn style! I gave some of them some positive advice that I hope will help them.

Once more: I had a wonderful time with quite a few of the guests and crew!

I hope to be home in about 12 hours from now and we already are pretty tired. So this is it for now folks!


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I, of course, must agree with Marja. There was a lot of construction going on. It seems the Portugese were not up to the task of doing everything that had been contracted. I met a couple of people from Partugal and Madeira and they said, "We could have told Seabourn about that, if we'd been asked". A case of too little too late. But, since I personally was not affected by this so I took it in stride. But, sometimes the smell of paint and such in the morning was a bit much. Also want to mention that the walking track on deck 8 could use a little help from the guest who run up very early in the morning and throw books and towels down and reposition their deck chairs and we walkers have an obstacle course in the AM.

Regarding the barstools in the club, Marja is right on the money there. Impossible to get in to and too many of them. I don't think I sat at that bar more than once. Luckily, this was Sean's bar and he made it very friendly.

Marja, I forgot you weere staying on for 5 more days. I hope things went better for you, but since the ship was able to leave Ft. Lauderdale, that means they passed all of the US Coast Guards tests. Thank goodness for some things, right? Welcome home and thank you for your good company.


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Hi Howard!

Thank you and likewise .... you were my best dance partner!

We got home this morning and now I finished unpacking, but laundry will be a pain! I did not sleep at all last night in the plane. Oops am I tired...

Oh yes, the inspection in Ft. Lauderdale went very well. I witnessed part of it and man were they sweating! But I think they received 94 points, which of course is very good. We missed our breakfast because of the procedure, but had some "Danish" instead (which are not Danish by the way like our Danish friends told us during the cruise).

Sail away from Ft. Lauderdale was postponed because we were receiving spare parts and carpets were being replaced due to leakage.

Again we had strong winds and many were seasick. The last days were very nice and warm. Jost van Dyke was very nice. Too bad there was no beach BBQ.

More later.

Now a glass of wine and (grand)children visiting.


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Great, Howard - I know I can count on you! Just let me know which sailing to be on, and I'll utilize the shipboard open booking I just made on the crossing.;)


Jerry, it was a pleasure sharing those dinners with you (not to mention those countless flutes of champagne). And thanks for the camaraderie at Trivia. While our team didn't win, it was tremendous fun! I hope you find plentiful quantities of those yummy Belgium Fries on your next SB sailing.:D


Marja - it was an honor to be in the fashion show with you - I will treasure the CD Beth presented us. We are looking good, don't you agree?

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Marja, you are too kind. Constance331, we are currently booked on the "Legend" for 2010, if you really really do care.

I have heard from a crew member on board that our beloved "Nick", cruise director extroadinaire, reads these boards and this then is for you, "YOU ARE THE BEST".

I am so going to miss everyone and can only hope that we all have the opportunity to sail together again.


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I have heard from a crew member on board that our beloved "Nick", cruise director extroadinaire, reads these boards


Really? Well, if this is the case, then: Nick - you really are extraordinary, and I don't intend on sailing a Seabourn vessel again unless you're onboard as CD.


Yours truly,

The Gal from You-Got-A-Problem-With-That, New York.:D

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Just got home from the extended crossing via St Thomas! More to say than I can do in one post. I agree, Howard et all, that the crew was superb. They are all like family. It was fun to see them congratulating and hugging each other as they received the news that the Coast Guard inspection in Fort Lauderdale passed with flying colors. I took pictures during inspection and the looks of all were very tense!


This was our first extended cruise and we were shocked at the difference between the crowd on the crossing and the group for the five day Ft Lauderdale to St Thomas. I think the crew was definitely shocked! I heard from one couple that someone onboard was so "out of sorts" with the crew that after the first two days, he wrote a four page letter of complaint to the captain. Imagine!! And about the Spirit crew! I was one of those who did not have enough room on the Guest Comment card for all the praise. So many names mentioned. For instance, we had room service every morning for seventeen days because I get up so early and love my coffee. Tomas, who is in charge of room service, as well as Matthes, Nino and Craig, know that my husband loves to sleep late. They would never even ring the doorbell. Just a gentle tap! I think that many of the "five day" group have no idea what true service is about. I appreciate all the Spirit crew and hope there will be many more experiences with the Spirit.


Just a short mention of thanks to all the CC'ers out there who were on the crossing. It was truly wonderful to meet you and also see old friends.


Howard and Derek- Paul and I look forward to seeing you again in April on the Legend. And I'll try to send you a picture of my needlepoint clad dining room!



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Welcome home Ginger (and Marja!) - Complaints about the crew??? What could that be about?? What on earth are peoples' expectations? Our cabin stewardess, the delightful Claire, chuckled when I teared up as I hugged her goodbye. Start to finish, I thought every Seabourn staff and crew member did a fantastic job - and Nick...well, words fail (but they're all good!).


Glad to hear Spirit did so well passing the USCG exam.

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It was great to meet you on board; thank you for helping to make the crossing another fabulous trip on Seabourn.


It goes without saying that , in spite of the problems with the ship, coming out of dry dock, the amazing crew and their cheerfulness and hard work, made this yet another incomparable holiday, much aided by the great guests too, from honeymooners to old timers ( well, experienced Seabourners, but not so old :D)


Looking forward to meeting you all again ( and thanks ,especially, to Marja for the great photos, which are a lovely reminder)


I'll add my praise for Nick...you were amazing!


Sam & David

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