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Veendam.....January 3, 2005 Some Comments


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I do not wish to recommend where you should dine in the evenings. Our tastes rarely coincide and we agree about very little so I do not think what we enjoyed would necessarily please you. I would not want to mislead you into going someplace you would be displeased with or would find to pricey or would not like for any reason.

I'm not sure who this reply is addressing, but if me then I have no idea what you are talking about. I certainly have never had anything taken off a bill re restaurants or know anything about a problem with sausage.


I do know that our tastes coincide in almost every respect- suites only, midship, we have eaten in many of the restaurants in FLL I have read you mention and are staying at the Hyatt Pier 66, Tower Room, our next cruise and at the Waterside our fall cruise. Which is exactly why I was interested in your opinion re restaurants in Tampa. Sarasota and Naples I know well and could recommend the best; Tampa I am not as familiar with and we will not be driving further south on our trip to Tampa. I was hoping to get your ideas of what you enjoyed outside the hotel restaurants. I know Berns and Columbia were recommended to you, but with 4 nights in Tampa you obviously have opinions of dining that would be of interest to me and many others on the board, I'm sure.


You had asked for dining recs before you went to Tampa and all I was asking for was the same. Can't speak for Esme.

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...I don't think by any means your comment on the virus problem was obsessive or overstated; indeed you almost 'soft-pedaled' your own illness. Our comments (mine anyway) were merely due to our concern for a CCer. Your observation that it is spread thru ignorance/selfishness is well noted.



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...I don't think by any means your comment on the virus problem was obsessive or overstated; indeed you almost 'soft-pedaled' your own illness. Our comments (mine anyway) were merely due to our concern for a CCer. Your observation that it is spread thru ignorance/selfishness is well noted.







My comments are meant to be fully directed in two distinct directions:


(a) EVERYONE is susceptible and no matter how careful you are, you [like me] can find yourself very shocked to succumb.


(b) EVERYONE who contracts this 'stinking' [no pun intended] virus, should think of someone besides themselves and STAY in your cabin. It wrecks such havoc aboard the ship when it spreads that it not only makes others sick but severely impacts the enjoyment of others who do not become ill. I find Lido most unpleasant when stewards have to serve out my salad bar. I don't like telling them I'd like more mushrooms, I don't want carrots, I would like the thinnner sliced onions not the thick slab....... A salad bar is intended to be self-serve and when it cannot be, I cannot enjoy it. THAT IS WHAT I EAT for Lunch everyday. My lunch was no longer the way I like it. And more of the same sort of thing for everyone....

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I'm always sorry to hear of anyone getting sick on their cruise.

Its surprising to me that this type of thing doesnt hapen more often. I suppose the cruiselines are doing something right or these events would be happening more often. As always, a few can cause suffering for many.

I had colds on a few cruises. They always started in the middle of the cruise. I finally figured out that I was catching them on the "flying germ machines" on the way to the cruise. The last few cruises I have driven to the port, and no colds. This virus thing is a lot tougher to avoid I guess.

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sail7seas - I'm glad all was OK on the Veendam (the virus is a real bummer though, but nothing HAL could do about that). My wife and mother-in-law got on the ship the day you got off. She told me that they didn't get on until about 2:30 due to the sanitization of the ship by the extra crew they brought on board. HAL offered to completely refund anyone who didn't want to take the cruise after the virus outbreak. In addition, they told the crowd waiting to get on that they would reimburse them up to $10 for a meal at one of the nearby restaurants if they provided a receipt. I think that was quite decent of HAL to make those offers.


I'm glad to see that you enjoyed Tampa, and the Marriott Waterside. I was one of those recommending that hotel (I had the pictures), as well as Bern's, Valencia Garden and Columbia. If you tried one of those restaurants, I sure hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully you got a chance to ride the street cars too.


I'll have to remember your experience at the Wyndam Harbour Island just in case someone asks about that hotel someday. I thought Wyndam Hotels would be better than that, but you never know. I stayed on the penthouse floor of the Sheraton Hotel in Charleston, SC one time, and they were having a dog show right there in the hotel conference center. Dogs (big weimeraners) were in rooms all over the place, barking their lungs out :mad: . That was bad, and we still remember it often.

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Cracker Ken....



Thank you very much for your excellent recommendations. Your pictures were WONDERFUL and made us eager to get to the Waterside. We were not disappointed in the least and would heartily recommend and return there.


Wyndam is ready for some renovations and a good clean up. The carpet in the lobby opposite the reception desk is so stained and dirty that it gave me the shivers while we sat their briefly waiting for our room to be ready. Our room wasn't much cleaner IMO There was a round, marble topped table in our room that had glass ring marks all over it and needed a good washing. The bathroom seemed clean though.


The trolley is charming and Tampa is a very modern, very nice city and the Channelside area is so pleasant to browse around.


We walked back up to Veendam from our hotel and got a copy of the letter passed out to embarking pax. You stated it exactly correctly. We also chatted with some folks who were having lunch and they were saving their receipt to be reimbursed.


Did you hear if there are any cases of Norwalk on the current cruise? I'm wondering if they successfully got rid of it with the super-sanitizing.


I hope your wife and Mother-in-law have a great time and remain healthy. Please post some comments about their cruise when they return.


Thank you again for your excellent suggestions ....they were very, very helpful to us.

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Sail7seas - I haven't heard from my wife since she called me on her cell phone before the ship sailed. I'll find out next Saturday and let you know. She did mention that all of the disease prevention protocols were in still place. Let's hope the virus left the ship with the passengers. If not, I'll surely hear about it (especially if DW got it).


I hate it when these virus outbreaks happen. The uninformed public always gets the impression (and the media loves to reinforce it) that it's something folks catch on ships, like it's a virus unique to cruise ships. People tell me I'm crazy for cruising since I can catch these "dreaded diseases" on ships (I think they are just jealous). I wonder what people blame it on when they get the same virus, and have never been near a cruise ship?:rolleyes:



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I quite agree, Ken. While it was not pleasant contracting it while cruising, it will not keep us from cruising again. We are well aware that we could well catch it at any local restaurant, school, nursing home etc etc

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Good morning to all. About the virus, its nasty and spreads like wildfire. I work in a hospital and our ER has been overflowing with people that have contracted this virus so it is defineatly NOT a ship only problem(we are jo where near a port well in the winter anyway they do sail out of baltimore during the summer months).

My mom was on this sailing, and was just telling me about the outbreak they had (fortunaltey neither she or my step father got it). In particular about a lovely couple in their 80s they dined with, they live close to them in Florida. The woman called to ask if my mom had gotten the virus and to tell her they came down with it the day after they returned. Her husband has a heart condition so off to the hospital they went, unfortunatley he succumed to the virus and died a day later.

Darn I wish they had a spell check on this Im sure I have misspelled several words here.:( So please excuse any that you find..

I also see RCCL has now come down with an outbreak so tis the season..and no vaccine to prevent it..

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sail7seas - ....... She told me that they didn't get on until about 2:30 due to the sanitization of the ship by the extra crew they brought on board. HAL offered to completely refund anyone who didn't want to take the cruise after the virus outbreak. In addition, they told the crowd waiting to get on that they would reimburse them up to $10 for a meal at one of the nearby restaurants if they provided a receipt. I think that was quite decent of HAL to make those offers.


Cracker Ken, I think it is absolutely amazing of HAL to make these offers!!! It also should exempt them from any complaints by passengers falling ill since they were offered a full refund should they not want to risk it for any reason. And to top that off with a reimbursement for a meal in FLL is just extraordinary.

My hats off to HAL for this!!! Excellent Customer Service:) and they should be applauded. There's no reason in the world they had to do it.

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Sail7seas - finally found your review - it was great.

SO SORRY to learn that you came down with the Norvo virus. We have been on so so many ships when the virus broke out - Amsterdam - Ryndam - Statendam. And so far we have been fortunate not to get the virus.

And the virus is going around on the ships. When we were in Ft Lauderdale, the virus was on the Enchantment of the Seas when she pulled in on the 8th of January - made the newspapers.

This morning there was a couple on Good Morning America who had been on the Mariner of the Seas and came down with the virus.

But glad to hear that you are feeling better.

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We also have been aboard many times when the virus was present and we never contracted it. I believe that since my illness last year, I am more susceptible to getting 'whatever is going around'. Thankfully, because we are so very careful and know the proper precautions, DH did not get it from me.

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I especially enjoyed your review since we were on the Veendam in December and found her to be better than we last cruised with her in 2002. Interesting that we both had the same waiters and cabin attendants- both wonderful. Mila was in the Neptune Lounge and I am surprised that she had been replaced.


Our snow is melting but more is comming tonight. Good luck, you people always seem to get more than us. We only got 14 inches this past weekend.

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Sail- did you get a flu shot this year? Have you gotten the pneumonia shot?

Our doctor thinks that because we keep up with all our shots including each year along with already having the Hep A and B, tetnus, diptheria, typhoid, etc., we have been and are building up our immune systems.

DH had a heart attack in 2000 and his immune system is not as strong as it used to be. He was one who never got a cold or anything. I always got bronchitis every year, yet he never got sick. Now when I get an URI he will sometimes get sick.

So - get those shots. It can't hurt and who knows - maybe they will help.

When we were on the Amsterdam when the first major outbreak happen, we were at a table for 4 and the wife of the other couple got the virus. And she stayed in her cabin for only 24 hours. Her husband never missed a meal at the table. She missed only 1 dinner.

Of all people I would never have thought that you would get sick.

Did your DH stay with you and take care of you?

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I always have a bottle of Purell in my purse.....not just on ships but at home as well. I carry (and use) alcohol hand wipes everywhere. DH and I do not just practice these habits when cruising.


Sail: Purell is the product I carry with me too. As I mentioned on the VIRUS thread I travel with a plastic bottle of anti-bacterial liquid soap which I use in the stateroom.


This is problem that is going to be with us for until the virus is defeated.

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I did get the flu shot this year as my doctor considered me in the risk category. I never used to get whatever bug, virus or cold was floating around but I seem to now. I see one of my docs on Friday and will discuss this Norwalk business with him.


DH was with me about 22 out of 24 hours while I was the sickest. He came and went a few times.....like to go to the dining room to tip the stewards. But, of course, we shared the bed/bathroom and when we left the ship, we stayed post cruise in a hotel in Tampa. We were extremely careful and he did not get the 'crud' as I call it. And, boy, did I feel guilty checking into a hotel knowing I was still contagious!!! What was I to do? Sleep in the park?


Believe me..... I am about the last one you would expect would get that virus. That is my reason for stressing how very important it is for those who get sick to THINK OF SOMEONE/EVERYONE besides just yourself. STAY IN YOUR CABIN as requested/required!!!

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Sail: Purell is the product I carry with me too. As I mentioned on the VIRUS thread I travel with a plastic bottle of anti-bacterial liquid soap which I use in the stateroom.


This is problem that is going to be with us for until the virus is defeated.


Unfortunately, I think it will be defeated just about when they find a cure for the common cold. This virus is just about as common/prevalent/present in our society.

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Thank you Sail, for taking the time and making the effort to give a thorough review of your experience and impressions of the Veendam on that sailing.


This info is especially important to me because I hope to be scheduling a cruise for ourselves and two family members in the Fall. They will be taking their first cruise so I want it to be a real showcase of the best HAL offers. Veendam is one of the few ships that has an itinerary they would enjoy in the time frame that fits our needs. Sounds like we would be making a good choice to sail on her.






Did you decide to book you family on Veendam? I hope so. I really think you and they will really enjoy yourselves. She's a beautiful ship. Are you thinking of sailing in Alaska or waiting until she repositions back for the Caribbean?


If you have any specific questions, please ask away.

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When the Norvo virus broke out on the Ryndam while we were in Alaska in 2003, the captain put those who got sick off the ship immediately - no questions asked. So you can immagine that sick people were staying in hotels until arrangements were made for them to fly home.

The other ships that we were on, the captains did not put anyone off in any port.

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I read in today's Miami Herald that 107 passengers on the Jan. 15th sailing of the Veendam were ill with the virus. It also stated that 70 on our cruise became ill. I find it amazing that more people became ill after all the precautions the crew took in sanitizing the ship after we disembarked. I know one thing. It would never stop me from sailing on her. I loved the ship. The srticle also stated that ten ships had reported stomach-flu outbreaks in the last two months.This number more than doubled the the number recorded during the same period a year ago.



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