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Claire O'Brien and Webdesigner


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As you will have noticed the post Ernie eroller made with the excellent and very balanced review has been totally deleted. On the grounds of impartiality - it is hard to understand why. It is now really important that you continue with your excellent review.


Webdesigner - it is SO disappointing that the very interesting dialogue that we were having has been wiped along with the rest of the thread! It is a huge huge shame.


Whatever happened to "FREE SPEECH" especially when there was no political, racial, nationalistic, religious, offensive or otherwise contentious comment.

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I'm not sure why it was deleted. It was not "copyrighted" and in fact became public information when it was posted to another message board on the Internet. CC does not permit links to other message boards which is why I posted the review in it's entirety. I also gave full credit to the original author.


Frankly I think CC sometimes does it's members a disservice by their "selective" censorship. That review gave a well balanced opinion of MSC that I felt was extremely useful to the readers of this board. I guess someone else felt otherwise.



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Ernie -agree with you.


Not long now and then you are on the high seas! Have a ball.


Think of us - and post YOUR comments warts and all once you are home.

Au Revoir or should that be Bon Voyage.

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For goodness sake this is ridiculous. The writer is a CC member himself, and posted about the cruise before he went in this forum too, so Howie perhaps you could post it again here yourself please?


For some unknown reason the CC PTB do not like MSC, half the ships are still not listed, and some reviews submitted never posted.

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It was not "copyrighted" and in fact became public information when it was posted to another message board on the Internet. CC does not permit links to other message boards which is why I posted the review in it's entirety. I also gave full credit to the original author.


Just because something is open to public view doesn't mean it's not copyrighted. Even crediting it does not give you the right to copy it.


Most websites including this one is copyrighted. Just look at the bottom of this page. On bulletin boards if you read the terms of usage, chances are you will find that all postings automatically become the property of the site owner. So even if you are the author, once you post it on one bb, you can't post it on another.


Websites make their money from page views and advertising on them, and they've started to enforce their copyrights especially on bulletin boards. My guess is that CC, like several other bulletin boards has been made painfully aware of this because the suits are based on the number of illegal "copies" they "distribute" and for bb's that means the number times the page has been viewed which can be hundreds in a short amount of time. I suppose they could turn around and sue the poster after they get sued or make a settlement, but I haven't heard of that happening yet.


That's probably why CC cracked down on copyrighted material a few months ago.



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There must be a huge number of very worried CC members around!


Those people who have pasted the identical reviews and posts on dozens of different sites uner the "Review" sections and also on message boards!

Some keep returning to say "READ THE REVIEWS".

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Most websites including this one is copyrighted. Just look at the bottom of this page. On bulletin boards if you read the terms of usage, chances are you will find that all postings automatically become the property of the site owner. So even if you are the author, once you post it on one bb, you can't post it on another.






FYI Jane, the review was not from a website, copyrighted or otherwise. It was from a usenet newsgroup called r.t.c. It's a completely public forum that is not "owned" by anyone or even moderated.


As far as not being able to post your reviews to multiple boards, that is BS. I've posted my reviews all over the place with absolutely no problem. You might want to check your sources.


Ernie - boarding MSC OPERA in a few hours. It's a beautiful day here in Florida.

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Ernie, we're waiting with bated breath to hear about your experience. And if it helps ... it's currently 39 degrees in Atlanta and going downhill fast!.



Well I'm back ... sort of. I'm at my mom's in Naples, FL since Atlanta is iced-in (crazy weather!). All the flights were canceled. It must really be a nightmare for all those passengers trying to get to the ships today. I'm sure many missed their cruise. Anyway, I'll fly home tomorrow morning.


Regarding the cruise, it was really fantastic! I loved the ship ... there is so much public space per passenger. The amount of public rooms is amazing not to mention the variety of bands, bars, and dance floors. Most of all, I loved the Italian/European atmosphere. It was a breath of fresh air and the most refreshing cruise I have taken in a long time. I can't say enough about the staff, entertainment, and of course the energetic Animation Team! They were amazing. What other cruise line schedules an activity at 1:15am?? These guys always looked like they were having such a great time and I just wonder where they get all their energy from. I really admired them.


Dinners were fantastic. The best I've had since Silversea. The pasta dishes and bread were to die for. Our wait staff was wonderful and I was even granted a specific table I requested. I actually faxed the Maitre d' directly four days before the cruise and requested a large, round table by the aft windows of the smaller L'Aprodo Restaurant. My wishes were granted so I was quite impressed. A reservation card was waiting in my cabin, and sure enough we were escorted the first night to the exact location I had requested.


There were a few minor details that could use improving, and I'll discuss those in the full review I'll be writing. Even so, MSC gets really high marks from me and I would sail them again in a heartbeat. My only wish is that they don't change and become too Americanized. It was everything European about the line that I truly enjoyed. I felt more like I was cruising the Med. than the Caribbean. It was also the things MSC doesn't do which I found refreshing. No bargain basement tables in the lobby selling $10 t-shirts. No art auctions. No announcements. No pushing drinks. Unlimited large towels by the pool. Fresh fruit everyday in the cabin. In a nutshell, it was very civilized.


I wish MSC all the success in the world. They are not for everyone but for those that enjoy a multi-cultural experience at sea, you can't beat it.




ps - what a great looking crew! Probably the best looking I have ever seen on a cruise ship. Also much more officer/staff interaction with passengers then I have ever seen. This made for a great evening atmosphere in the lounges.

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Ernie - welcome back! Delighted that your experience has matched ours and really look forward to the FULL story.


UMMM! Can you e-mail that magic fax number? Would appricate that!


Have a safe journey homw to Atlanta. The weather can play havoc with plans. Last year on our flight to board Lirica Vienna airport was closed through snow as we were preparing for take-off! At least we had a day in hand and all worked out well!

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Ernie, we can't wait for the full review. It sounds like you had a great time, and as far as I'm concerned Feb. 26 can't come around soon enough! Good luck getting into Atlanta today: There's ice on the trees; it's misty -- quite surreal. I'm sure all you care about, however, is a realistic chance at a flight back!

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looking forward to reading your review. Can you share the reason why you chose that table, in that dining room?





From all the reviews I had read, most people seemed to prefer the L'Approdo Restaurant. It's smaller, more intimate, and has views directly off the stern of the ship through large windows. I also read repeatedly that the food and service was superior in this dining room. I never ate in the larger dining room so I can't speak for the food and service there, but it would be hard to top the food and service I received in the L'Approdo.


Regarding the table ... I wanted a large, round table for eight that was adjacent to the large aft windows of the dining room. I received exactly what I wished for and in fact we added a chair making ours a table for nine. It was still spacious enough.



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How did you get their fax #? Did you hear any complaints about the service in the other dining room during your trip?



The fax number is in the guide book that comes with your documents. It's also posted on one of the MSC threads on this board.


I didn't hear any complaints about the other dining room on my cruise, but then again I try to avoid chronic complainers. If I do hear a group of people complaining (which I actually didn't on this cruise), I usually head in the opposite direction as fast as a can. ;)



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Were there many large tables?


I already called and asked them to put us at a large table in that dining room, but I guess Faxing might be a way to help ensure the message reaches the correct people. I didn't specify a table location, and while the window is always nice, my only requirement is usually that I'm not right up against a bus station or aisle where huge trays are being balanced over my head, and that I am at a large table because it's nice to meet people. The problem is that if the little diagram of the dining room in the deck plan is accurate, there only appeared to be about two large tables total.


Is this accurate or were there actually more? It looked like most of the tables were for four.


BTW, my boyfriend and I will be on the Feb 5th sailing and are really looking forward to reading your review! Thanks for the very positive pre-review.

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I found on the Opera most of the tables were for parties of 4, some for 2 and not very many for 8. I was very disappointed not to get a table for 8 as I requested as I always like to meet new people and find it hard to keep up conversation with the same couple for 7 days, or in our case 12 days. We stood in line for about 45 minutes in an attempt to change our table on embarkation day however we were told there were none available in either dining room.

Hope you all have better luck

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All right, we want the details. We have not received our documents yet and we are travelling with another couple and their child. We told our agent that we want to eat together. Can I please have the FAX # so that I can confirm with the cruise? Also, any good shore excusions for teenage boys? I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip.

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I found on the Opera most of the tables were for parties of 4, some for 2 and not very many for 8. I was very disappointed not to get a table for 8 as I requested as I always like to meet new people and find it hard to keep up conversation with the same couple for 7 days


Thanks for the info. Yes I will also be very disappointed with a table for 4 because that is really a roll of the dice that you will just happen to get a couple you really hit it off with. I also love to talk with a variety of people, and also sometimes like the option to be silent and listen periodically to other people.


Were there literally just a couple of tables for 8 like on that deck plan? Now that I'm going back and looking, it seems like 4 tables for 8 and possibly a few more for 6. I'm talking strictly about L'Approdo, because the other dining room doesn't appear to have any for 8.


Has anyone had any trouble getting early seating? I don't think I could be at dinner 'till 10pm if I have to be getting off the ship by 7 on most of our port days.


Still looking forward, but keeping my fingers crossed...

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Welcome back Ernie. Count me in as looking forward to your full review. Love hearing that others had the same experience I did. :D

Regarding table sizes, we requested a table for 8 which we received AND when we asked to be moved to the other dining room there was no problem PLUS we were able to move everyone at our table.

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Thanks for the Review, Im on the Mar 5th cruise and after your review I am at easy. What type of music is played in the lounges and bars. What entertainment group would you say is a must to see, and what shows are not to be missed. You said the TV programming could be better, what do they have. If you are the type not to lay in the sun, what is there to do on sea days. Great pictures, also do you have any pictures of the public spaces, thanks again for the review



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I apologize for the delay in responding to this issue.


Cruise Critic prohibits the copying of text from one place on the internet and pasting on our boards UNLESS YOU ARE THE AUTHOR.


In other words, you cannot go surfing the web, find a cruise review by someone else and post it here....even if you give the author credit.


What you can do is LINK to the review....yes, even if it is on another cruise website. That is fine with us. Something like "Hey, I found this great review on the Tuna of the Seas...here's a link!" would be ok.


We would prefer, as I'm guessing you all would too, that the authors themselves post their reviews on the boards, this way they are available to answer any questions our members may have, and hear what others have to say about their review.


Also, if you post a review anywhere on Cruise Critic you, as the author, can certainly repost that review anywhere you please. Better still, you can submit your review for publication here: Cruise Critic Member Reviews. After publication, we'll send you a link to your published review, which you can then use for posting just about anywhere.


I hope this clears up this issue. In the future, please feel free to write to me and ask about our policies, I'll be happy to answer. Also, just because another member "says" something doesn't make it so.....



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Cruise Critic prohibits the copying of text from one place on the internet and pasting on our boards UNLESS YOU ARE THE AUTHOR.


In other words, you cannot go surfing the web, find a cruise review by someone else and post it here....even if you give the author credit.


What you can do is LINK to the review....yes, even if it is on another cruise website. That is fine with us. Something like "Hey, I found this great review on the Tuna of the Seas...here's a link!" would be ok.




Thanks for the explanation. I did not copy the review from another website or I would have just posted a link. The review was posted at r.t.c., which stands for rec.travel.cruises. It's a Usenet newsgroup, owned by no-one and moderated by no-one. It's a completely public forum and you can't post a link because there is no web address. You need a newsgroup reader to read r.t.c. and some ISP's offer them and others do not. A few search engines like Google now have Usenet reading capabilities, but in a rather limited format.



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Ah, yes....good 'ol r.t.c......


I'll clarify...you cannot copy text from anywhere -- website, newsgroup, blog, message board, etc. --- and paste it here on our boards unless you are the author.



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Hi Ernie: I have had no luck with the fax number in the manual they send with the paperwork. It seems like there must be some numbers missing. (Like a country code or something like that) Did you have any trouble with your fax? I have tried the published number but it is not going through. Could you please email it to me at jotucker13@yahoo.com. I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoyed your pictures.....it looked like you all had a very good time. We are sooooooo looking forward to our trip. Thanks. Joan

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