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Carnival Pride Feb 14, 2010


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Hello everyone! We are on day 3 of our trip out of Baltimore and let me tell you, it is a great time despite the cold weather! For those of you traveling right after us, be sure to pack a few warm items to wear--pants, fleece, even gloves!! The seas were a bit rough the first couple days, to the point of two of the DS's getting sick. Currently we are in Port Canaveral and I am visiting friends and family at a hotel so I can post this. I will give you much more detail when I can get home and truly think about this.

But just quickly, we are having FUN, doing a lot of the tournaments, karaoke, trivia, shows, etc. that we may not have done if we had hot weather. Kids are having a blast and they are ages 10-15. They are LOVING it. A write on wipe off board has been fun on my DS's door. (Parents, have your own write on pen on your person....)

ALL the staff are FRIENDLY--it is amazing how friendly they are. Even dealing with vomit, they are pleasant about it....We paid our kind steward extra for that one (Martin)...

Gotta go, but I will post more of a review when we return. Honestly folks--all is going well to this point! Catch you when we get back...

Great food, good times... Judy

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I can't wait to hear more when you return. We are leaving on March 21st with a group of 10 which will include a 9 year old and a 15 year old so would like to hear about youth activities. If you save the capers, I would love a copy of them. Hope the sickness subsided.

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We are back from our wonderful Pride vacation. Let me regroup with who went in our party: Myself, DH and 4 boys--3 were mine ages 15,13,11 and a friend came along age 15 (Boy). Our traveling companions were another couple and their DS age 13 and DD age 10.

I want to start at the beginning. We left freezing cold Syracuse, NY area around 7 AM on the 14th. We arrived at the Port at 12:15. Usually this would be a great time to arrive, however this day the Pride had had ROUGH seas on their return and was late getting in. So, we pay cash ($105.00), drive thru the line to drop off the luggage which the DH loaded on the cart things with some help from a worker. (bad thing was he forgot one bag which was a soft side cooler with 2 12 packs soda in it) Park the car--and the previous group were still departing so there was some congestion in the lot and the snowbanks did not help. But, we are from the Syracuse area, so no big deal. We go into the terminal and join the crowd.

This whole part took about 45 mins. to one hour--Disney type lines through the security check--which I had 2 bottles of wine in my carryon. The scanner guy only said--you have 2 bottles--is your husband with you? And I said yes--he is right there. And no one LOOKED at the bottles to see if they were Really wine. I could have packed on anything that looks like a wine bottle. But, it was wine. (not being wine drinkers, the stuff came back with us--thought the friends would like it--no).

Anyway, get to the Carnival check in desk--we had a minor child friend with us and no official Carnival permission form. We had a note from his parents and the health insurance stuff, etc. That created a slight hold up and they showed us a form that they have, and had us fill it in...

Then we got to sit in a loading Zone area. We were Zone 6--round TWO. We sat at 2:20, they provided everyone with a box lunch with a sandwich (meat or veget.), chips, cookies and water. This was very organized and people were patient. We were on board at 3:30 and we slipped down to our room and threw the carryons in there with permission from the steward.

Off we went to Lido for a DOD --catching up to our friends who had already started. DOD was 7.50. I can't remember what it was--fun and fruity whatever it was.

We went to early dinner--dressed as we were--jeans, t shirts, sweatshirts, whatever....The line to get in each night was LONG. After the first 2 nights we figured out to show up at like 6:10 and we would walk right in. Since it was Valentine's day, all the ladies got a red carnation at dinner. At least I think it was because it was VD.

So, the first night is crazy on board--esp. , I think, for the room stewards. Our rooms were set up "wrong", and DS age 15, "it's all about me" was freaking out that the beds in the inside room that he was sharing with his friend were put together. (Orig. DH and I were going to take that room and have all 4 boys in an OV-we did notify the TA that we wanted to plan differently, but apparently the news did not hit Riviera deck) ). We changed plans because WW3, 4 and 5 would have ensued, so DH and I had the younger boys in with us in the OV--Level 1 Riviera. It was a wise move, as the 15 y.o.'s room smelled like a locker room all week and I felt sorry for Martin our steward who was AWESOME. Agus was his helper and he was AWESOME too.


The ship took off at like 8 PM that night.


Sorry, I am detailing way too much, so will try to pare down to the important stuff....


The room: As I said, we had an OV and one interior. Closets--are spacious. I counted 13 available hangers in each closet. (besides the ones the Robes are hanging on). I still brought extra hangers and was glad I did. There are two sections where clothes can be hung--however the lifejackets hog a lot of space in one closet. But that is OK, don't take so many clothes! There was a closet door that had 4 shelves about 20 x 18 inch in size. (each) There were 4 drawers of different sizes--one drawer had a blow dryer in it. 1 middle desk drawer, the fridge/storage space--we kept it locked up--a safe cabinet under the TV stand. Then there were 2 other shelves about 30 x 8 inches. Lots of storage. The last day we saw that there was storage under the bed in the OV room. Didn't need it though. Also found extra blankets under the beds--could have used that because the comforter was TOO HEAVY and I thought the room was too warm. And I am always cold, but I like to sleep in a cooled room. Couldn't get the temp to go lower. But, overall it was comfortable. The beds are very comfy. 11 y.o. DS loved the upper bunk-said it was very comfortable.


To me, the Bathroom was a good size, the shower was HOT and good pressure. Also, plenty of room for showering. Just make sure the kiddos keep the curtain inside the lip. BR has 6 different sized shelves to put stuff on, as well as two larger shelves on the bottom. There are tissues, shower gel and shampoo in a dispenser and in a basket on the counter were soap bars, toothpaste, a razor and a sample of pepcid. (hahaah). Oh, in the shower there is a 3 foot line for you to hang stuff on. Not enough space--I also hung some stuff on hangers and then hung them in the room. I think next time I will try those suction type hook things you can stick onto the wall....


Great service from the stewards--from day one he kept my stuff iced up in that foldable cooler that ripped it's way thru the long lines DH had to drag it through...Chris, the stuff was BL's--5 (x 6) packed in a 1 gallon ziplock throughout the luggage. 29 cans made it thru unscathed, one popped a hole, but that was what the ziplock was for. 1 large Pomigranite and a small Bacardi and vodka in a sippy, all OK. We drove, no airline, etc.....


So much for cutting back on details...


On Monday at 0615 we were outside Norfolk, VA. We liked watching the progress of the ship on the TV screen. It would also tell wind gusts and day two was rough. Winds at night were reaching 35-40 MPH and the two DS's were ill and you heard that story. So, they missed the first formal night.

We felt bad for our steward as it appeared he was catching heat from working late--well part of that was because of the DS and Martin had to find linen for not one bed, but 2 as this was not a pretty sight. The ship was very full this week as it was President's week, so it wasn't like he could rob a set of linens out of an unused room....We took care of him for all his extra work. Always with a smile. I pulled all the linen out of the room and told a steward up the hall what had happened...But somehow they dumped the contents in the hallway---I tried to tell them it was nasty! But anyway, they DS's were fine the rest of the trip.


Gym users: I went a few days to the gym. Inventory wise they have:

9 treadmills (one was out of order), 7 ellipticals, 5-6 bikes, 2 rowers and I saw one stepper. There is weight cicruit and I think free weights as well. An excercise ball was laying around. They have towels down there and cleaning spray and towels for cleaning. There is a hot tub, aerobic and yoga studio. I never saw the locker areas so cannot speak for the showers and such. There is a small running track on Deck 10 by the BB court and mini golf area.


We did pack our own soda--3 12 packs were checked in a large bag--along with a 6 pack of gingerale--just in case of stomach upset--and we used that. That was a heavy bag, but made it fine to the room. Also the add'l 12 packs that DH had to lug on board. As I said, we dropped that off right away in the rooms. At Canaveral, the 15 y.o's had to restock their soda and easily carried on 2 more 12 packs. We also brought on water bottles, which I would do again--good for excursions and just having on board.


Meet and Greet:

We went to the M&G as set up on the roll call. It was fun to meet the people I chatted with pretrip. (Hello to everyone!) We planned our M&G for 10 AM on Monday. With our late departure the night before, the Muster drill was delayed until 10 AM Monday, so our M&G was at 1030- ish.


Muster Drill: No lifejackets, same old squashed together outside though--so if it is chilly, go prepared! And hope you are squashed among people for warmth...:) No big deal--you just have to do it as they search the rooms and scatter you out...


Kids participated in some activities like a free throw contest--in high winds--it was quite comical, a bean bag game (3 of the boys did this and won a little medal), karaoke by my 15 yo DS and he also spent a lot of time in Club O2. He rec'd a mesh bag at Club O2 on day one and he reported that at times they would have free soda and sandwiches up there. There is also a Rock Band thing and just space for 15-17 year olds to hang out.


By Tuesday AM (0730) we were off the coast of GA/FL. Winds were at 40-47 MPH with huge swells outside. Air temp was 44 degrees and sea was 66... The winds calmed as the day went on down to 20-30 MPH.

I went to the Golf Talk, even though I had no intention on golfing this trip. He told of all the stops and where he would be golfing--prices range from $125 at Canaveral to $155 at Freeport to $200 in Nassau. You can get a private golf lesson on board--there is a net area set up for that on deck 9. (Brrr!) Golf lesson prices range from $25 for a swing check (15 Mins). to $45 30 min. lesson to $80 60 min. lesson to $99 a three lesson package of varying lengths---45, 30 and 20 minutes. Nice eye candy ladies...


I do have all my Capers--on the Pride they are still called Capers at this time...I am a scrapbooker, so I save all that stuff....


SO, in terms of Scrapbook Meet and Greet:

I went there the first day it was offered. Saw no one--just a table with scrapbooks set out and kits to buy. I waited, I looked around...No one seemed to run this...I guess it should be called, scrapbookers--"come buy stuff"...And I did.. A kit of papers and stickers, etc. for 11.95.


PHOTO gallery: Always fun to go check your family and friends out at the pictures. We had pictures taken whenever they offered them. What the heck. We only bought a couple though--as prices are 9.99 for a 4x6 candid to 12.99 for say, a port stop photo. We had a big group photo taken and that was an 8x10 for 21.99. And the prices go on and on and the frames and books, etc. Have fun with it. At least that is money that you can take home with you.......


We went to the shopping talk with Jennifer. We try for a free give away, but no luck this trip. If you are a serious shopper, this is a good talk to go to. Jennifer told us about the shopping in each port of call. And of course her favorite places--not sure of the benefit she receives from them for directing us all there, but whatever. She obviously enjoys the job--who wouldn't!



You need to get there, look thru the big book of songs they have available and wait your turn. People are all very nice and we only did the family karaoke times. For the kids.




I am not a gambler, our friend played a little, lost it after going up, but as the story goes, he went for more and there went his donation. Very smoky in there. As is the Sports Bar. (The DH's smoke, so we would try to hang out with the guys, but often they would go out on deck or in the above named places.....


Shows: Ventriloquist show was very good. Kids would like it--that was the night my youngest DS was sick. That was the one he would have liked the most. Allyn Ball, comedian, was good--for his family show as well as the adult show. The Carnival dancer shows were good as well. Wonderful World, Vroom and Carnival Legends were my favorite shows.

OK, enough for now. I will continue when I can. Any Q, feel free to ask, I will try to answer them. Sorry this is so long!:eek: Until Later... Judy

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Great summary of your trip. I will also be traveling with a 15 year old "all about me" so I can relate. Once you get settled, I would love a copy of your capers, if possible. My friend who is going is a scrapbooker, so I know she will be buying some stuff.

Welcome home!

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SJfarley--I would have NO idea how to transfer copies of the Capers online. Sorry. Jen--yes, after I got back to my cabin, I wished I knew your room so I could call you and meet up....Anyway....


Canaveral--we met up with family and friends who picked us up at the Port. We went to a store for snacks and sodas/beer, then went to Cocoa Beach and hung out. $7 to park at this time of year, the price will go up to $10 in March. (we asked). Our friends rented a car for $100 and drove themselves to Kennedy Space Center and then drove around Merritt Island for a bit. They were happy with their time in Canaveral. They did not prearrange a rental until they got to port, so there is probably better prices out there....


Nassau--still chilly here, so we left the ship around 1115 and went to the Straw Market. Went back to the ship for lunch then went on a partial walking tour. We used the Frommer walking tour and made it through to the fort. At the Queen's staircase, we were stopped by a local who filled us in on the history of the staircase (I guess) and we tipped him a couple bucks and went on our way. He said it was not mandatory to tip, but we did. We also saw a HUGE rat in the bushes....Huge. The kids wanted back to the ship, so we headed that way, stopping at HofferSports store. (I think that is the name). DS age 15 "all about me" saw sneakers in his gargantuan size 15, so he of course got them. No tax, Nike Air. HOWEVER, stupid DS age 15 left his backpack in the store with MY grey fleece with Baldwinsville Champions on it--so if any of you future cruisers see a Bahamian in such a grey fleece(softball) you'll know where it came from. His Fossil sunglasses were in there too--He bought those last year against my advice, due to a teen's ability to lose things....BINGO!


Freeport--FAVORITE stop for our group. We had prearranged a visit to Paradise Cove--all it took was letting Barry know the number of people in the party. NO money down, just a number. Horace was our bus driver and he took us out to the Cove, taking a slight detour to show us the residential areas and explaining things the whole way. He answered all our questions. Got to Paradise Cove around 9:30 AM And this is a GREAT snorkeling place. It has been a cold winter everywhere, but the water was bearable for northerners. Our friends rented wetsuits--I think they were $5 an hour, buy 2 hours get one free. The price was $35 adults, $20 kids under 12. You could add on $5 for a burger and drink, but we didn't do that, thinking it wasn't necessary as everyone was stuffing themselves half to death on the ship. Well, if you have kids with you, just add on the $5. We supported the Red Bar and snack shack quite nicely--chicken wings 6.50 for 6! Conch fritters (yum), beers and mixed drinks. DH said Sands beer is a little hoppy, but good. They had Bud Light for lighter drinkers. (Probably more, I just don't know what)

It was a sunny day, though cool, but bearable. The fish were in abundance once you get to the reef. You should be a strong swimmer to enjoy the snorkeling. For the same price you can choose to use a kayak instead and 2 in our party chose to do that. We saw barracudas, 2 sting rays, TONS of colorful fish and all sorts of coral. LOVED it. After about an hour, my fingertips were getting numb, so we decided to head in. It is a couple hundred yards at least to and from the reef. They had someone out in a boat when we were on the other side of the reef--so they really seem to keep an eye on you.

The boys played FB in the sand (DH brought one). There is also a VB net you can use, flush toilets are available and lounge chairs. The bad part is your time there is so short. If we had 2 more hours it would have been great.

Horace hung out the whole time and would take us back to the ship whenever we wanted. We left Paradise Cove at 12:50 or so and were back at the port at 1:15. Long line to get back on board, but it moved quickly. Small shops and a pavilion with a band as we waited. restrooms right there too.

I HIGHLY recommend Paradise Cove/Dead Man's Reef and owner Barry is top notch. :) So is Horace.


More later....

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saltzie--the drive from CNY is not bad. We had snow at first when we left in Syracuse, but once we were past Homer it cleared. It took us 5 hours and 10 minutes from Baldwinsville---and that was one pit stop. We were following the GPS, and as we passed a sign that said all ports exit here, we went right by that and ended up in downtown, going past Camden Yards (which was cool for the boys in the car)...So, I am not sure if there is more of an express route without having to cut through the downtown streets....

If I were you, I would leave home at 9 AM.

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saltzie--the drive from CNY is not bad. We had snow at first when we left in Syracuse, but once we were past Homer it cleared. It took us 5 hours and 10 minutes from Baldwinsville---and that was one pit stop. We were following the GPS, and as we passed a sign that said all ports exit here, we went right by that and ended up in downtown, going past Camden Yards (which was cool for the boys in the car)...So, I am not sure if there is more of an express route without having to cut through the downtown streets....

If I were you, I would leave home at 9 AM.


For the Port of Baltimore, come down 95 (from North) & stay in your right lane as you approach the Fort McHenry Tunnel. Once out of the tunnel you will exit the first exit (very close from when you exit the tunnel itself). Go straight to the light & make a left (it will be almost a U turn) & you would be where you go into the Port.


I don't think they really mark the exit after you get out of the tunnel- I would like to see a sign or something.


Once out of the tunnel- you will see the ship. Hope this helps!


Mary (aka the driver for my nephew's cruise in Jan- mine comes up on 4/25!)

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For the Port of Baltimore, come down 95 (from North) & stay in your right lane as you approach the Fort McHenry Tunnel. Once out of the tunnel you will exit the first exit (very close from when you exit the tunnel itself).

Mary (aka the driver for my nephew's cruise in Jan- mine comes up on 4/25!)


The exit is Key Highway...:) Be sure to bring your EZ Pass- it makes going through the tunnel so much quicker!!!


If you miss the exit- you'll get to see Baltimore Ravens Stadium and Camden Yards (where the Orioles play)...but for anyone from NY -just be sure not to be sporting any Yankees or Giants flags from your car! ;)


Hey Mary- have fun on 4/25...!

Take care,


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we will be on pride in april.. husband and I are bringing our 4 girls...15,13,13,&11!! sound familiar..and a 15 year old friend!!! did the kids have plenty to do??did they go to any of the kids clubs?...last time we cruised I couldnt drag them away from the kids clubs..they met a group of kids and had so much fun.. I think they are expecting the same!! glad you had fun!

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Freeport--FAVORITE stop for our group. We had prearranged a visit to Paradise Cove--all it took was letting Barry know the number of people in the party. NO money down, just a number. Horace was our bus driver and he took us out to the Cove, taking a slight detour to show us the residential areas and explaining things the whole way. He answered all our questions. Got to Paradise Cove around 9:30 AM And this is a GREAT snorkeling place. It has been a cold winter everywhere, but the water was bearable for northerners. Our friends rented wetsuits--I think they were $5 an hour, buy 2 hours get one free. The price was $35 adults, $20 kids under 12. You could add on $5 for a burger and drink, but we didn't do that, thinking it wasn't necessary as everyone was stuffing themselves half to death on the ship. Well, if you have kids with you, just add on the $5. We supported the Red Bar and snack shack quite nicely--chicken wings 6.50 for 6! Conch fritters (yum), beers and mixed drinks. DH said Sands beer is a little hoppy, but good. They had Bud Light for lighter drinkers. (Probably more, I just don't know what)

It was a sunny day, though cool, but bearable. The fish were in abundance once you get to the reef. You should be a strong swimmer to enjoy the snorkeling. For the same price you can choose to use a kayak instead and 2 in our party chose to do that. We saw barracudas, 2 sting rays, TONS of colorful fish and all sorts of coral. LOVED it. After about an hour, my fingertips were getting numb, so we decided to head in. It is a couple hundred yards at least to and from the reef. They had someone out in a boat when we were on the other side of the reef--so they really seem to keep an eye on you.

The boys played FB in the sand (DH brought one). There is also a VB net you can use, flush toilets are available and lounge chairs. The bad part is your time there is so short. If we had 2 more hours it would have been great.

Horace hung out the whole time and would take us back to the ship whenever we wanted. We left Paradise Cove at 12:50 or so and were back at the port at 1:15. Long line to get back on board, but it moved quickly. Small shops and a pavilion with a band as we waited. restrooms right there too.

I HIGHLY recommend Paradise Cove/Dead Man's Reef and owner Barry is top notch. :) So is Horace.


More later....


Hello Judy,


Thank you very much for that review. We will be on the Carnival Pride Easter week and I was interested in the Paradise Cove excursion. Did you make your arrangements for Paradise Cove prior to your cruise or on the day you arrived at Freeport? This is our first cruise so I am trying to map out the best way to go about doing the shore excursions. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


I look forward to your response.


Thank you,

Lisa :)

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NancyBruce5 There was plenty for the kids to do on board! The weather for you should be much warmer, so the swimming alone will give them that much more. My kids used the water slide once the whole trip. And it was still plenty cool. My 15 year old was at Club O2 mostly at night. He met up with kids there. The other boys spent a lot of time in the BB area. There is mini golf and karaoke, trivia, free throw tourneys and bean bag tourneys. The Capers will have all that listed. I encouraged the kids to check the shows out, but it wasn't mandatory. We were with another family and the kids were seen pretty much at dinner time. We would run into them now and then throughout the day. Shore days they were with us on shore.

Lisa--I e mailed Paradise Cove in advance and gave them the number of people in our party. No money down. In a way I felt bad as the driver had 27 people down on the list to go to the Cove and I am SURE not that many showed up. They had 2 vehicles there for pickup--a bus and an extended van. VERY worthwhile going there! My DH does not swim and had no interest in kayaking, but you still have to pay the $35 fee. Barry offered a rum punch instead but DH never asked for it when we got there (wish I knew that, I would have drank it!) I will look up the e mail address for the Cove because I did have trouble getting the right one, but someone helped me out on that off Falkcor's review.


Our ride back to Baltimore on the 21st of Feb. was the smoothest trip back in 2.5 months per the Captain. Overall it was a great time. I would travel out of Baltimore again, but in warmer months. I have NO regrets going in Feb. It was a different type cruise experience that "forced" us to enjoy the inside activities that normally I would blow off. The Galley tour was good. Only 30 minutes of your time and interesting facts about how the kitchen is run and a quick walk through a part of the galley.


We stopped in and spoke with the nurse in the Medical Center. She was from Canada, loves her job. Prices were $90 for a Dr. visit, $45 for a nurse Consult all billable to your S&S card...Thankfully we never needed services.


Enjoy the Pride! It is beautiful and everyone is SOOO friendly.

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Kathyscut Galley tour is free, and was held the last sea day at 3:15.


NancyB my other kids ages 10,11 and the 13's did not go to the Carnival Clubs. They refused before we even left home. Then we heard since there were 1,100 kids under 18 on board that trip, it was "crazy" for the Camp workers. I did see kids running around doing a digital scavenger hunt that looked like fun. Looked like the ship provided little cameras for them to run around the ship with. AND, the 1.100 kids on board did not bother me one bit. Barely noticed they were there...


Lisa Paradise Cove e mail address is to Barry (nice guy)

pcove@coralwave.com E mail him and give him a number of people in your party. See page 100+ of Falckor's review for pictures and another rave review of that place.

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Kathyscut Galley tour is free, and was held the last sea day at 3:15.


NancyB my other kids ages 10,11 and the 13's did not go to the Carnival Clubs. They refused before we even left home. Then we heard since there were 1,100 kids under 18 on board that trip, it was "crazy" for the Camp workers. I did see kids running around doing a digital scavenger hunt that looked like fun. Looked like the ship provided little cameras for them to run around the ship with. AND, the 1.100 kids on board did not bother me one bit. Barely noticed they were there...


Lisa Paradise Cove e mail address is to Barry (nice guy)

pcove@coralwave.com E mail him and give him a number of people in your party. See page 100+ of Falckor's review for pictures and another rave review of that place.




I DO NOT know where you where on this cruise..maybe your room the entire time... because there were 1100 kids on board, and they WERE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I like to hang out in the social places on a cruise and so did all of them.. not all the kids where bad.... BUT kids ran up on down the hall way several nights... they ran into me constantly.... they where in ALL the hot tubs.... the POOLS... yes most were well behaved, but NOT ALL!!!!! I was standing in the Sushi line and two kids were fighting behind me.. about 7 or so.. pushing each other and into me.. the mom came over and pulled the one away screaming by her hair... I have MANY more stories!!!! It was not a quite relaxing cruise like the 5 I have been on prior....


Too many cold days spent inside.... it was a good cruise, but for me personally I will never cruise on a vacation week again.... Sorry Judy, but I have to disagree..... Jen

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hey reynoldsrac, liverpool folks here. we just got back froma cruise on the dream and have one planned for august doing the canada 5 day. but the next ome we plan, for 2011, will be out of bmore. not sure which months but maybe we'll do a summer one since you had such cold.

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Lisa--I e mailed Paradise Cove in advance and gave them the number of people in our party. No money down. In a way I felt bad as the driver had 27 people down on the list to go to the Cove and I am SURE not that many showed up. They had 2 vehicles there for pickup--a bus and an extended van. VERY worthwhile going there! My DH does not swim and had no interest in kayaking, but you still have to pay the $35 fee. Barry offered a rum punch instead but DH never asked for it when we got there (wish I knew that, I would have drank it!) I will look up the e mail address for the Cove because I did have trouble getting the right one, but someone helped me out on that off Falkcor's review.




Thank you so much for that information. I also got the email address that you posted. You are the BEST!!!!;)


Lisa :D

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I guess we knew where to hide! We rarely saw our own kids! With the weather being on the cold side, we avoided the enclosed pool area, and did the hot tub once. It wasn't worth it as the hot tub on the adult pool area was not very hot, and getting out wasn't worth the pain....

We will not go on that week again more so due to the cold temps. But again, the kids didn't bother us. Stay warm!



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