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Anybody tanning


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We leave two weeks from today. DH and I have been tanning for two weeks already. We plan on alot of swimming and neither of us want to burn.

We will go pretty much every day probley from now on. We did the same when we got married. Worked for us then...hope it works now.

That is what we are doing.

Mrs Pack

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Guest Time2gocruzn

I do a combo of the Mystic tan (spray on tan booth) and the beds. I have to be careful about skin cancer so I build my base tan very slowly. I swore off tanning beds not long ago..but changed my mind when I recently tried on swim suits for the cruise, lol. I will say that the only thing I don't like about Mystic tan is my hands and feet. They never look quite right no matter how I apply the special lotion the salon provides, lol. But other than that..nice to get a safe tan in 30 seconds.



Hey SHAN...is there an internet site that sells indoor tanning lotions at a decent price? Tha salon I tan at is so high priced on that stuff! I know a lot of it is good stuff...but I would keel over if I had to spend $70 for a bottle of stuff like that, lol.



Ummm Speedo man...thanks for the lovely visual, lol! :D :D YIKES! :D :D

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Get a great tan in just seconds with Mystic Tan




Mystic Tan sunless tanning exfoliant & maintainer 4 oz




Mystic Tan $17.00



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I do Mystic Tan here...love it...bad part is you need two or three applications for a good tan and it only lasts about a week at the most. Make sure and gloop LOTS of lotion on your hands and feet or you get some nasty fake tan lines you really don't want. *grin*

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i have a monthly unlimited pkg. at our local salon and it is so inexpensive at $19.95 (certainly the best deal in town)!! the place is only a year old, and so nicely maintained, it's really a nice treat to go... i go tues. and thurs. each week, and then a couple weeks before cruising bump it up to 3 times a week, then the week before we sail i go every day... this enables me to enjoy my cruise without any burning... sunscreen does prevent burning, but it doesn't prevent skin cancer the new studies say... even in the dead of winter i have some color and laying under those lights on a cold day feels soooooo good on my joints! honestly i just feel better when i expose myself to those rays twice a week... keeps the blues away too!

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I am very fair skinned and certainly thought I would burn the first couple of times I went tanning three weeks ago...thankfully I did NOT! I turned red (but no burn) the first time (I went for 8 minutes) and after that I've gone every 2-3 days and have increased to 15 minutes and have turned a beautiful light brown color....a color I've never seen before on my body! From here on out, pre-cruise tanning is the way to go. I didn't go tanning before my first cruise and I fried in the sun and looked like a tomato in my formal night pictures!

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Guest Time2gocruzn
I do Mystic Tan here...love it...bad part is you need two or three applications for a good tan and it only lasts about a week at the most. Make sure and gloop LOTS of lotion on your hands and feet or you get some nasty fake tan lines you really don't want. *grin*


I usually get really tan the first time. Does your salon ask you what level? Where I got they have a few different levels. The difference is the amount of tanning solution that comes out. I have heard some salons do not inform the customers of this, set the booth on level 1, thus the customer has to come back more times to get tan. I think I get level 3.


I have tried every time to get that lotion right, lol. I put a ton on the underside of my hand, so no prob there. I have a hard time with the back of my hand and fingers. If I put lotion on my fingers where do I stop? At my knuckles? Wherever I stop there is a line. One time I though screw it, I will just put it all over my hands, so I dont have to deal with any strange looking uneveness. SO the next day there was a line all the way around my wrist where it changed from tan to white. YIKES:eek: lol. I will still do it, but I think the strange things like that wouldn't be so obvious if I had a real base tan first.;)

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I started tanning a week ago for our Feb 19th cruise. I left my goggles and tanning lotion in my vehicle so I wouldn't forget them the next day. Next day I got inside the Hex Booth, stripped down and went to put the lotion on. Nothing came out. Frozen solid. Here I stand, butt nekid, and really don't feel like getting dressed again to go out and buy more lotion from the lady that runs the place. I took the cap off and shook it real hard. Out came a frozen chunk of lotion. Like an idiot, I rubbed the lotion-cicle on my body and immediately lost three essential body parts. :eek: Where they went, I don't know and I hope they return before too much longer. Now I keep the lotion by the door to the garage.

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I left my lotion in my car also. Yep it froze the same way yours did. LOL!!! I couldn't even get an ice cube to come out of it. I learned to leave it in my purse. I am tanning every day now. We leave in 12 days.


If you have a Sally Beauty Suppy store near you check out their lotions. We got a bottle there for $14. Also the Dollar General store here has tanning bed lotions for $5.00. I have bought and used this as well. Also check out Big Lots if you have one of those I have found it there also.

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I also tan before cruises or southern vacations. I'm fair to medium skined so I can get burned. Nothin worse than getting fried on vacation and you can hardly move cause it hurts so bad. Even with tanning prior to cruise I still get burned on my shoulders. The beds and booths just don't get the top of the shoulders, and I always forget to put a little sunscreen on them for the first couple days.

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I Am Too -- We Leave In 13 Days For Our Cruise On The Glory 2/5/05 -- I Use The Stand Up Tanning Bed -- You Can Only Be In For 9 Minutes Max -- I Have Been Going Twice A Week For The Last Month -- I Don't Want To Burn On The Ship Either -- That's Why I Wanted To Get A Base Tan --

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What is the best way to get rid of that burnt skin smell.I have always use "Iced Creme) bu it has been discontinued.:( Now what? we can't buy these things in the regular stores.we have to go to a tanning salon to get them and of course the prices are outrageous:eek: .any suggestions would be appreciated:)

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Being of Irish/Swedish heritage, I burn nicely and tan lightly!:D


should I try to pre-tan and what would be a good starting duration? We have a bed in our rec-center but the people that work there know nothing and we have to sign a "fry at own risk" agreement.


My daughter tried to "shake and bake" and after a 120 second first session was a nice rosy color and couldn't walk for a couple of days.

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Being of Irish/Swedish heritage, I burn nicely and tan lightly!:D


should I try to pre-tan and what would be a good starting duration? We have a bed in our rec-center but the people that work there know nothing and we have to sign a "fry at own risk" agreement.


My daughter tried to "shake and bake" and after a 120 second first session was a nice rosy color and couldn't walk for a couple of days.




I would definately recommend pre-tanning. Make sure to go to a salon that has a good consultation with you about your skin, and how quickly you burn. You always start SLOW and work your way up, if you are fair skinned. I have many very fair skin clients that start at 3 minuties and work their way up 1 min. per session. They built a lovely brown tan, as long as they have patience.

Also,, everyone here should keep in mind.. not ALL tanning booths/beds are alike. Bulbs that are not on a rotation plan will not tan as quickly ( i.e. you are wasting your money) as those of us that try to keep the bulbs relatively new. Some salons change bulbs once every six months.. when in fact they should be done every 150 hours to maintain their maximum tanning capabilities. So dont be afraid to ask how often they change those bulbs! Get your monies worth!! :D

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I cannot lay in a tanning bed because after several sessions I break out in rash. I have tried the tanning bed twice, a year apart, and both times I broke out in the rash. Before my boyfriend and I left on our September, 2004 cruise, I tried the airbrush tanning. I really liked it, and my friends said it looked natural. However, I did run into a few problems. One, my face never stayed tan. It seemed as soon as I washed my face, the tan went right down the drain with my cleanser. Also, I did my last tanning session on a Thursday because we were leaving Friday to hit Ft. Lauderdal to cruise on Saturday out of Miami. Well, our cruise had changed due to the hurricane, so we ended up sailing on Monday. By the time our cruise left Miami, I didn't have much of a tan left. I even tried to find a place in Miami on Sat. to do another session, but couldn't find a salon near our hotel. We are booked another cruise in May, and I am debating if I will try the whole airbrush tan again.

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I cannot lay in a tanning bed because after several sessions I break out in rash. I have tried the tanning bed twice, a year apart, and both times I broke out in the rash. Before my boyfriend and I left on our September, 2004 cruise, I tried the airbrush tanning. I really liked it, and my friends said it looked natural. However, I did run into a few problems. One, my face never stayed tan. It seemed as soon as I washed my face, the tan went right down the drain with my cleanser. Also, I did my last tanning session on a Thursday because we were leaving Friday to hit Ft. Lauderdal to cruise on Saturday out of Miami. Well, our cruise had changed due to the hurricane, so we ended up sailing on Monday. By the time our cruise left Miami, I didn't have much of a tan left. I even tried to find a place in Miami on Sat. to do another session, but couldn't find a salon near our hotel. We are booked another cruise in May, and I am debating if I will try the whole airbrush tan again.

I used to get rashes too but I found out it was from the meds I was on to lower my BP. It made me extremely sun sensative.

We have just got the spray tan thing happening up here but have not heard to much about it.Is it like a spray paint? or spray on tanners ink( aka Bronzer)? how long is it suppose to last? Does it come off in streaks?

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Definitely start out slowly and work your way up. My boyfriend waited until 3 and a half weeks before our cruise to start tanning (we are both very fair skinned....I was smart and started 6 weeks in advance :D) and tried to be macho and go for 15 minutes on his first time...a week later, he's still peeling and as a result won't tan until the peeling is gone (he's afraid it will turn blotchy...I don't know whether it will or not!) He MIGHT have a base tan by the time we go on our cruise....

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Hey Weather,

Tell your boyfriend not to worry. I burned/peeled and kept going and tanned over beautifully. However I did roll off the peeling during and after showering and saturated my wet bod w/baby oil, dried off and use a good moisturizing lotion--did this for two or three days and kept going. Still put my accelerator on (before I go to the salon) I have the luxury of being able to stop by home and get out of work clothes. I don't like being nekid in that room slinging lotion on right before I get in the bed. Just get nekid and get in the bed. Good Luck!!!!


Sav...I went everyday for first week and I do know what you mean...smelly!! About the 4th day--my husband says "what's that smell?" NO COMMENT!!! I was trying the salon sample tanners/seems some had a worse burnt flesh smell than others. Not sure but I think it has something to do w/the lotions. I'm using a non-oil banana boat accelerator (for indoor/outdoor) Walgreens Drug Store. I have been using BABY WIPES as soon as I get out of the bed now, I don't rub alot---just a quick bird bath..haha

It's working for me. If you try it, let me know how it works.

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Guest Time2gocruzn
However, I did run into a few problems. One, my face never stayed tan. It seemed as soon as I washed my face, the tan went right down the drain with my cleanser.


With Mystic tan and air brush tanning you are supposed to avoid water for something like 12 hours or so. If not like you said..it goes down the drain:eek: :) Also are you exfoliating? You have to exfoliate like crazy and moisturize lightly b4 you mystic/airbrush for best, longest lasting results. I usually use a special scrub designed for sunless tanning and a loofa. ;) :)



OH YEAH! Wanted to share...I went to Sally Beauty Supply and purchased new lotion tonight. I got Sexy U Hemp Stimulating Tan Intensifier AND also got Sexy U Frigid Ultra Cool Bronzing Creme. They were only $9.99 each. I tanned tonight and used the Frigid. I can tell I got lots of color. Tanned twice last week, so this is my 3rd time and I have a nice base now. I think this lotion is WAY better than the last 2 high priced ones I sampled at the salon, (which cost 6 bucks ea !!!:eek: ). Barely got any color using the salon's stuff last 2 times. Used this one time and poof I'm tan, lol. DH used the Hemp Intensifier and he had similar results. Sally also sells one with the "tingle factor" from that same brand if anyone likes that stuff.


Hemp is sure in a lot of lotions lately! What's up with that?!

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With Mystic tan and air brush tanning you are supposed to avoid water for something like 12 hours or so. If not like you said..it goes down the drain:eek: :) Also are you exfoliating? You have to exfoliate like crazy and moisturize lightly b4 you mystic/airbrush for best, longest lasting results. I usually use a special scrub designed for sunless tanning and a loofa. ;) :)



I waited until the next day to wash my face and it seemed to fade instantly. The next time I went to the salon, I asked the tech, who is the owner, about my face fading and she said "Alot of peoople have problems with keeping their faces tanned. It might be due to the cosmetics and/or cleansers we wear." Now, the place I went to was not a Mystic Tan salon. It was a fairly new salon that opened up down the street from where I work.

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